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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. 1) Why don't you tag me in this? 2) What year will Carson Wentz join the Hall of Fame? 3) If you get itchy while half way to falling asleep, do you try to power through the desire and keep still or do you go for the itch and wake back up? 4) Now that I am no longer VHLM commish I have paid 0 attention to what's going on there. Fill me in por favor?
  2. 7'6'' so i could be a beast basketball player deaf cause it would be scary not to see third arm to be a beast basketball player wedding sneeze fuck the dog
  3. Hey fam, you are probably wondering what I am up to for recruiting purposes. Here's what going on. I created a VHL demographics survey to find our target market for twitter. Twitter ads really interest me because of how targeted you can make your ads, and they only charge on a per click basis. The hope is that we have a decent success rate for that per click basis because the people seeing these ads will be in our target market of 18-31, white male, with lifestyles of gaming and sportsfan. The demographic survey didn't find an income group that stood out, as the VHL has very diverse incomes. I've also been spamming Youtube videos on occasion, but no success there I've even started doing kendrick's good idea of commenting on others comments so they see it in notifications. Lastly, I had posted a ton of free ads on kijii for us. The problem is, Kijii took down the ads saying that we weren't offering anything tangible. I don't think the kijii ads were getting much traffic anyway hopefully twitter ads work well and if anyone has ideas please share
  4. Total of 51 responses, thank you to everyone who participated. According to the results, if we are going to do Twitter ads our target market will be the following: Male, White, Aged 18-31, maybe bachelor's degree, Gamer and Sports fan lifestyles Gender: Shockingly we are a sausage fest Male - 98% Female - 2% Race/Ethnicity: Mostly white White - 90.2% Other - 5.9% Asian - 2% Hispanic - 1% Age: Mostly between the ages of 18-31, so we young millennial buhls 14-17 - 2% 18-22 - 33.33% 23-26 - 31.4% 27-31-27.5% 32+ - 5.9% Highest Level of Education Completed or Plan on Completing: Lots of college peoples High School/GED - 17.6% Trade School - 5.9% Associate 2 year degree - 7.8% Bachelor 4 year degree - 56.9% Master's degree - 11.8% Estimated Household Income in US Dollar: Incomes are all over the place, don't really see a target group here 0-20,000 - 15.7% 20-40,000 - 23.5% 40-60,000 - 19.6% 60-80,000 - 17.6% 80-100,000 - 9.8% 100,000+ - 13.7% Where do you live?: No major regions really stick out here Central U.S. -21.6% U.S. East Coast - 11.8% U.S. West Coast - none Canada East Coast - 11.8% Central Canada - 25.5% Canada West Coast - 13.5% UK - 3.9% Other - 11.8% LifeStyles: Most of us are both gamers and sports fan Enjoy the arts - 27.5% Foodie - 37.3% Gamer - 78.4% Online buyer - 49% Photography - 11.8% Sports Fan - 98%
  5. the teams aren't great but it is usually highly entertaining
  6. game not found
  7. game not found
  8. you barely beat one of the worst teams in the league and only because of the refs blatantly helping.
  9. Tyson's chicken nuggets
  10. Travis GodEcny also holy 71 shots
  11. your captain is a scrub who should be banned
  12. kendrick is a beast
  13. VicGod
  14. shutout for mr smarch
  15. Kohlstein
  16. Woof
  17. Woof
  18. Gowecny wasnt in ur article =(
  19. ur just a beast babe i remember from ur calgary days
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