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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. @Draper y didnt u like my post
  2. I shall answer my questions in the space below: 1) I only check VHL during one class, quant methods, as that is the only class really involving computers. If it was a legit class I still probably wouldn't browse the web, but the class is a complete joke as all the tests are open book and open computer and I can just ctrl f to the spot in the notes that he gives us online to answer the test questions. At work, I check VHL on my phone during breaks or if it's 9:30 at night and there are no customers I check. 2) Jimothy obviously knows what VHL is. My dad is convinced the VHL is similiar to the KHL and I really like Russian hockey or something, but he kind of knows I am a GM. I told my best friend about VHL and he told me it was dumb and I told him he was dumb (protip he is dumb). Also kind of unrelated but I skipped out of the first half hour of Christmas decorating once cause I was hosting the VHLM draft #dedication 3) Yes.
  3. Sam Hinkie?
  4. Congrats to those who made it. As motivation for both teams, if Adwyers team loses @Draper will give me permission to ban him for 10 minutes, and if his team wins I will let Adwyer pick my profile picture for a day.
  5. Team Boubabi Forward: Lord Karnage Forward: Zach Parechkin Forward: Aleksi Koponen Defense: Mengsk Defense: Velvet Goalie: Weinstein Team Ruutu Forward: Molholt Forward: LSP Forward: Skovgaard Defense: Phil Hamilton Defense: Biggu Kyanon Goalie: WinGod
  6. The young Stars Game can be found here It is comprised mostly of VHLM active star players and then any gaps are filled in with the best VHL rookies Congrats to those who made it
  7. Comparing All-Star Game Players to Game of Thrones Characters Game of Thrones is returning in a few weeks, and I know everyone is super hype for it like I am so we shall compare some of the glorious members of the VHL to some of the glorious members of Game of Thrones. The Captains Lord Karnage - LittleFinger Jorma Ruutu - High Sparrow "Littlefinger was born with no lands, no wealth, no armies. He has acquired the first two. How long before he has the army?" Similar to LittleFinger, Lord Karnage was born a peasant in this VHL world, but has very quickly made his way up the ladder. Karnage now owns a considerable amount of land in Stockholm as their GM, and is also quite wealthy as he gets paid quite a bit for being one of the best players in the VHL. With the All-Star voting now finished, it appears Karnage has assembled an army for himself as well, as his promise of a sig for everyone who votes for him resulted in a huge army of followers that made him first place in the poll. Similar to Littlefinger, Karnage will do whatever it takes to get to the top, and he should not be overlooked this All-Star game. "Every one of us is poor... and powerless... and yet together... we can overthrow an empire." Ruutu is a perfect comparison to the High Sparrow because he is the inspiration for the #ProtestVote, in that he is willing to stand up to the evil empire that is blue team and instead fulfill the will of the Gods. Ruutu has radical ideas about how welfare should be implemented, similar to the radical changes that occurred in Kings Landing when the High Sparrow took power. Ruutu has begun the process of making us safe from the 1%, and hopefully he soon captures Queen regent Higgins and Queen Draper and puts them on trial for their crimes against the VHL Gods. X Factors Greg Clegane Sandro Clegane "Sword!" It turns out the All-Star Game actually has two characters from Game of Thrones playing in it! Greg Clegane is a man of few words, and has taken MMA classes taught by former Flyers goalie Ray Emery in hopes of being the best goalie fighter in the All-Star game. Greg Clegane will certainly be the largest player in the All-Star Game, and if he keeps his focus his goaltending will be great. But, there are a lot of variables in play. If Clegane sees a horse, he must leave his net immediately in order to behead it, leaving his team behind. This is probably why Clegane has always had trouble against the Calgary Wranglers, as he is too distracted by their logo. "Any boy whore with a sword could beat three Phil Hamiltons." Sandro Clegane is the X-Factor for Team Ruutu, as he is an excellent goalie as well but also can be prone to distractions. If the younger Clegane brother smells chicken being cooked, he might snap and begin slaying everyone on the ice, which would prove to be quite the All-Star game disaster. Doing some actual resarch for a second, Greg Clegane has a higher save percenage than Sandro Clegan so I expect Team Boubabi to win due to this expert analysis. Thank you for reading and have a great day. Hodor. @boubabi @jRuutu @Victor @JardyB10
  8. after we sweep the caps we are coming for you oh who am I kidding, we aren't getting past the caps
  9. did someone say uncapped tpe
  10. yay phil i will listen to this a few moons from now
  11. FLYERS IN THE PLAYOFFS @ADwyer87 penguins are garbage refs are garbage your goaliez bad faking injuries lelelelelel
  12. darn
  13. Tough OT loss but at least my player is doing well :3
  14. I posted with my phone and it went crazy on me
  15. To cal: Tor s50 1st Tor s50 2nd To tor: Tim tebowgow To be processed at deadline for cap stuff
  16. Ottawa claims yannick zug
  17. Bratislava claims Jack Kracken
  18. helsinki can't handle the tebowgow
  19. Congrats to all those who made it! The VHL's best of the best
  20. I want to be involved in @ADwyer87's 1,000th post party!
  21. @Victor why cant i make topics here
  22. I will take @Draper's word for it that he did not rig as I trust him as a respectable gentleman, even though the case looks suspicious.
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