So by now everyone has probably heard the phrase "trust the process" from me spamming it across the boards. It originates from the Philadelphia 76ers and Sim Hinkie, who is a mastermind who provided the Sixers with a ton of assets that will win them a championship in the next 5 years. I am going to explain what trusting the process means:
Since the dawn of time, there have always been the haves and the have nots. There was the cave people who got food and lived, and the cave people who didn't get food and died. Fortuneately for the VHL, if a team sucks they don't die out like in cave man times. Instead, teams can go into hibernation for a few seasons, where they sleep and don't have a chance at competing. During this time, teams accumulate as many assets as possible, aka sleep a lot and preserve their energy so they can kick ass like a bear. This hibernation period is the process. Eventually, the bear wakes up from hibernation and is ready to eat. This is what will happen to Calgary. Wranglers GONNA EAT!!!!!