Rumors have been going around the one of Riga's star players, RGIII, has had major disagreements with Riga's GM lately. RGIII stormed out of practice a few days ago, clearly upset about something. RGIII has not been spotted since the incident, and has refused to respond to any of Mike's calls or forms of communication. However, RGIII put up a post on twitter a few hours ago saying the following, "I've tried engaging in chat back yet he keeps on comin back. I think my next course of action shall be ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away."
While we have no idea what the first part of that statement means, it is obvious from the second part that RGIII clearly sees his GM as a problem, and believes that the best way to solve that problem is ignoring him. Even more concerning for Riga comes from the rumors that RGIII will soon be waiving his no trade clause. Is it possible that RGIII no longer wishes to be on Riga and is demanding a trade?