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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. *still waiting for something* I'm not sure what to write about for 8 TPE as I already missed the time to make the predictions and Seattle still is trying to beat Toronto despite trailing in series. However, I have some concerns about one rebuilding team and it's future. Since it is about the future of the team who missed the playoffs, I will take 8 TPE for this article, amirite @Will. So the topic of this media spot is: WHAT ON EARTH IS HAPPENING WITH QUEBEC? Perhaps it's too early to panic, but Quebec's GM @Frank has pretty much being on hiatus for a month or more. Maybe he's just waiting for the S60 draft and he decided to spend the time before it on the outside, but then why he at least isn't claiming welfare for his goalie? That's weird. And while this team's rebuild is not being fucked up, I can't praise it either. Let's look at their potential franchise players: Phil Bennington: @Phil is inactive at that point. Probably he's tired from this league and he's feeling much better outside, but Quebec won't be happy with the 190 TPE prospect who hasn't been updated for months. Matthieu Bourdon: @Lunaro is inactive since last mid-November. His 250 TPE player would be a quite decent second pair def, but nothing more. Ben Green: @bgreene21 is being on/off with the activity here. Right now his activity level is off. 207 TPE at this point which is not that good. At least better than CPU, I guess. You can argue with me about their active prospects and players and you will be right. Quebec still has Keaton Louth, David Kiaskov and Lavar Ball. However, would Kiaskov and Louth be ready to wait? S59 will be their last rookie contract and I'm not sure what's going to happen with Quebec in S60 despite having 4 first round picks. Actually this draft might be a good one since we may see a couple of new members joining this league because of the potential welfare change. But will Frank be there? Will Quebec ready to compete right off the bat? Both of S57 players could be interested to know the answer as they could even consider to leave the team in case of uncertainty. It's not going to be pretty to spend their prime years in still a rebuilding team. So what I wanted to say? Quebec is still in a decent position for a rebuild, but Frank's absence makes me wonder about their future. They still have some time since this team has no S59 first, but maybe it's time to make a comeback, doing things with his goalie and make the LR more active than a dead place? Right now it's on three-time Continental Cup and a-lot-of NA conference and Knight Trophy winner, but he better reacts fast before he gets replaced. It would be a shame to see this team going from a 4-time NA conference cup and a Continental cup to a screwed rebuilding plan. Let's see how it goes because maybe soon we will know answers to all questions. That's it and I'm out. 6+2 TPE goes to Krīgars some tags: @Beaviss @Exlaxchronicles @Mr.Baller
  2. He changed his position last season.
  3. Says Cornerstone who went 4/33 on faceoffs.
  4. And now surprise mf! Slava Aleksei is a defenceman.
  5. Wow, so many people didn't pay an attention to this series Muller King
  6. Half of them are def inactive already imo.
  7. And some users are finding it boring to spend 2 or more seasons in a bottom 6/third or fourth pairings and playing limited minutes before becoming a star. It will never be a perfect soultion here. But trying to sell VHL to potential newcomers with a '''two line thing as our main difference'' would be a weirdo idea too, especially when majority (I guess) of us would be ok with move on to 3/4 lines. It wouldn't be a terrible idea, but it doesn't makes sense to mention it before telling more important stuff to a rookie.
  8. Yes, it is the same ol hockey sim league. We can argue about the methods of running the league, but it is still the same ol hockey sim league. Moreso, it is the same ol sim league which was made cause people likes to have his own virtual player/team. same old shit. So they're going to leave the league without even trying to figure it out why we have 2 lines? And not even asking the question to mentors why we have this? Not believing in this.
  9. At least this was a civil discussion, not shitting on each other. A progress here.
  10. Nah, you're locked in like in SBA Latvia team.
  11. So you're basically saying we should mentioning this fact as something unique. But guess what, this is the hockey sim league just like other hockey sim leagues out there in the first place. The lines thing is just a minor difference just like PT's, TPE earning e.t.c. things. Exactly. And then he would have a choice, does he wants to play here for having a chance to make it a 3/4 line league or leave because he isn't fond of the current 2 line system. Tbf I see some people may whine loudly about not having enough teams if we're having a good recruitment campaign and we would have more than 6F/4D/1G per team. Maybe not majority, but still. And it would be on blue team making a decision - either they learned from their mistakes or going for it once again. I imagine they'll hold on and leave it as it is with 8 teams, but who knows.
  12. Like every player on second line/pair are scoring loads of points despite playing a lot, aha. But why we need to target for only one group of people? That's not how it's gonna work. And I'm sure not all 13 members suddenly are going to leave this league if we'll bring more members in to have 3/4 lines. Actually, it's not a big number at all. It would be a possibilty. However, we don't even know how many two line fans we have here. May not be even a half of league, that poll only had 18 votes so far, which is not a large number.
  13. Ok, you're the second one after Ruutu. Now answer me to this question: what we should to do for 3/4 lines? a. Cutting the VHL to 4-6 teams; b. Cutting the VHLM Cause doing nothing leaves us with 2 lines, which works for people like me who likes to see their players getting a lot of minutes cause it's fun and it's a SIM league and not IRL.
  14. Wrong. Usually at least one second line/pair player has a depth role at most. The first thing the new members will see is a board itself, not index. If he realizes this place isn't active, why he needs to check the index then? Weird idea. That's on VHLM GM's and commishes. To me, the leaving the league just because we're having two lines is weird to me. Why not take a chance to make this league a 3/4 line by not going inactive? The idea about joining the team to help fill the holes sound more exciting, but hey that's my opinion.
  15. Who even would give a damn about the number of lines? I'd like to see these people who were worried about the lines after they joined this league, because at this point I don't believe that the the lines was the most important thing for them. Like they're joining the league and the first question they would ask is ''Why this league is having only 2 lines?'' instead of asking about TPE earning opportunites and info about teams? lmao Who would even leave the league cause if the shallow rosters? It's only an aftermath of quiet LR's. 1. Quiet LR's; 2. shallow rosters, if they're even going to name this as a reason
  16. Toronto 4:3 Seattle Riga 3:2 New York Seattle 5:2Toronto
  17. Here we go again. The minors are getting a lot of heat
  18. Some. But not everybody. I don't believe that the line structure would be the most important thing for a new member. I believe he would be more interested to know how to earn TPE and which team is more active and then worrying about lines if he even does give a shit about it.
  19. You're the only one at this point. If the recruitment is successful and we will have enough members for 3/4 lines then it's likely going to be 3/4 lines, not two. Simple. And I'm not saying that every two lines fan will leave the league cause their player will play less minutes. To me, the activity, PT and mentoring thing is way more important thing than lines.
  20. I guess it won't. Fine. That's would be up to them. The lines thing isn't the most important one. People are leaving because not having enough activity, maybe not having enough PT or not having a proper mentoring system. And then maybe this two lines, three lines or something lines shit.
  21. Ok, and now show me people who left or wants to leave the VHL because we're having only two lines.
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