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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. If I actively convince members to leave, does that counterbalance recruitment so we don't make my terrible Internet start running the site slower?

    1. Will


      No, because then I would embed hidden, silent, auto-playing youtube videos all over the site just to fuck wit you.

  2. Aww. I thought always using the S48 store would be retro, like going to a '70s cafe.
  3. Never going to complain about a shutout
  4. It's reverse psychology. Last year I helped shut down Cleganebowl, and Jardy won the Shaw. This year I'm promoting it in the hopes Victor will start to suck. Let's go.
  5. Just a heads up, out of town Sunday-Wednesday, so VHLM North America updating's probably tomorrow.

  6. Seriously though, I have love for Toast going back to Olsen's Seattle days, and I appreciate the moves he made to win. I just wish it would have turned out better.
  7. There is a piece of my heart dedicated to every playoff win I got with the franchise.
  8. Used to do beer league softball and basketball, haven't in a bit though. But after I move in a month, thinking of picking it back up as a way to meet people if nothing else. But that requires getting somewhat back in shape...
  9. Probably have enough games to qualify, so that means I finish the year with the GAA record. I'm good.
  10. I volunteer to support the CleganeBowl this time.
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