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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. @JetsFan81 think he cant do by himself that since Mikey is as retired @Josh @Beketov so lets wait for his confirmation
  2. S82: 2.5M @JetsFan81 still available to play since he retired this week @Josh @Beketov
  3. Uh huh. Picking up all of them 170 tpa inactives
  4. Good on Alex. I hope he realizes he wont be able to trade for the next month or two, this is not VHLM anymore
  5. So uhmm...I managed to write some 500 words without much problems. Prime Hedge coming back? Nah, I'm still gonna go afk in summer so enjoy while you can. Uhmm I have nothing much to talk about. Sirkants almost reached 800 TPA somehow. I'm not even sure how it happened. Imagine if he actually was over that mark. Ricer would've just stepped down from that fact alone. Calgary does like 3M left in cap so this team might run around with 3 defenseman only. But hey, that was his plan to have bolster the offense rather than other way around. So here it is. I guess I do expect something from Calgary. From Sir as well. He may try to have a decent season for once. And the team could actually beat that meta ass team. Cause no matter what their championship run will still be way less impressive than Toronto ever had with their three peat. Even if Couver can repeat that feat. So is there any reason to try? No. They can go ahead and bow down to us instead. By the way, Spartan is out there hyping himself up for the next week. Wondering if I will continue this series after this week. That's it and I'm out.
  6. Hello there, it's Riga Reign GM and I wanted to inform you that we just had a draft. Let's go to Riga's draft immediately. The 6th overall was an interesting one. For so long we were interested in taking Miervaldis Arpa there since the goalie shortage is a bitch and we didn't have any goalie prospects as of that moment. And we didn't have any major S83 picks either. So it was now or most likely never. The closer we approached to the draft the more doubts were creeping up to my mind. More people were predicting that all three top goalies would go earlier than 6. So after some discussions with Kelvie we came to the conclusion Max Torq would be the best pick in case if all of these mocks would be correct. So the draft came and I was fully expecting DC, Chicago and London take netminders and leave us with rather easy decision. Rumors were swirling around that Helsinki wasn't interested in Steve so that was what I expected. So the first three picks went how these were supposed to be. Then Chicago came...TAGGER! I have no idea why Jeff decided to go with a minor reach there. Maybe he wasn't having an interest in Arpa at all since Zack was posting Riga emojis all the time and giving us the hints that he was only interested in playing for Riga. Or the mishap in Kankkunen's last season when he almost retired even before playing for Chicago. I don't know. What do I know, however is that our choice became even easier. Max Torq is a good player and Seattle will have a blast with him. But we really needed a goalie so Arpa here we come! Then we just were picking who we felt might contribute in more long run. Adesanya at 22 since his build was good for us and also ATW was my teammate in that Toronto dynasty. Chang at 38 cause I was seeing Joelunk couple of times in the league and his build was good as well. Jack Quill at 54, well he was playing in Riga before with Jeff Odinson so why not. Shaun Young at 78, the member who I tried to get with his last player. Got still drafted to Riga with this player. What goes around comes around. Apparently I almost reached 400 words though it was supposed to be a quote. Oof. Ok, let's talk about FA a bit. Interesting free agency for teams who needs defensemans. Kristof Welch, Jan Hlozek....and Sven Reikkinen? I legitimately thought that Devise is about to sign back with Prague since Sandstrom was traded to Riga. However, his player option is still on and it wast picked. Neither declined. Less than 24 hours for him to decided and that might be very interesting. From all perspectives, from other teams, Prague and Devise himself. Forward wise...hmm. Fresco is certainly an interesting one and actually the best forward in this free agency class. So I'm expecting to see couple of team making an offer to him as well. Anyways, that's it. RIGA IS GOING TO CONTINENTAL CUP BY THE WAY. That's it and I'm out.
  7. 1. I'd argue he became better than he was. Good to see. 2. We took that Miklavz guy, I think we nailed that one. 3. We got some of it and I'm not happy. Depressing look. 4. Changing the weather to summer certainly would help. 5. Would rather not. I'm that oldhead member who is only interested in playing in major leagues at this point and don't care about his performance in lower leagues. 6. GET FUCKED MUPPET
  8. he was just playing with all along lol I doubt he really cared about you
  9. I bet the dog still pooped and pissed on it. It's now Poopy Burnt Peepants
  10. ok @McWolf you did show us something
  11. well, the fact that I actually was buying is already something that deserves a recognition. so throw a parade like right now ok thanks
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