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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. Riga Reign offers: S76: 3M S77: 1M Had to do this manually as you're not in FA pool in portal. Just say ''accept'' here. @Mashy
  2. Riga Reign offers S76: 3M S77: 2M S78: 2M @Erik I've been told to make a manual thread for this one. So just accept it here.
  3. New season, old plans. The only difference is that we pretty much have the youngest squad in this league! A big difference in my books. Other than that, this will be our growing season but I'm still expecting us to play spoilers all the time. Because it's fun, I know. Anyways, back to the thread's subject. This season we will have 3 brand new captains in the play! But first, our honorary captain. We already had that in S74 I believe (Sasakamoose) and now we're back at it. I was considering 4 players for three spots and this particular member said he is ok with waiting. He is a very young player and I'm sure he will be recognized later. Not only as the captain, also as the premier two way forward as well. Here is our Honoray Captain: HC - Addison McLaren @tcookie Ok, and now here are our three members who were chosen to wear the shirt with a letter on it: Calvin Harvey - despite our team being very young in general, this player was the most recent acqusition by us. He was brought to our team via trade last season and he immediately made a huge impact both ways - on ice and in locker room. For his willing to stay in this league despite having problems to crack the roster deserves a recognition and this season he will be among the chosen trio. Isau DaMoose - I wasn't sure how this would turn out right after I drafted him. And I'm very happy that this turned out very great for us. He may not have the biggest TPE number, but oh boy his activity in forums, in LR particular! He is the main reason our forum LR is actually booming and having a revival after the significant drop of activity in mid 60's. He shows also an interest in our team's process, like drafts, lineups, FA etc stuff. I think this choice is justified. Matt Thunder - at the beginning I was just hoping he would be a decent second pair welfare player in the future. Slowly, but surely he started to make more noise in this league. He was doing more PT's than just practice facility and welfare and increased his activity both in forums and discord. He also started to do media as of late and some bonus career PT's as well! He kinda reminds of myself - I was also being a straight welfare semi active member from Europe who wasn't earning more than 5-6 TPE per week. Also with a meh English language skills. Slowly I started to feel this league more and here I am, almost with 10000 posts and a GM. Maybe he will get a management spot in the future? Who knows So, here are our S76 captains: C - Matt Thunder @Matt thunder A - Isau DaMoose @Eynhallow A - Calvin Harvey @Mrpenguin30 Congratulations to our captains! And as always, don't you forget to congratulate them as well!
  4. nevermind me I'm just trying to remind everyone else that Riga Regin team exists.
  5. So you're saying that 70 point jump and an improvement in other stats for Anigbogu was only enough for two votes and not even winning the Funk? Behind two fucking goalies? Yeah, there is no season without voting commitee laying a big egg and taking a big fucking L. thanks for recognizing Harvey at least.
  6. and here I am thinking that Thunder was a third round pick. trash ass GM I know that doesn't change the fact that we got a wondeful steal at 34! Way to go @Matt thunder!
  7. In fairness, Riga is even a lesser contender now anyways.
  8. He wanted to play for a contender and I'm obliging. Good luck in Davos @Kendrick! May Davos have something good this season.
  9. the problem is that it's only in this competiton. you're playing in Davos after all.
  10. 1. Thoughts on our trades so far? 2. Zyrok has re-signed with us for one more season! Did your excitement rate go from 100 to 1000? 3. What was the most surprising trade of ours so far? 4. How does it feel to offload these banked TPE to attys? 5. Say your final goodbyes to Joe Kelly and Sirkants Klamasteris. 6. And make a good welcome for Lewis Dawson! 7. Do you think we can fight for the playoff spot? 8. Who in your opinion will be our leading scorer in the S76? 9. What happened to Beaviss? Why is he suddenly went mute mode? 10. Ledge is being rejected for AGM spot all the time! How can we help him with that?
  11. picking up where @Tagger left off back in the day
  12. you wish. I'm that greedy mf, I'm about to extend a contract and get my first rounder ok thanks
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