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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. I'm glad you're liking your time in our team! Because we're for sure loving your energic activity on our locker room.
  2. 1. After getting Calvin Harvey back in nets, we finally won some games. Where do you see us finishing in the standings? Not sure. Between 6-7 I'd assume. Gotta bring more experienced players if we wanna fight for the playoffs like right now. 2. What's your favorite flavor of Gatorade? never drank that 3. Who do you think will win the Continental Cup this season, based on the standings right now? Moscow/Warsaw/Vancouver. These three seems favorite as of now. 4. Give a shout out to one of your teammates who's been doing great so far! @The Hungry Lions 5. What is your favorite thing about Riga? More people to interract with. 6. If you could rename us, what would the new Riga team be called? Riga Reign. Why disrespect the history you know. 9. Speaking of which, would you rather be able to talk to animals or fly? Fly and talk with animals. I'm not gonna choose I'll just grab these both options whether you like or not.
  3. @Eynhallow and @RedSus with good sims out there. But I'm tired to play against Moscow and that schedule makes me to hate them a lot.
  4. yeah I'm in. @Nikdandrea34 don't you dare to no sign for this tournament, I want a revenge!
  5. S59-66: you suck S67: lucky S68-73: you suck S74: lucky S75-till you step down: you suck end of the article.
  6. Woah, Minny is really going in. Good luck in Minnesota @Nikdandrea34!
  7. I need a sick bag, can't stand these kind of sims.
  8. I can get behind this statement. Forum LR revival 2021.
  9. Cabe McJake 5 points this sim. NUT SIM @RedSus @Ledge_and_Dairy adds another 4, nice going! @Matt thunder gooning don't stop.
  10. @TheOGShark eats hounds for breakfast. Well, @Domino Draws did here what he could. Can't hate the effort. Marlins letting @Tropicalfire down smh. Darcy > Matt in this one, plus @Nikdandrea34 adds his three points here. Miami getting clapped by @Miks Sunins and @Chris P Bacon Also, an interesting 3 goal sim by @jaredc7. Turning into the all around def I see. @Lvhockeybest6 gotta get in here with a 4 point sim!
  11. DaMoose is writing his name in to ROtY conversation after this sim!
  12. GET IN Two wins in a sim, that's what I'm talking about. @youloser1337 with 7 points this sim @Eynhallow adds his 5 points! also, @Matt thunder fucks up guys out there. how it feels to be his victim @KnightRiley
  13. let's see how is he gonna mesh with another big hitter Jared Carter in Riga.
  14. I'm diggin this new format. @Nikdandrea34 completely obliterates Sasky chances on getting points here with 4 goals! @Lvhockeybest6 with the shootout winner! 1. Ottawa Lynx , Normunds 2 (Aivars Kiris 6) at 9:35 Latvia is well represented here. @monttu with almost 10 hits here!
  15. Just basic, salt and pepper. Nah, peas and speck plus onion getting cooked separately.
  16. @Miks Sunins, @Mashy, @TheOGShark, @Chris P Bacon, @Eddie Dams all of you slowly racking up points, nice! also, let's sign a petition to start @Erik in the net!
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