My final Media Spot while being player-less! I’m still tossing around ideas for a position, just waiting to see what the field does now. I know at least 3 big names are going with defenders, waiting to see what some of the other big names do, particularly Leandro. I’d like to get the chance to maybe stand above the crowd positionally. Landon Wolanin was great, and probably a top 10 forward of his time, but I’d like to get the chance to maybe tickle the Hall of Fame conversation. If I’m going to go TPE crazy, like I inevitably will, I may as well be in the running.
I am also hoping to get to play at least a few games with my San Diego Marlins. I’ve made it very clear to them that they should take whoever they get, particularly first-gens, and I’ll figure it out after the fact. We’ll see what the VHLM draft brings and I’ll do the best with whatever I get!
I do have an idea for each position as to what I’d want to do, and I think I can make something distinctly good at each position. Really excited to get build-crafting again and learn from some of the mistakes I made along the way with Landon. I’m also hoping to maybe make some off-meta decisions, and craft a player who can carry their growth a little better throughout their career.
It's really amazing to see so many players eligible for the VHLM, and see teams so full. I’m excited to get to meet and get the context around so many of these new users and maybe help them find their way to great VHL careers. I’m still really proud looking around the league and seeing all of the great S84-87 players that I got to help in the early stages of their careers making a lasting impact on their teams, their teammates and the league as a whole. Not to steal any of their credit, of course, but it’s a bit rewarding to feel like I made a bit of a difference along the way.
December and January did… not go the way I anticipated, and things are only looking a little wilder for February and beyond. I don’t anticipate it getting in the way of my ability to be in front of a computer for at least the length of time it takes to write some words on a page, but I hope that I can find a bit of security in the coming weeks. That is one thing I miss about the COVID era, was always knowing what my next day would look like. Things are always changing now, and it is a bit exhausting trying to keep up with all of the changes. But having something that can remind me of what day is Monday, and keep track of the days going by is nice. A week-to-week routine and knowing when my next measly affiliate check comes in to tell me the month, is pretty great.
To my next player, and the next 2 years of chaos!