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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. Helsinki -- With only two games remaining between the pipes for Titans rookie goaltender Xavier Booberry, he's been doing a bit of reflecting recently. It was a bit of an up and down year for the goalie - a .909 save percentage and three shutouts isn't bad at all for a rookie, but for a goalie coming off a VHLE title, it was a bit hard to swallow at times. "I'm my own worst critic, and there were definitely games that I think the Titans could have won if I played better," Booberry said. "I strive for perfection, but some games I was clearly less than that." Still, the Titans have taken a step forward this season from the team that finished last in Europe the past two seasons. With 61 points through 64 games, they're actually still technically in the playoff race (even if it's unlikely). With more of those wins this season, Booberry hopes the team will be able to take a step forward next season. "We know we're building towards something, and especially the way that Johnston came in and took our offense to the next level, we've got something here," Booberry added. "Bring in Nezuko, Remy, Karjalainen and others next season from the VHLE, and we've really got a stew going." Plus, he said, there's another offseason of training ahead. "I really think I'll be up near the top of goalies by the start of next season, and that's not bluster," Booberry said. "We'll see where the offseason goes."
  2. Answering for the following week: 1) Yes or No: do marshmallows belong in a fruit salad? It's not my preference, but I can see it. It's all sweet stuff, and if that's what you're in the mood for, why not add more? 2) What is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to your teammates? I like to get in the zone before games, and sometimes that means taking some time by myself. If you're interrupting my routine, you're not helping anybody. 3) Do you have any holiday plans coming up? I did! Spent some time with family, and also some time inside as the snow comes down. Everybody needs some chill time at the end of the year. 4) Have you been signing up for the VHL 12 Days of Christmas events? Of course, it's easy. Hope that it all turns out ok with me winning something! 5) Do you think there are any potential point tasks that we could be doing instead of Media Spots, Graphics, or Podcasts? Or does that cover pretty much everything? I'm for experimentation with other things that may work, but they need to be balanced in accordance with those three. If it's too much work for 6 TPE - or if it's significantly less work - then it's not going to be feasible. 6) What do you think the best indicator of a Two Way Forward's performance is? I don't have all the answers, but I do think that hits are being way too devalued around here recently. There's tangible value in having a forward who can be physical, harass the other team and get the puck back.
  3. Congrats all for the excellent drive! Is the free week for donating fair game to call a double PT? (Just +6 rather than +12 I know)
  4. Review: 8/10 Especially since I'm a bit of a geography nerd, I always enjoy these articles taking a look at potentially different places for hockey. I like the Long Necks idea in particular, since it's a pretty unique name, but also one that is relevant to the region and I definitely could see fans rallying behind. The article itself read quick from beginning to end and didn't drag on, though a few grammar errors that could have been fixed with another read like spacing after commas ("ice,and" and "distances,need"). Also, may be a good idea to include a photo of Botswana/Kenya within Africa to help those who don't know the country to have a bit of context? But all in all, good stuff here.
  5. Review: 9/10 I enjoyed it! Think the way you wrote it made for a fun back and forth, like a real interview would be. None of the answers dragged on too long either, which made it a breezy read from beginning to end. I appreciated the bolding to put the interviewer's words apart, though I wouldn't have minded a photo or a lead image to make it seem more like a real piece. Only other thing I'd say is just another read through before posting would help, just some small errors like the one question's formatting being off and "any team would be luck to have me". But all in all, good piece!
  6. Here I am, once again, I'm torn into pieces
  7. That red line gives my mom a beach house. I've always wanted a beach house in the family. I approve.
  8. Helsinki, Finland -- After a recent losing streak, Helsinki Titans goalie Xavier Booberry noticed that a few of his teammates around the locker room were feeling down. But, Booberry figured, it's the holidays! So he decided to take it upon himself to spread a little joy around the team. First was the practice facility: When the team came in to practice the next morning, they were treated by a fully decorated Christmas tree, string lights around the locker room's ceiling, and custom stockings for every player hanging at their lockers. Then, it was the food and drink - holiday catering and glögi, a Finnish mulled wine typically served on Christmas Eve. And finally, it was a gift exchange - white elephant style with a budget of course, with the hopes of spreading the holiday cheer over the next couple of days. Booberry himself drew forward Magnus Verlander, though he wouldn't give any hints to what his present would be. What he would reveal, though, was his goals with the holiday cheer. "Sometimes, I feel like you can get caught in a rut, just traveling from city to city and doing the same thing day after day. Occasionally, you need to shake things up," Booberry said. "The holidays are a great time for that, to take a step back and reassess. We're not just hockey players, we're people. And we all need some time to relax and celebrate." It remains to be seen whether that relaxation translates over to the ice, though coaches did note the team looked a bit looser at the morning skate that day. And for Booberry's part, he's hoping to make the Holidays in Helsinki celebration a yearly tradition.
  9. Answers: 1) Do you think Ovechkin can claim Gretzky's goal record before retirement? Nah. I think Washington will give him every chance to try, but he's basically got to continue 50+ goal seasons for the next 3-4 years. Time catches up with all of us eventually. 2) Did answering a question about Ovechkin's retirement made you feel old? That ship sailed a while ago. I'll wait until there's literally not any players that I'm younger than in the league anymore, then I'll feel it. 3) Pepsi or coke? I'm embarrassingly addicted to Diet Coke, it's not even a contest. Though if I'm being honest (and this goes back to me being old), the real answer's probably Bubbly, which I think is a Pepsi product? Questions: 1. What's your favorite hockey memory? 2. If you could play/watch an outdoor Winter Classic in one location, what would it be? 3. What's one VHL/VHLE/VHLM award you would really like to win that you haven't done yet?
  10. It's definitely not practical and will never happen in the VHL for the reasons Bek said. But I think it'd be fun, just to see how it operates. Would probably need to be one of those things you're implementing from the start of a league, so everybody knows what they're getting into and can buy in from the start.
  11. Review: 10/10 Good stuff, excited to see you active and updating again! Seems like you've got some good early storylines in the M too, which definitely helps fill out a blog post like this. It was an easy read from beginning to end, and maybe a grammar issue or two I picked up (like lower-case "bulls") but nothing that really took me out of the post. Definitely appreciated the attention to presentation you paid as well, with the tagging and the signature send-off as nice touches. Seems like an easy way to keep churning out content with weekly blog posts, and looking forward to seeing what happens on Trade Deadline day.
  12. Review: 8/10 Enjoyed reading it! Rankings are an easy way to both get other people involved and start some conversation, and think this one definitely accomplished that. Especially with the E being so close in places it can making ranking the teams hard too, but you did a good job of explaining your picks. I wouldn't have minded a bit of care paid to presentation here - even bolding the team names would help set them apart and make it look less like a wall of text. Also, another read through before posting would probably help, some easy-to-catch errors like Oslo Strom or the Vikings missing the 1. But all in all a good piece, will be curious how it matches up to the end standings.
  13. Happy holidays all. Will use the free week for the week ending 12/26, since I think next week's theme week
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