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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. gotta post something in here not always you see a team dropping 11 goals while being one of the least scoring teams in the league.
  2. these days when goalies were producing shutouts like it's nothing good luck in Seattle @jRuutu and welcome [back] to Riga @Kendrick!
  3. I guess I'll need to force @Red to switch position next season
  4. Makes sense. Got contracted under a Latvian GM, gets reborn under another Latvian GM. grats to all 6
  5. Oh Sens to Riga as well @Beketov
  6. 1. The team has had some heart-breaking close losses this season. What do you do to get the guys motivated after a tough loss? Letting them to beat up the opponent team after the match. 2. Who is that guy in our locker room that's always there to pick everyone else with an inspiring speech or act? Ledge, Thunder and Lose. 3. Who do you think is our biggest rival in the VHL? Helsinki cause we meet in playoffs a lot. 4. How would you describe the colour orange to a blind person? I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to do that. 5. What is the cheesiest movie you have ever seen? ...not watching movies. again. 6. What is the best book you have ever read? as if I'm reading books as well. don't even remember the last tim I read a book. like 15 years ago or something lol
  7. @GrittyIsKing09 sent you a challenge
  8. 1. What do you think of Kaleeb's Reign logo redesign? It was fine I guess...too tired to give an opinion 2. What is your favourite possible VHLE team? Could be logo or name. This will help Bratislava. 3. Our last few sims have been trending upwards, yet we remain 5 points out of a playoff spot. How optimistic are you about the season? STHS is an asswipe 4. Describe your ideal sandwich. some meat some cheese some hot stuff...lots of stuff tbh 5. If you could combine two qualities of two different people, who and what would they be? Zero idea for this question 6. Who is your Stanley Cup favourite? who knows. maybe Colorado
  9. and you wanna me to believe in this crap this scumbag sim is spewing out? cause we're being screwed for no fucking reason. worthless piece of shit
  10. Grekkark Gyrfalcon @Tape-to-Tape
  11. First of all, I never posted captain for the last season. I assume that was just a preview for what's about to come and what I can't get over with. Fuck you STHS. Anyways, these were the last season captains: C - Matt Thunder A - Linus Zetterstrom A - Isau DaMoose Now let's talk about this season. Honestly, I got lazy with this once again and never thought properly about this. Though, I decided to mention 4 players in it, one of them being a honorary captain (like I did it a couple of times before). C - Matt Thunder @Matt thunder A - Linus Zetterstrom @Ledge and Dairy A - Justin Lose - @youloser1337 H - Cabe McJake @RedSus As always, don't forget to congratulate them! Now, couple of words about what's happening with Riga so far. 1-5-2 record...just kill yourself simon. This useless thing really trying to throw me out of the GM spot. Also, the retirement of Harvey. Which is gonna be a close to a disaster following this season. The goalie market won't be anything special (I assume), Spaz needs some time to get into the starter level. So there's a good chance a ~400 TPE Sovick would become a starter. How about not talking about politics at all, stupid fucks. Not like we're doing very well even with Harvey so how about to make things worse. Really pissing me off. The last thing I have in my mind is the logo. I've been hearing members being advocates of the Reign logo change and overly not being fans of the current one. Like not horrible, but too outdated or stuff. Well, since I have zero graphic or logo making skills I can do nothing about that. Only to make a poll so you can voice your opinion about the logo and stuff. One thing I'd want to keep if we're changing it is the lion and orange color. I've seen @KaleebtheMighty version of Riga logo and people were fans of it. It doesn't mean this would be the new logo, but maybe? Anyways yeah, if members and our team would be interested in it I'll give a green light for the logo change. So yeah, there are some Riga related things in this thread. I even had to post captains here instead in the proper section. It's a fact that I have no fun in doing PT's, but I'm trying to make my SBA guy good so that's a saving grace. But I won't be shy of claiming welfare if this is what comes to. Peace may be worried about this if reads this hah. Also, I do hope we will have more success in Riga cause I doubt I can take it even further if we'll have S77 all over again. The fact is that our team is simply better than rebuilding teams and I'm pretty sure we're at least on same level as Calgary, New York etc. I'm not like Gustav who somehow endured the similar fiasco with Davos for like 4 seasons, I'm not having as strong mental health as him. That's it and I'm out.
  12. 1. The season is about to start! Do you have a super early Cup prediction? No predictions at all after 8 games. 2. Who was your most influential GM in your career? Uhmm...no one I guess. Though I like how Devise was finding the way how to win. 3. Which team in the VHL is the most cursed? New York for now. Nothing went right for them after Advantage/Devise bringing wins there. 4. (From @Eynhallow) Why is it that humans are the only animal that blushes (or needs to)? Apparently looking red is cool af according to people. 5. Would you rather drink a bucket of mustard or a bucket of hamburger grease? Mustard for sure. 6. Who do you think should be Riga's captain this season? Mhm, now that's a question...
  13. what the fuck is this mentally disabled garbage??? so you wanna say that it doesn't matter if I put Harvey and Sovick in net we're still gonna lose? Not to mention that for some bitch ass reason we already lost to Davos and Moscow which just shouldn't happen given that how better our roster is. I don't believe in this fuck shit I'm seeing right now.
  14. @jaredc7 I guess we got a goon in our hands
  15. fuck you whoever came up with that bullshit idea of making this thread and fuck these two countries as well fuck politics while we're at it
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