User Name: Eaglesfan036 EASTERN CONFERENCE
(A2) Ottawa vs (M2) Pittsburgh Winner: Ottawa # of Games: 6
(P1) Anaheim vs (W2) Nashville Winner: Nashville # of Games: 6
@Squinty because he is by far the best asian I've ever met
@Seth because he knew
@Ramicus because he might be the strangest person ever on here
@Munk because he is the best troll to ever grace these boards
@Ball because he was a good active dude
Kachur so he can come back and make a player for 2 weeks before leaving again
@Victor shouldn't come back
@Gigga-Bijou for his multi-personality disorder
@Cuffy cause he's a calgary loyalist and would definitely trust the process
@Jala to screw over boubabi
@Dangles13 cause he's a good guy
That only got me to 84 words so I guess I need to talk a bit more. Will is a scrub for not giving me permissions to change people's usernames. Remember when @Victor used to get mad at me for posting these in here and tried to ban me? Fight the power! My knees get really crackly when I lay down. Peace