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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. Hoooold up now. FWIW, I totally disagree with Streetlight, and I wouldn't want to win that way. But your 4 more wins (which could also be attributed to higher scoring and not goaltending) and 1 more shutout don't exactly make it conclusive. We're essentially even, think either one of us winning would make sense. Just depends whether voters appreciate your role to guiding Quebec to the top, or mine in turning around Calgary from last season.
  2. I've generally not a fan of shoutboxes - I'm an old and I don't like having to scroll back to read all the conversations, since they're generally poorly laid out. But I do see the benefits of Twitter specifically, would like those more than normal ones.
  3. ^ That one The trash talking was fun, but y'all seriously had a ton of talent. Didn't imagine it going this way in the least (just check my preseason predictions).
  4. Is it bad that without looking I assumed goalies had a combined 701 TPE?
  5. Sure. Member Name: CowboyinAmerica Reason For Application: I'm active and like to win things, even if those things don't include bolding tags
  6. I voted 3 in the poll, but my actual answer is 1 or 3. Agreed that it's easier on new members, and also leads to less possible confusion (like what Escabar had).
  7. Now that's a sweet present to come back to. Calgary!
  8. Karnage with that goalie interference 37 seconds in, and it got in Sinclair's head. Also, Sterling beating up Kendrick in the third period is probably the single best way to end this series.
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