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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. back to back to back
  2. hey me spewing my thoughts can be very informative
  3. I was hired as VHLM Commish on January 28th, in the year 2015, B2P (before 2 players). I have faithfully served the realm in this capacity for a year and a half now, and am happy with how things have gone. I would like to thank @flyersfan1493, @Smarch, and @Advantage for their time serving with me, as well as all of the VHLM GMs who have dedicated their time to the league. I have decided to take on a new role as co-recruitment leader with @Banackock for 2 reasons: 1) I feel that this position is very important due to our lack of recruitment and activity as of late 2) I was growing tired of being VHLM GM If you wish to apply for the new open VHLM co-commish position, apply here
  4. Looking for someone to replace myself as one of the two commissioners of the VHLM. For 2 TPE per week, responsibilities include: - Updating waiver threads - Updating draft pick tracker - Making sure rosters are up to date (on forum and in sim) - Communicating with VHL commissioners about any ideas/issues/rulings - Being an active role model for VHLM and making the VHLM a better place! - Running the VHLM Draft and VHLM Free Agency - Managing VHLM General Managers Apply Below
  5. You must list your player name and position or else I will not be counting your tpe for you. Faceoffs have been nerfed to /150 instead of /100 to reduce how OP they were. Since this was posted a little late I will be lenient if you post this a little after the finals 1. Before the end of the VHL playoffs, players that want to and are eligible for TPE bonuses from the VHLM must declare in this thread their PRIMARY stats for tracking throughout the REGULAR SEASON. These stats will then be tracked for BONUS TPE and can be declared anytime throughout the season. 2. Unless a declaration is made in this thread, players will not receive BONUS TPE at the end of the season for their achievements. This thread will be locked upon completion of the VHL playoffs. 3. Inactive players cannot have their declarations be posted by their team GMs. 4. The following stat achievements can be declared for skaters: Goals Assists Points Hits Shot Blocks +/- Rating Faceoffs Won 5. Forward Achievements (Choose 2): Goals/10 Assists/12 Points/10 Hits/30 Shot Blocks/15 +/- Rating/6 (Above +0) Fights 2 points per fight FO Won/150 6. Defensemen Achievements (Choose 2): Goals/5 Assists/10 Points/7 Hits/30 Shot Blocks/20 +/- Rating/6 (Above +0) Fights 2 points per fight 7. Goalie Achievements (All APPLICABLE) WINS/5 40 Games Started = 5 TPE Save % 0.900+ = 5 TPE Save % Sub 0.900 = 2TPE Shutouts = 3 TPE per SO 8. Declaration Form Format (Put choices in the order they are listed) Player Name Forward/Defenseman Choice 1 Choice 2 Mitch Higgins Forward Assists +/- *Please note that goalies do not select any choices, but must submit a TPE declaration. 9. S52 Prospects are not eligible @Victor @JardyB10 @hedgehog337 @Smarch @sterling @ADwyer87 @TheLastOlympian07 @Dangles13 please remind players to do this
  6. them low scoring games doe
  7. At the current moment maybe not expected to contrnd but moves will be made
  8. good series quebec i never actually expected to win good luck to graper and fam
  9. I swear this happens every single time Calgary is in the playoffs. I specifically took the time to make sure I got in my playoff update in time, and @Kendrick successfully updated me in time so this is not his fault. @JardyB10 why was my player not updated in the sim? What is the point of doing final playoff updates if they don't actually get put in this sim? This happens every damn year and it is really frustrating. As my team's first line center a jump from 294 to 334 tpe is quite important. I demand a re-sim
  10. WAIT WHAT I WON!!! I usually have terrible teams for this lol. Thank you @CowboyinAmerica for the win! Also suck it @ADwyer87 first place for me and ban for you
  11. time to go make an shl thunderdome thread
  12. Smarch almost got us one
  13. that is a ton of driving I would hate to have to be in the car that long glad you had a good time though
  14. 1) Adwyer - he is a menace to society 2) Seth - Seth knew, but he will never know 3) Higgins - We all know who the real commish is 4) Brovy - He will probably ragequit when Calgary beats him in the playoffs 5) Obama - Worst president since Bush 6) Phil - Sterling has this one right Also, just curious am I the only one who uses the Red VHL theme? I think one of the blue team members changed my theme as a joke, but joke is on them because I changed it back. I am stubborn and don't like change, and new themes are change and change is bad. I see that some TK33 guy has joined, probably found us from reddit I hope he creates a player! To my fellow football fans, are any of you shocked that Tony Romo is hurt? And no I am not talking about soccer you silly Europeans.
  15. My All-Star All-Star Team My title probably has you confused, that is good. This media spot will be about me constructing a team of 6 forwards, 4 defensemen, and 1 goalie from the All-Star Game rosters. This team would just be randomly placed as an 11th team in this hypothetical situation, so I would be considering the future in my decisions rather than just basing my team on this season. So prepare to be happy I picked your player, upset I didn't pick your player, or call me a fool for making some decisions. Here we go! Forwards Aleksi Koponen (S45) - Tom Lincoln (S47) - Bogdan Podarak (S48) Unassisted (S47) - Covington (S47) - Odinsson (S50) My forward core I would choose from the All-Star game features a great mix of youth, talent, and activity. Koponen would be the veteran of the group, but would still have 2 more seasons left after this one, making him still young enough to help for a while. Additionally, Koponen's talent and tpe count was too much to pass up, plus who wouldn't want the amazing @Draper on their team. Lincoln is a relatively young player who is clearly talented as he leads the league in points this year, and for as weird a person as Kesler is he is very active and a decent guy. Podarak hasn't started putting up great numbers yet as he is on a rebuilding Seattle team, but he is young, has a good amount of tpe, and is very active. Unassisted gives us an outstanding second line center, and who doesn't love good old STZ. Covington would be playing out of position at wing, but is young, has a solid amount of tpe, and is one of the most entertaining members in the league. Odinsson is the next big thing as he has rookie of the year locked up, is a tpe whore, and an outstanding locker room prescence. Defensemen Phil Hamilton (S45) - Black Velvet (S48) Jeff Hamilton (S46) - Shayne Gow (S48) The first two defensemen on the list should be quite obvious because they are beasts. Phil is a beacon of activity and he enlightens us all. He also has a beast player as well. Black Velvet creates some pretty garbage rap videos, but he does produce on the ice and potentially could help us rig. Jeff Hamilton has a good chunk of tpe and is young ish, and I like Sterling as any team could use a grumpy get off my lawn personality. Shayne Gow I like because he is my brother and it is always fun to have your brother on your team. Goalie - Ariel Weinstein (S45) Call me biased because Smarch is on my team, and you may be right. Weinstein is still kind of young ish, and once Wingate retires looks to be the best goalie in the league as he currently has the second best save percentage. Also, Smarch has been a pleasure to have in the locker room and is fun to play NHL with.
  16. you are welcome scrub
  17. When I listen to this later I can't wait to hear you rage about asians I hope tfong isn't one of them
  18. The Bears should be banned because Adwyer
  19. Miracles can happen
  20. but is he good in bed
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