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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. in fairness, all threads are not active. even VHL ones are very meh now
  2. it's so quiet in these game threads I just stopped there to say that @TheNeonShaman is cooking
  3. you wrote this the same day (or couple of h later) as Putin's birthday who turned 69. also, Randoms played for half of his career in Moscow. coincidence?
  4. how about Spanish giants getting wrecked financially and being put to sleep by Sherif and Benfica
  5. Same old shit, I'm forgetting to post captains every second season. But worry not @Victor, I got you covered with the S79 captains as well: C - Matt Thunder A - Linus Zetterstrom A - Justin Lose Ok, now to S80. I decided to make one change and give Cabe a nod for his activity as well since being the honorary captain was the most he got to this point. So here it is: C - Matt Thunder @Matt thunder A - Linus Zetterstrom @Ledge and Dairy A - Cabe McJake @Red HC - Justin Lose @youloser1337 But Lose will get a mention here as well. Can't leave him out like that. And as you saw in the title, I hired a new AGM as well. Ledge got promoted to the VHLM GM spot so here it is. Most of you already know who it is I guess (if you're a GM or just was lurking in portal), but I'm gonna name him regardless. He was interested to be a GM in most recent WJC so I figured it out he would be interested in a management spot. So give it up for @McKelvie Congratulations to all 5 members named and don't you forget to gratulate them as well!
  6. @Josh or @Beketov put him into Riga propspect pool. thanks
  7. S80: 3M S81: 1.75M S82: 1.75M couldn't do this via portal so doing this manually @Ron Gorgonzola just say accept here
  8. also we've been playing with a beta cpu goalie. Imagine if alpha came in, no one would stand a chance!
  9. @DoktorFunk already bought it, just need an approval. @Josh @Beketov Put him to wing position.
  10. imagine how much bucks do I need to put on Rara joining back Seattle?
  11. Swapping 4ths isn't funny
  12. still doesn't changes thing for me, I just don't see him as the longest serving gm before the end of S80. But you do you.
  13. Is he THE longest serving though? He will be after next season, but now he is just tied so I'm not really sure if that qualifies.
  14. And now he is tied with aforementioned members.
  15. that's a big cap, he's about to be tied following this season.
  16. @Eynhallow here we go! A hat trick for two games in a row, that's what the scoring doctor was prescribing for having a healthy position in standings.
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