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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. Nice job boys. #Yukon best team in da lee
  2. rigged.
  3. Riga 2 gud
  4. rigged.
  5. Seth shuts out his own team lolz
  6. Happy birthday Victor
  7. Get out of here New York scum
  8. I volunteer, though if a newer member wants the job they can have it.
  9. Really Seth? Team had to carry you on its back tbh
  10. KJA 2 gud
  11. hooray
  12. Oh I didn't know this was supposed to be your player I thought it was a real life story
  13. Interesting story, glad you taught that kid something What does this have to do with VHL though?
  14. Meute Express Legion Dynamo
  15. Content: 3/3 - I love the Allen Iverson practice reference. Also I love the name World Peace. Bern has had an excellent season so far and Mr. World Peace and Olynik are a big reason why; you guys don't let in many goals. Grammar: 2/2 - Is your space bar broken or something? “A s I must admit, = “As I must admit, pay off at all,” World Peace said. = pay off at all,” World Peace said. form of a personal trainer = form of a personal trainer Appearance: 1/1 - Looks good. Overall: 6/6 Final: 6/6
  16. Rumors have been going around the one of Riga's star players, RGIII, has had major disagreements with Riga's GM lately. RGIII stormed out of practice a few days ago, clearly upset about something. RGIII has not been spotted since the incident, and has refused to respond to any of Mike's calls or forms of communication. However, RGIII put up a post on twitter a few hours ago saying the following, "I've tried engaging in chat back yet he keeps on comin back. I think my next course of action shall be ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away." While we have no idea what the first part of that statement means, it is obvious from the second part that RGIII clearly sees his GM as a problem, and believes that the best way to solve that problem is ignoring him. Even more concerning for Riga comes from the rumors that RGIII will soon be waiving his no trade clause. Is it possible that RGIII no longer wishes to be on Riga and is demanding a trade?
  17. Draper hasn't had anyone make a sig for him yet. Anyone want to hook him up? Thanks
  18. I wish you were there too. We'll do another one in a few weeks, be there or be
  19. same
  20. keyword 4th line.... as in you
  21. Take that Jim
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