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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. An absolutely spectacular breakdown, I really appreciate you writing. Was fun to take a bit of a trip down memory lane as well. I don't think there's a clear cut between the two either; I'm more than happy calling Thompson the regular season winner and me the playoff winner. One thing I will note, not that it would move the needle much either way - McAllister actually did do a decent amount on those two Team USA teams without stats, winning a bronze and a gold in those years. He also actually played for Team USA in S54 while in the VHLM as well, winning silver. I purposefully picked a team where I'd be able to play right away, Team USA wasn't as strong in the early days when McAllister was starting out. And also, while Thompson definitely takes the stats edge, especially in S60-62 McAllister didn't have too much scoring help, which helped his awards case but knocked the overall stats figures. That's the main reason I won MVP one of those Davos years despite being only at 99 points - at the time it was viewed as dragging them to a top record.
  2. @studentized did the work in our LR: Since S59, only 6 teams that were not in playoff spot by Game 34 ended up making playoffs. Team with largest gap out at Game 34 was us in S69 (6 pts back of DC and 5 back of CGY, ended up jumping both). We were like 15 back at that point, and still 11 back currently. So yeah. This is fun, but especially with North America being what it is, not getting my hopes up.
  3. Pretty sure this is the opposite of what @Beketov wanted
  4. 259 New York Americans @ Calgary Wranglers 260 HC Davos Dynamo @ Vancouver Wolves 261 Malmo Nighthawks @ Riga Reign 262 Toronto Legion @ D.C. Dragons
  5. 1) We’re at the half way mark of the season, what’re your thoughts on the season so far? - Well, I certainly thought we'd be doing a lot better than we have been. I don't know what STHS god we pissed off, but hope he gets bored soon. 2) Did you have any personal goals for the season? If so, are you on track? - I thought I'd have a chance to be up there in defenseman points, and while I'm not too far outside the Top 10, I thought it'd be a lot better. 3) How is your player dealing with the quarantine? - Better than I thought I'd be. Still feeling healthy for one, and since I've made a ton of cash off this new contract, I don't have to be in NYC any more. 4) What does this team need to do if we want to make a push for the playoffs? - That's the million dollar question, isn't it? I think it depends a lot on Toronto, D.C. and the like at this point too - we're not going anywhere without a lot of help. 5) Who is your mid season MVP for our team and why? - Keven Foreskin has been surprisingly strong, carrying a lot of offense. Even if everyone else isn't playing well, it's nice to see him get some shine. 6) Give a prediction for our final half of the season. Overall team record and your personal statistics! (34 games left at the time of writing these) I'll say we pick up 40 points over the rest of the season - a better pace than we've been on, but still not enough to make the playoffs. I'm shooting for 60 points at the end of the season and think I can get there. Thanks for writing @TheFlash, the questions are great.
  6. Brave man, hating on Wingate considering what happened with Calgary/Quebec just a few seasons before.
  7. The unfortunate part, this makes my only threepeat in VHL history meme rather sad and unusable.
  8. 1. In a massive 3-way trade we have recently acquired MGS from Vancouver, how do you feel about his addition to our roster? It's spectacular, I love having around not only his talent, but the upbeat vibe he brings to the locker room as well. 2. There's recently been talks about a relocation in the lockeroom, are you for or against this and why? I've been staying silent in the LR, but I'm heavily, heavily against it. The history of the league is a big part of the enjoyment of the VHL for me, and I think it cheapens it by having core teams move around. 3. Despite our rather lackluster start Keven Foreskin is third in the league in goals with 13, only 2 off of league leader Scott Greene at 15. What has his play done for your preformance? It's nice to see, especially since I think his agency was rather down on Foreskin at the start of the season. We need something to keep us in this race. 4. In a crowded rookie class our fresh-faced star Hugh Jass is still hitting above his weight class sitting 8th out of all rookies with 10 points. How do you expect him to stack up in the ROTY race? I'm glad he's sticking in there, we all knew he had the talent. I don't think he'll win ROY, but he's showing that he's a large talent in this league for many years to come. 5. In a category usually dominated more by resident goon Lance Flowers, our veteran C Boris the Forest stands a head above with 90 hits, placing him 5th in the league. How does seeing our captain step up to the plate like this push you to preform better? Man, I wish it was. My play has been a huge disappointment this season, and I just don't know what the answer is. 6. Are we cursed? Nope. Just all infected by COVID-19 like the rest of New York is.
  9. 109 Malmo Nighthawks @ Vancouver Wolves 110 Toronto Legion @ Prague Phantoms 112 Helsinki Titans @ HC Davos Dynamo 113 Riga Reign @ Moscow Menace
  10. 1. Almost as though it's tradition, we're off to a rather lack luster start. Are we just struggling to get our feet under ourselves or is this a more serious underlying issue? It has to be an underlying issue at this point, right? This is multiple straight years of not being able to figure out the lines to starting the season, and I don't know what the fix is. 2. Elmebeck, Foreskin and Nolan lead the way for our team with 8 points a piece, what about their game makes them so lethal? After a couple of seasons of playing together, I think you get some chemistry going after a while. I'm glad it's started early. 3. Flowers and Forest have been gooning it up with an average of 3.2 PIMs a game, do you attribute this to intensity or just general lack of disipline? At least for Flowers, this is just part of my game. I'm a hitter; that's what I do. Sure I'd like to see this go down, but I'm not ramping down the intensity. 4. All of our rookies have tallied their first VHL points this week, do any of them take a run at ROTY? There's two rookies with 10 points so far, so I'm going to say no. With that said though, I'm happy to see them all get a few, and hope the production only continues. 5. A Red Guy leads all goalies in shots against by a 50 shot margin, did he hurt somebody in the lockeroom to earn the ire of our defense? This is what makes no sense to me and should be fixed. Our defense is a strength of our team. I have no idea why that's not showing through. 6. Any bold early predictions for the season? (Have I even done press if I don't ask this at least once a season?) This won't last long, we'll make the playoffs. And when we get there, we'll surprise with at least one series win - mark it down.
  11. Since all other goalies are now taken, I'm popping in and doing G - A Red Guy real quick so I don't hold up the draft. So @fonziGG go after @Erik Summers
  12. D - Lance Flowers. It's more fun that way. @Erik Summers
  13. Probably accurate. I've got Flowers/McAllister, but Wingate's breakout was the World Cup after his rather shitty rookie year
  14. 1) The VHL Offseason coupled with a global pandemic has spawned a multitude of game threads recently, ranging from Town of Salem to MMA. Which, if any, is most interesting to you? I'm boring and unengaged. So with that said, Town of Salem because knowing zero about it, I just like witches. 2) In recent tradition the VHL Heavyweight Belt will be back in contention on Wednesday when the season kicks off again. Do any of the Americans grab it, and if so, who? I mean, let's put it this way: Who has probably the most penalty minutes over the past three seasons and is insanely large? That's right, this guy. 3) Being locked in is a good a time as any to experiment in the kitchen, what dish have you always wanted to try and make yourself? It's all about the baked goods over here. Have you ever tried to make your own puff pastries? It ain't easy, but when you get it done, it's so good. 4) In that same vein, which player is the best cook on our roster? Hugh Jass says it's me, and while I definitely 100% without a doubt don't agree, I'll also say it's me. 5) How have you been killing the time lately? Just getting by with podcasts, books and video games. Life's a bit crazy right now, so if you can't disconnect a bit, you'll go insane. 6) With the Gutzweiler brothers coming up, which NHL (active or historic) brothers most closely represent them? Everybody else says the Sedins, and that makes sense to me. But going off the board - the Mannings of the NFL would work too. Roughly same position, lots of talent, but one may ultimately come out more talented. I'm just not sure which that would be yet.
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