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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. every player has two players if he wants it. Though you have to do media spot/vhl.com etc for each player. so two media, two vhl com, two pressers etc. in a week a good source for a burnout lol
  2. well thats what I meant. something 700 tpe def by S85. Not elite, not too shabby either.
  3. smh you already found out meta in very first hybrid season hate to see that
  4. This is probably one of the earliest articles I've ever written. Having a flu for a 67884th time in such a short time isn't helping the cause so I'm sitting inside for a lot. Which means I have some time to type longer articles as well. And finally this is the time I'll reveal my preferable VHL destinations for AK92 the hoodie man. Some members already know what I'm looking for, such as Mexico GM and San Diego too. I did agree to be traded to San Diego cause nobody cares about numbers in the minors league anyways. But if these were pro league teams I'd have an NTC and would refuse to waive it from Mexico. Why? Cause there it is: I want to be selfish with this player and have numbers. Stats. Lots of stats. Even if the team is a bottom feeder. I may ever ever win a championship and be inducted into the hall of fame cause lack of team accomplishments. But give me stats! Basically what I want is that team doesn't have lots of defenceman, especially higher TPE ones. Cause it's kinda obvious that the higher skilled defenceman is going to steal stats from AK and my excitement will soon evaporate as a result of that. I may understand if my player will have to share with some similar TPE def, maybe even a bit higher skilled one. If he is the lone guy...well, it won't be a disaster probably. If the team has a deeper defensive lineup? No, thanks. Now, I know the S84 draft is full of talented defs which is not really good news for me and even if I will end up in a relatively empty team, AK may still flop. But I guess I only can blame sim in this case. At least I need that chance. Straight from my rookie season. Which will be S85 as I will spend the next season in the E league. I don't want to have some pedestrian stats as a sub 400 TPE defenceman so I want to have a higher chance at stats by entering into the pros more ready. Alright, so here I will go through each team roster and see if I will be interested in them. As you will see, it's not going to be rankings. I will also tag every GM into this article which I think is a good thing to do. They won't even have to send me any scouting messages anymore with same ol questions. They can just look at this article and see what's up in advance. So....LESSS GO. @Ricer13 Picks: LDN 1st (mid/late); CGY 2nd (mid) Calgary has always been a team I never had a problem with. Even played for them on two occasions and it's been fine. Though I never won anything for them, that's a shame. Anyways, do I have an interest in this team now? - perfect emoji for this team. I'm uncertain on them. All good, but is really AK going to be the 1D for them for the near future with Rhynex max earning every week? Also, looks like his playing style will be your usual scoring defenseman. The same style I do want for my player. Which might be too conflicting for my liking. Though he is the only one as the minors league Janser is going completely different direction with his build. Final verdict: Uncertain, could give them a shot for 2 seasons and see from there. @JeffD Picks: buncha thirds fourths and probably AK won't drop that far...maybe. By looking at their picks I guess I should move to the new team? But hey who knows maybe Jeff would do some trades to get S84 picks. Anyways I need words so I will metion this team as well. Another head scratcher for me. They already have a definite 1D in Bo Johanson and I don't think it will change anytime soon. He is a pass first player, but it doesn't stop him from clicking well with the forward core right now. Which puts a doubt on my mind because finding a place in this team while not being just another wheel in their system won't be an easy task. Also, they have Butts who isn't earning lots of TPE, but still gonna be a decent enough body for the def lineup by S85. And doesn't Jeff needs a franchise goalie anyways? Final verdict: Not a fan. @Enorama Picks: DC 2nd (MID) Well uhhh that's some defensive roster they got, isn't it? And I do realize that by S85 one of older defencemans might be traded or leave to FA. But it won't be a big problem when the breath of fresh air in Arcanum will make his way into their roster. As for my interest for them....you probably already figured it out. Final verdict: HELL NAW! aka why the hell did I tag Eno then but I don't care so whatever. @Alex Picks: CGY [mid maybe], MAL and DAV [both lotto] 1st; DAV [early] and WAR 2nd [mid I guess] They do seems prepared for this draft, I have to tell. But do they want to draft defencemans at all? Just by the late offseason trade between me and Alex showed that they have enough D prospects to focus on forwards instead. Teekirque is already on their roster and Yasilevich with Thunder are getting ready for their VHL debut next season. Now, they are still young and the fear of them going inactive may linger on Davos GM, but as of now their blue line future is set. I hope Johnston won't slow down after this article. Final verdict: Very unlikely which goes both ways I reckon. @Rayzor_7 Picks: RIG [late] and HSK 1st [lotto perhaps] This is some strange team eh? They have a hard time to perform this season and it's safe to say that Jokinen will leave them following this season. However, there is a reason why they won't suffer a death blow even if they will not make the playoffs and some of their players are going to leave Helsinki due to lack of results. They still have some young players on their system, especially when it comes to defence. Maybe they are not max earning TPE, but I reckon that by S85 they will be solid and loyal enough to not worry about D position for a while. Oh, there's also Voss too. Even with BOOM's unwillingness to have long careers, he will still have some 4-5 seasons with Voss likely. Oh wait, AW13 too? Oh boy, it's just too much for me and AK92 to handle. Final verdict: NYEH! @McWolf Picks: LDN 2nd [mid to late] This team looks pretty quiet for me. Does anyone know that London is actually a TOP 4 team in the league right now? Or perhaps they are ok with beinga sleeper pick. Let's look at their roster instead. Which does look kinda interesting. By S85 both Fizzlebeef and Eagles are gonna be gone. And X Man....lol. So that leaves us with Juice Box who is existing on affiliate auto 12 stimulus. So I guess he will be a pretty big piece for London by the time the hoodie man will make it to the pros. They also have Skuin who does look like a clicker to me. So can he be a menace for AK in the long run? I don't know. In overall, I have a similar interest in this team as Calgary, maybe slightly less. Final verdict: Uncertain, could give them a shot for 2 seasons and see from there. @InstantRockstar Picks: uhhh...let's just say lots of them, seconds in particular. but also potential two lotto picks. The days of Josh, Rory and co trying to push LA to the moon are gone and it's now the new era. They don't have much pieces right now and most of their prospects are clickers. So I don't think I will have much trouble to leapfrog them to establish AK as the first defenceman. Unless they are going with two defencemans with their both first round picks. As of now, this place does look intriguing enough to me. I think this will be the first ''green tier'' team in this list. Final verdict: I like this destination. @Dom Picks: MAL 2nd [early] Another team that went into the rebuild last offseason. I guess that means we have another green tier team then? They do have Dabnad as of now. But his playing style differs a lot from the hoodie man and also he probably went into the clicker territory. Most of their prospects are also stuck in the same lane so it's safe to say Malmo doesn't have lots going on. So I do see a chance for AK92 to pull a Condor there at some point. Also, there's Lemorse so that's also cool. Now the only question is how far AK may drop in this draft. Final verdict: I don't mind. @Spartan Picks: TOR and MOS 1st [both are likely late]; MOS 2nd [late] After all of them trash seasons Riga had we're finally back to annoy Spartan. I hope to prolong our contention window as long as possible to make this rivalry the main event of Europe conference. Anyways, their roster. There's some news for me as Hlozek is gonna have a happy retirement after S84 and Sanderson showing no activity whatsoever. Markinson will also spend his last season, though this isn't exactly the best case scenario for AK because well...Mark is still going to be there I assume. But after that, they are still having Power. And while he is not earning whole lots of TPE, I think he will be capable enough to hold the sub-1D status for a moment. In overall, this is another team that I never had problems with. But their D roster brings me some questions, not gonna lie. Final verdict: back and forth thoughts. very uncertain. @MexicanCow123 Picks: NY 1st and 2nd [lotto and an early 2nd] Oh boy...I guess we won't talk about their luck after Devise. I'll just mention this is another rebuilding team with not much going on outside of Reinharts and Lamb. Speaking of which, Jerome is the only interesting defenseman there and I think he will be traded at some point. Their prospect pool is full of clickers who likely won't be a serious competition for the hoodie lover either. Looks like I may like this situation, though I hope Jerome would be gone by S85 lol. And no, I don't care about their prolonged struggle, I NEED STATS! Final verdict: trade Jerome then I will like this destination. In case if he's there for good I'll change my mind to uncertain. @Acydburn Picks: PRG 1st [mid to late] At the first glance - that's a good defensive lineup out there. And then you realize they are all old as hell. Both Reinhart and Jared will be gone regardless and Ace isn't even bothering to earn enough TPE to keep Sylvester in shape. So it's only Powers left who is also going to spend his last season in AK's rookie season. Which is not ideal, but still better than some other teams I guess. Not to mention, their both active defensive prospects are so into the similar grinding fighting style which is certainly not going to hand much problems for me. So basically it's about if I'm willing to sacrifice one season and then take the reigns of main defenseman. Well, that's if Acyd won't bring another good and younger defenseman to prolong his contention window. Final verdict: uncertain, but plausible. @less oldhead than Bana Picks: uhhh....what the fuck are picks? The only team that will put my selfish plans down cause I'M GMING THIS TEAM DUUUH. But I guess for now it's still not relevant cause he needs to drop to the fifth round...which might be still possible if all GM's are gonna be pissed at me after this article. Final verdict: if I can somehow find a way how to bring him here, yes please. @oldhe.... khe khem. @Banackock Picks: SEA first and second [both late] Well, my first defenceman was playing there and I guess there's no reason to recall how did he perform there and what happened after he got traded. As of this moment...oh boy, look at this defensive roster. Should I even continue? Even when he is trading one of their current blue liner this offseason due to cap there is still no place for AK the hoodie guy so Bana will draft a forward and this is where the story ends. Final verdict: HELL NAW! @Doomsday Picks: CHI 1st [mid?]; CHI and TOR 2nd [mid to late] I do really have a hard team to come up something with this team. Moreau is no more, Nylen is really regressed and then there are Chameleon plus Ixazalouh. Both of them are clickers at this point so they will be alright, though both of them are practicing the pass first mentality. That's what I see in this team when the S85 starts. Another moment is the arrival of Sakamoto who decided to ignore everything that resembles of scoring. His defence really is going to be some elite tier when he is on his prime. Also, Hagel...maybe? Another clicker and not the youngest one either. At the end of the day, there might be too much defensemans for AK to shine though none of them are having a scoring first mentality. Final verdict: tough call. Leaning towards meh tier, but ironically this may not be my final verdict at all. @Nykonax Picks: DC 1st [MID]; HSK 2nd [early perhaps] Meta is gone so is Vancouver. Or is it? They do still fight for the playoffs and actually there's no reason to not try. They don't even have their own their first so here it is. Now I'm checking up their roster and what do I see? Well, Wheaties is there. His defenceman is another auto 12 stimulus guy so this may be problem for my player. So far, however he is probably the only obstacle and he also doesn't have a huge head start on me as he is yet to make his VHL debut. So I'd put them a step above Calgary in this case. If Nyko isn't bringing another defenseman, whether it's an elite or a really good prospect, I may be okish with this destination. Final verdict: Plausible. @dlamb Picks: WAR 1st [mid to late??] Last, but not least. The team that is constantly trying to find the way how to compete while not playing much. So far it's a success. And this is the reason why there no interest from me. If anything, I really doubt Lamb will draft or trade his first for another defenceman cause they already have 3 younger ones. Neither I do have any interest to be just another role player. Safe to say, I can focus on other teams instead. Final verdict: HELL NAW! Alright, I think I passed 2000 word mark so I can forget about writing for another month....oh no theme week still exists jfc. Also we for sure have people who have no interest in reading all of that so here's the TL DR moment: HELL YEAH TIER Yeah, why not tier Probably/depends tier Mhmmm maybe/depends tier I have no idea tier Unlikely tier HELL NAW TIER I think this is enough. I wish we could have extension of em PT's like write 5000 words and claim for 2.5 months, but whatever. This was a 2600+ word article so enjoy or not. Oh and by the way, maybe really bring back RFA? Cause it might be some moment if AK is getting drafted by a team I have no interest in so I'll have to sit out the whole ELC hah. That's it and I'm out.
  5. 1. Did you catch any of this seasons VHL All-Star festivities (skills comp or game)? Yea sure, I was even GMing the Europe team. did you see how we swept these NA clowns? Ez shit 2. What was the first thing you bought with your first VHL pay check? nothing yet, dont do useless purchases 3. Who has been the most surprising non-Riga player for you this year? Jokinen really should've had way better season than he's having now 4. Is your team in the NHL playoffs this season, if so, how are you feeling? I'm kinda hoping Calgary will finally stop underachieving. also fantasy TPE for me in this case 5. If Mark Scheifele gets traded this offseason, where do you expect or hope to see him go? tbh don't care much. trade to CBJ cause why not 6. What is your favorite new movie/tv show of 2021 so far? nothing. don't watch em much
  6. Poopy really wanted to the toilet real quick ...just to not to get there in time badumtss
  7. Need this for SBA affil TPE and I had no idea what else I can write about...until I just saw a trade. And not a trade what some people would've expected knowing what drama we're having currently. It was Calgary trading for a lower TPE def so they won't run with too much bots. Ricer is really desperate for the wildcard spot like that? I mean the third round pick isn't that of a big deal, but hot damn. The main problem for Calgary was that they never had a defensive depth to have better results so I get what they are trying to do. But yeah, really trying hard for the wildcard round sheesh. I guess it makes some sense. Outside of Chicago overachieving and top 2, other teams in NA have been meh so far. Yes, even DC is still being MID. Though I doubt they are losing a sleep over that since most of that team isn't old or straight up rookies. Anyways is it still gonna be enough to make that wildcard round push? Maybe, but I can't tell for sure. Good luck to em I guess.
  8. I really should sit one day with a fresh mind and do a long article about my preferable draft destinations. Anyways, another random 500 word article here. I swear I'm not trying to overtake Ruutu's hot topic about Helsinki. I'm just a bystander there, though if we're taking into the account that I'm a GM...maybe something more than neutral guy. Anyways, they are not having really best times yet. Their scoring is still inconsistent though they may prefer that to being consistently shit. They had a 6 game streak of only scoring 1 goal per game, that was rough. Even the worst version of contending Riga could never pull that lol. Anyways only slightly more than 1/3 of season played. They're not that far from the playoffs, though they really gotta step up on offense. And winning Warsaw could be a nice bonus as well lol. Ok, now to Riga. 21-3-3 so far. Gotta say, we haven't had such season in a very long while. Even with that, some losses looked kinda unnecessary fuck around from STHS. Like losing twice to Malmo...yikes. Still, this could be one of the times when we won't have to be worried about the playoff spot until the last week. The bright era comes back to Riga! Also old times too because Seattle is up there too. Oh look, Toronto isn't that very far away as well. You know something about older times? Ok, maybe more recent, but still older times. Moscow and Riga rivalry comes back in full swing? Why not. The only team that is missing right now is Helsinki. And I'm really not sure about them as long as we're talking about this season. Maybe someday in the near future. I do hope our players are taking some awards. Our big 3 (Miklavz - Sandstrom - Johnston) are really feeling it. Especially it could be a big season for Sandstrom who is still having a chance for HoF. Just gotta have another big season, some awards and he really could use a championship. So uhmmm...you know what to do simon. The second line is also going pretty fine. They had a rougher start, but things are getting better. For Leduc in particular. The Riga's resident otter/red panda is having his own breakout season so far. Telker is trying really hard with shooting from everywhere. I hope it gets him better stats at the end of the season. Chiang is still learning out there from the first line vets and Carter is quietly doing his stuff like he is supposed to do. The defence outside of Sandstrom is doing mostly fine. Both Biggie and Tallinder are almost at the PPG mark and Lemieux is just trying to not screw it up. I guess he's doing ok so far. And Reinhart is going to search for his 6th shutout and then 7th and so on. I know he wants to be more consistent, but hey you still have that 21-3-3 record to boast. Anyways this was my very uninspired article for 6 TPE. Did not even bother to do more detailed analysis of Helsinki drama or Jack multi/not multi debacle. Because this is lazy hedge and That's it and I'm out.
  9. So uhmmm am I the only one who is sensing the cap space raise in the near future? I'm not sure if higher ups were discussing much about it but this upcoming offseason might become a certified shit show. Some good players about to be traded to rebuilders for cheap ass price cause the team cap situation is fucked and players have to be traded. Contending teams with rookies and not so high TPE players are dodging the bullet on this one I guess. But others are getting fucked for sure. I was just looking at Riga players. Like Miklavz is 5M this season. He is getting regressed following this season. Which means his next salary will be 5.5M of course. Wait, did my lack of sleep got to me finally? Nah, not in this case. See, the regression actually ain't doing a damn thing anymore. Player about to lose like uhh 50 TPE, in worst case like a bit more than 100 TPE without any depreciation fighters. Curious to see what's happening next. Cap space raise? Regression percentage goes up? Maybe just nothing and we will run with the mega parity era? but hot damn, this is gonna be a fun offseason for most members. not so fun for teams who have lots of prime high TPE players. That's it and I'm out.
  10. Henry Tucker. that's a forward @Moon
  11. Aight before I forget again cause I haven't turned my laptop for a week. Here's your S83 Riga caps and also a moment when I go back in times and naming the goalie a captain. Yes you heard it right. C - Tobias Reinhart @Spaz A - Alexandre Leduc @Lemorse7 A - Alex Johnston @Alex HC - Anze Miklavz @kelvi Really new names here, but surely deserved ones. The active LR contributor, my counting buddy and a member who fit in nicely in the team last season. Also the AGM at honorary cap. There you have it. Don't forget to congratulate them! *btw for @Beketov when you put em in sim ig goalies cant be captains in sim so in this case it will be C - Johnston A - Leduc A - Miklavz ok thanks
  12. Oh wait here's another random something for 6 TPE media. I feel like I can do another one despite of a long day outside of Riga today. Just got back home lol and sent some lines. Yes, sent some lines again for the pre season. The first sim of it was a total crapfest for us cause only 3 goals scored in 3 games was not. I'd say more nasty things about this sim engine but this is just a pre season so I'll keep this for later. Also, it doesn't seem like it's even finalized Riga. Miklavz first build was rather meh for the 880 TPA guy as Kelvie went 99 with some attributes thinking this is about to raise his scoring buy a lot. As the result, almost the same scoring as Tallinder and very low puck handling. With almost maxed strength. So you can see how weird this build was even for this hybrid build system. So he will reroll it soon, but for now we will just run with it. Also since both Lemieux and Tallinder are inactive I can change their builds whenever I want in the span of the next three seasons. Cool stuff I guess. Another interesting thing I noticed - the regression isn't a thing anymore? I was checking Tallinder's regression after this season and it appeared that he is only losing 40 something TPE. So basically I can keep him for the reminder of his career and he still would be a decent body at the second def pair. Perhaps even this regression will make him from a half way decent player to a pathetic nobody, but as of now the regression isn't really gonna do much lol. I was just running the regression for the higher TPE Riga players and it appeared that they certainly can fight it without much problems. So I'm wondering if higher ups are gonna do with that or this was exactly what it was supposed to be. By the way, looks like the stat pad season for AK could be a thing. In three games this pre season he already managed to put 16 shot blocks and also played a part in every single Mexico goal. So I think he has 6 points in 3 games as well. Honestly I hope nobody from contenders even want him, I'm actually happy to see these numbers lol. Don't even care if I win there or not, leave that thing to newer members. I also wanted to note that Ruutu is hella entertaining. Posting all of them hot take articles and having others in shook, including mods. Can't wait to see what is he gonna pull next time. Just like in these S50's dramas I'm out there ''sitting with the popcorn in my hands'' and seeing how it will end up. Also, I was a bit surprised Dil never said anything about me taking his player in fantasy. Probably doesn't even believe in him to post good numbers eh? Alright, enough for today. Hoping for a good sim yada yada, but mostly regular season hype! That's it and I'm out.
  13. 1. If you had to change the colour of the ice in hockey, what would it be to? idk, no colors make sense maybe outside of blue 2. Who’s your team going into the Stanley cup playoffs? I don't particullary care but go pens cause let Bļugers shine 3. What’s your favourite sport besides hockey? football or soccer or w/e you wanna pronounce that 4. Does Vegas somehow make it into the playoffs? idk the gap isn't big so it's def possible 5. Who scored the first goal tomorrow to kick off Riga’s season? that pre season doesnt matter but apparently Telker was indeed the first goal scorer in our pre season 6. Your top 3 pizza toppings? gimme whatever outside of sweet shit like pineapple
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