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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. Yay, hit 50 goals! Was hoping to get there this season.
  2. Not the best sim. Also a fan of individual threads personally.
  3. Good V2A game, just couldn't get it done
  4. Only 10 shots against? I'll take it.
  5. That's better. On the whole, New York's really had our number this season.
  6. Two long, pointless Boubabi threads then a post in the Ban Thread? You can't tease me like that Beketov.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Beketov


      It very nearly was but I refuse to ban someone over thunderdome topics unless shit gets very out of hand. If he wants to attack me that’s fine; I have thicker skin than he thinks.

    3. Da Trifecta

      Da Trifecta

      Glad it wasn't my man Boubs

    4. Baozi
  7. But that's better. Yes please to the third quarter hat trick.
  8. Aww. All good runs gotta end sometime. Think this is my first game without a point in a while too.
  9. He actually already is able to do that, he generates basically a text file each season/playoffs with formatted stats that people can copy and paste. It's technically someone's job as an "updater," but I think it fell by the wayside as getting other stuff done became more important. @TheLastOlympian07 might want to contact an admin for access to the Updater forum, where Will posted that stuff previously?
  10. Then second star with only a goal! Great sim for V2A, getting himself back in the Shaw running?
  11. Aww, I liked my 2 for 2 fighting record. Dammit @solas But I'll absolutely take that win! Index isn't updated but think that gives us a 10 point lead?
  12. All in the third period too, we like to make stuff interesting.
  13. And that's much better. 4 point game to stay in that MVP conversation.
  14. Don't like that we got down 3-0, but taking the win.
  15. That looks better. And enjoying any Laflamme goal action I can get
  16. Can't wait until the playoffs, where we play NY and inexplicably win four straight games in shootouts.
  17. 157 Meute vs Wranglers 158 Americans vs Reign 159 HC Dynamo vs Titans 160 Legion vs Bears
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