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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. Gretzky starting off hot, and the 3 assist Federov game is good stuff
  2. I don't think that word means what you think it means. Anyway, great win! I'll absolutely take starting the season on a high note
  3. Seattle (AP) -- Last October, we wrote on a recent trend: Players coming out of the CowboyinAmerica agency seemed to never be able to lose at World Cups. Since Season 37, CIA agency players had won medals in eight straight World Cups, and nine of ten overall, entering this season's World Cup. Seattle's Gabriel McAllister was hoping to continue that streak with this year's USA squad. Early on in the competition, however, it seemed like this might be the year the streak broke. Team USA finished in fourth in the round robin portion of the competition, after all, and faced three rounds of tough battles to get to the finals. But with some strong play in net by the retiring Apollo Skye, an OT winner in the semifinals from McAllister himself, and some help from Western Europe upsetting the other half of the bracket, Team USA was able to overcome the odds and take home the gold. It was McAllister's first gold in World Cup action, as well as the CIA agency's first gold since Season 46. "I'm not going to lie, this feels awesome," McAllister told reporters in the champagne-soaked locker room following the final game. "I can't say I was expecting it this year, but damn, I'll take it! But really though, none of this would matter without our bold general manager who put this team together, who took a chance on me... if only I could remember his name. Ah, fuck it," he exclaimed before downing the rest of his champagne bottle. Here's an updated tally of how the CIA agency has done in past World Cups: Karsten Olsen - Team Scandinavia S32 - S34 - Fourth S37 - S40 - Hans Wingate - Team Western Europe S43 - S46 - S48 - S50 - Gabriel McAllister - Team USA S54 - S56 - S58 -
  4. WOOOOOOOO! The key apparently is to name your team Team Fuck You and suck in the round robin.
  5. Brodeur's playing out of his mind in the knockout phase. Let's send a ass kicking his way
  6. Oh hell yeah! Give me that OT winner! The medal streak and the dream of a gold still alive.
  7. ... you skipped like three people? I'm confused by a lot of this. I'm up (not Exlax), and I pick F Peter Quill @Polygeekism
  8. The file says 2-1 Western Europe, Shankly with the GWG and Brodeur with a monster .960 save percentage. Upset city for the Canadian team here.
  9. Note: Moved Zayn to NYA for updating
  10. Not sure what Index you're looking at, as Theo Axelsson and Diana Maxwell have been retired since S57? But either way, Shankly's the pick. F Fook Yu for me please. @STZ
  11. Yup, not even close to OK. I'm going to take a few more hours to let @Exlaxchronicles change his Fujimoto pick if he wants first, FYI.
  12. A heads up, this will be tomorrow afternoon for my teams: Calgary, Davos, Helsinki and New York. So make sure to get any updates/re-rolls in before then!
  13. Take Charizard out of the mix: Blastoise or Venusaur?
  14. Antifa ftw Er, umm... 1. Your thoughts on Beaviss taking over as Quebec GM? 2. In your mind, what's the timeline for when you expect the Meute to be competing for titles?
  15. Warlock: Any concerns making the jump from the VHLM to the VHL? Quill: If you had your choice, would you rather be playing as a piece on the first line, or the main scorer on the second line?
  16. Am I allowed in? Do you have a preferred destination of where you'd like to be in the draft?
  17. So now that the draft happened, what's your thoughts on Davos? There aren't too terribly many young, always active defensemen. Do you see yourself in award contention early in your career?
  18. Any significance to the number 77? Why have you decided to work on your offensive game more than your defensive?
  19. Seattle (AP) -- In the end, Season 58 didn't end the way Gabriel McAllister and his Seattle Bears team wanted. Sure, they got close, and going from out of the playoffs one season earlier to two games away from the title was a feat in itself. That doesn't mean, though, that the then-third year winger didn't feel some disappointment when it was all over. "Especially coming off the thrilling way we beat Toronto, I thought we had a good shot," McAllister said during the offseason. "I guess it wasn't meant to be." But here's the thing about McAllister: He's not even halfway through his career, and he and the Bears have a lot more work to do. Following an offseason where McAllister won his second major VHL award, as the league's Top Two-Way Forward, the team's out to prove it wasn't just a fluke, despite what some power rankers who place the Bears fourth might say. The Bears return the majority of their core, with two notable exceptions: center Fook Yu and defenseman Fabio Jokinen. In their place are a trio of younger players, with defensemen Dexter Lane and Adam Warlock coming from Toronto, and winger Otto Axelsson coming from Calgary. Those three, along with the growth of Seattle's returning players, has McAllister thinking another championship run is in the offing. "We proved we can get there. Now it's time to go one more step forward," McAllister said. "This was the season we were building for. Now it's time to do the damn thing."
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