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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. There is a bigger issue with that. An easy loophole is possible here; just grab some inactive 300 TPE checker/passer and put him to the third line in a meta team and run it with no much harm done. The idea looks cool, just this one gonna be iffy.
  2. I don't think this is how it works in this league. S75 draft Riga can tell you a lot about that.
  3. Yeah, that'd be pain in the ass for everyone to change it. There is no good solution to this, but then things might get stale and boring if everyone goes for the scoring build too. I'd say the hope is on first gens here as they won't be aware of that meta thing and go for more balanced build or even pass first.
  4. I think one member had the similar idea about having a lesser gap between passing and scoring. The concern was that this would be just a bandaid and it might not help at all. Like if something like 70/99 was the max scoring build, that 70 passer would become that meta player and shit on the league the way the current 40 pass meta guys are doing. And creativity? You could try to be creative...or just do a usual scoring guy and give your team more chances to win and maybe get some individual awards as well if you're luckier. Also, we could use some test simmers.
  5. No one has ever tried all-meta team (like everyone has 40 pass) in this league, but looking at Vancouver now. 6 players out of 10 is meta. No one has higher than 78 passing and that's a defenseman. Obv they have no playmaker at all. That works for them pretty good I'd say and also they didn't have any pass first last season either. So yeah, adding more scorers isn't a bad thing at all. One other league decided to switch the engines altogether cause one team found out all meta team is gonna destroy everyone in league. I mean, yeah, different league, maybe different settings etc. But looking what's happening here...maybe all meta is would do the same thing here. In fairness, you could do fine with anything before 70 passing. 50-60 passers doing pretty well too. Anything higher than that - depends on team and luck. I mean if there's someone that has sths and has lots of free time, why not. I don't believe in this attribute, but I can't be 100 on this. No one has ever tested this either iirc.
  6. Having less turnovers isn't enough to outshine the all-meta team imo. even with that they'll find a way to make 60 shots per game in sths cause their build is just shoot shoot shoot. That's doing real wonders even if the team is not a super tier team on paper. I mean, scoring is the most important thing hockey (not only), but this sim engine is going over the top with it. I can agree that passing is more useful for defs, but even there that's not always the case (see: Pines in Vancouver last season). Having one checking guy (forwards in particular) is good for the team imo. 3 of my 4 cups were won with the player who had high checking. More than one one - chemistry gonna be screwed up likely.
  7. My first media in 6 or 7 months is gonna start and finish with my frustration on team's performance since I had a big S75 draft. Safe to say this is currently the most unexciting period in my whole GM career here which spans 28 seasons and counting. I really lost a desire to do anything since mid-S77 to be honest. You may say that I've been GM'ing here for too long and I just got tired of it and I need to go? Maybe, but the main reason is: no matter how good the team on paper was; no matter how hard members were working on TPE earning (3 of TOP 5 in S75 draft consists of Riga draftees), the reality was 1 conference semi finals appearance in 4 seasons. It's really pissing me off now. Especially when some other teams who were wildcard tier team at best actually managed to skip the play-in from the 3rd place. Or even win the championship (yeah yeah I know, Pines and Lamb were there too). Meanwhile Riga was left off over and over again because of some bullshit from STHS. I wonder what's the reason of that shafting... Oh yeah that's right, we didn't have any meta player in that period of time. Besides McLaren, but he was traded in S78 and his too high checking distracted him from scoring anyways. Oterwise, most of our players had 70 passing or higher and Linus was and still is a pass first. Meanwhile we can return to these supposed-to-be-mid-teams and what we do see? Either low as hell or just 40 passing all over the place. So what obvious conclusion I can make out of it? Passing is fucking useless here. Sure, maybe you'll do fine individually. Team wise though? The lesser passing, the better. Malmo had that in S77-78, Vancouver was already showing some signs in the same period and went on to win last season. Warsaw was ready to go to the rebuild, instead they jumped into the third place last season and skipped the wildcard altogether despite not even having a good enough roster on the paper (after the trade deadline when they sold Lamb). Meanwhile some teams like Calgary and Riga are just struggling to get things going though the these kind of rosters just can't do bad...that's if STHS was considering every attribute besides scoring, defense and some skating with puck handling. But nah, fuck those teams, META FOR LIFE BABY!!!!! Which is even worse, members caught that idea and started to lower their passing just to have better performance, both team and individual wise. Just look at the TPA recall and reroll threads. They just understood that passing is a shit attrbute here and no need to waste much TPE in it. Sure, we have some anti-meta or just pass firsts, but I feel like these players may as well as be the dying breed. Most of members wants to see their players and teams doing well and passing is doing nothing for the most part. I'm not gonna be surprised if players will be dropping in draft just cause they want to be pass first in the future. Like ''hey, he's a pass first and he will amount very little to the team with his build''. In short, I'm very unhappy about team's performance after the rebuild, passing is useless and fuck STHS as always. That's it and I'm out.
  8. Nothing much to add here, but I remember either Devise or Quik had a tourney where members could build their team how they want, even build of their players. Was a cool thing, could be interesting to have it again.
  9. Hi it's me hedge and I havent slept for two days in a row. sucks for me. oh yeah, captains here C - Cabe McJake @Red A - Matt Thunder @Matt thunder A - Linus Zetterstrom @Ledge HC - Isau DaMoose @Eynhallow Apparently that Cabe guy is popular aye. Don't forget to gratulate them!
  10. Trash I mean....maybe just cut it short to Ledge? sounds fine
  11. The first pt for I don't even know how long time. And that's only cause SBA decided to have an expanded affiliate, now I can claim 3 TPE there from it yay. So we had a draft and I had like 8 picks in total. Everyone I drafted was active, even 57th overall Logan Clark is actually doing 6 TPE point tasks. Perhaps I'm returning to my form with drafting steals? The last ones I believe was 87th ov Jared Carter in 75 and Joseph Sharkton a season later. 3 of them are current AGMs of their respective VHLM teams and Leduc is a current Malmo AGM. Now we count 2 more VHLM AGMs who are currently playing in Riga (Thunder and Donny Carter); apparently the half of VHLM team's AGM are either playing in Riga or team's prospects. Plus Ledge a Miami GM. Before this FA also Lose from Mexico and Boost as Saskatoon. Basically, if you wanna have a managing spot in VHLM, join Riga. And Spaz is doing AGMing job in Istanbul as well. Riga AGM Reign you know. Nothing much happened in FA for us except Declan Wolf and Ove Dyrdahl joining us. Should be a good second liner. Hoping I can add a def and have a full two line two pair roster. Tbh not sure how our team gonna do. Cabe had enough and rerolled to 40 pass, and we brought in...more pass first players. Perhaps Riga is making the anti meta team? 2 recent draftees are pass first and Donny Carter is a pass first as well. That's it and I'm out.
  12. after a brief talk with Kelvie you can switch to Frank's version
  13. To be more precise, it'd likely be looking like flames instead of actual mane.
  14. Sirkants Klamasteris - rebound control
  15. I think we only had one season with 5 defs and Milk Jugs didn't play a single minute in that season
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