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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. cmon son, that was an overreaction right here. As the VHL's resident complainer I get that frustration from Moose. Esp when your team outshot DC in game 7 by 20 and still lost. I would've been mad as hell too.
  2. 1. What are you hoping to acheve in the 2021 [IRL wise]? 2. What are you hoping to achieve in 2021 [VHL league wise]? 3. Any wishes for everyone before we're entering then new year? 4. So far we're 2-4-1 in the lotto tournament. Does it makes you sad knowing that we don't even own our S76 first? 5. Do you think this year had more positives than negatives for you? 6. San Diego, Mexico, Las Vegas and Philadelphia. Who wins in your opinion? 7. Can you predict the same for VHL playoffs? 8. Do you feel for people who has to go to work on January 1st? 9. Calvin Harvey signs with us for the rest of his career! Rate your level of exceitement. 10. Who else do you think we might extend with us?
  3. ...and to @Hoopydog too! God, so many of our prospects in LV lol.
  4. @SimmerDown99 started, @Ledge_and_Dairy finishes. Grats to you, @Matt thunder, @Domino Draws and Vegas on advancing!
  5. @Domino Draws SCORED!!! Also, 3 points for @SimmerDown99. If only Thad wasn't being a sieve Weiner fights back with his team.
  6. one more thread for me to flex on others
  7. Everything looks like it should it be. @Mrpenguin30 stops New York, @Rocket with his two bullets in same game and @GoldGear88 is fighting again...in same game. And we won Toronto too? @pennypenny reminds about himself for the one last time maybe. oh yeah let's make fun of Davos again
  8. Congratulations to @tcookie and @Eynhallow and rest of Philly on making the next round! San Diego is so dangerous. grats to them and @Nikdandrea34! @Dolant prevents another sweep! Regardless how this series ends, the game 4 gonna be memorable for our resident gorilla. Las Vegas just looks better so far. Another 3 points for @Matt thunder.
  9. fucking misclicked edit for quote smfh
  10. I'm so mad there was no trivia this week so I had to type this idk what it is. So yeah, we missed the playoffs after the 13 season streak which is...not even that sad. This was bound to happen sooner or later and I'm glad I chose the right draft to bank this rebuild in. Also, Calvin Harvey extended the contract with us for 5 more seasons. Which means we may see the first ever true backup goalie with 1000 TPE or something, right Sirkant? I guess he for sure would do better at that, right? Next season is gonna be interesting. 6 wingers, 2 centers and 2 defs are going to join our team from minors and that's with current players like Odinson, Rocket and Kelly. Our roster is going to be hella deep, especially forward wise. Can I do something for contending? I could try, but I don't wanna pay too much for that. Our time will eventually come and if this means we will have to wait for another season, well ok then. Certainly better than overpaying. Also it's gonna be interesting to see where are some goalies gonna go. There are some active ones who are going to come up from minors to just being told that there is no space for him. S64 vibes anyone?
  11. Looks like straightforward series so far @tcookie puts 2 points in game two here Oof. San Diego isn't playing. @Nikdandrea34 with 3 goal sim here. Doesn't looks like competitive series so far. @youloser1337 with 1+2 in game 2. This looks tense. @coochiman tried with 4 assists, but LV offense is too much for now. @Matt thunder and @Ledge_and_Dairy are trading blows in these games.
  12. I appeared to be the best of the best hah
  13. 1. The S75 VHL Chess tourney finals is between me and @Nikdandrea34, both our team representatives! Predict who will win this. 2. How proud are you of VHL community that managed to raise 3800 CAD for charity? 3. Do you think I need to make some trades next offseason for competing? 4. Rate our team's performances this season. 5. Rate your player's performance this season. 6. Will you care to watch the VHL playoffs? 7. How different will be your Xmas and NYE celebration this year knowing situation in this world? 8. Do you think VHL need to expand their efforts to Twitter for more recruitment? 9. We are expected to welcome 9 S75 draftees next season to our team (+maybe Connor Sim). Are you excited about that or more worried that you won't get max playing time because of that? 10. How tired are you of hearing the same ol' Xmas songs in stores etc?
  14. London's chances of not playing in wildcard round is dwindling and @PuckPushers is quick to remind that with his two goal game! All in all, decent sim.
  15. this was close. this win is brought to you by the third line hero @linsangeles anything for points. Assists works too @RedSus
  16. NA standings were set already so nobody wanted to go over at the expense of picks. EU standings were so tight teams were thinking they have a shot. So nobody wanted to sell. Bottom teams didn't have big TPE players to begin with to make a sell. Outside of couple of LA players, but Pines fits under their longterm plans and Nygren's playing style isn't really for contenders. Here's your trade deadline.
  17. Artair McCloud ejected from game at 7:50 of 1st period @Hoopydog knew what's gonna happen so he peaced out gotta prop us @coochiman for his offensive effort despite his team's loss. lmao the hell. do we even need to sim playoffs at this point. @linsangeles and @youloser1337 with 2 point efforts in this massacre. all these blowouts lol. @Nikdandrea34 adds two more helpers in this game. @Matt thunder is rolling!
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