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Everything posted by gregreg

  1. 1. We've won 19 straight, what do you think is the key to our success? After a kinda slow start our roster is finally jelled together and we will not be stopped. I can tell you RIGHT MEOW we will be lifting a championship at the end of the season. MARK MY FUCKING WORDS 2. Are we above or below your expectations for the season? We are in first so I think we are right where I thought we'd be but it's a little closer than I thought. It won't last much longer till be are miles ahead of the closest team. 3. Saskatoon is right there with us. Do you think we'll beat them out this season? Saskatoon can't beat us if they had all the best players from the rest of the league. They are a clown of team that thinks they can beat us, they suck and they know it. 4. Is your player doing as well as you thought you would? For how much I'm playing I can't really ask for more. My coach won't play me more then 12 minutes a night but I find a way to chip in a goal or two when I can. We are winning so I guess I shouldn't complain but I could be doing a lot more for sure. 5. How do you think our draft shapes up now that we're nearing halfway through the season? You drafted Leo Strauss the best player to every play in the VHLM. 6. Who do you think our biggest rival in our conference No one, a rival means there is a team that is as good as us and there is NO ONE as good as us. Not even close! YOU ALL SUCK!!!
  2. This was posted in the Seattle discord so I think he wants to get traded to Seattle and will tamper to do so
  3. A new season started this week and I’m now on the Halifax 21st after slipping in yet another draft, while also getting picked more than once in said draft. The VHL is a weird place now, I’m not know by a lot of new people in GM roles so they see my name and it means nothing to them. I’m out here trying to prove myself as a good active member probably for the first time since 2008 which is crazy to say seeing as its 2020… I’m now Old man Greg trying to get back to where I was 6-7 years ago. I have made comeback tries in the past and they haven’t really worked out as I get bored with the same old same old of the VHL, yet this time seems different. Following a crazy draft process I feel that drive to be one of the best, maybe even cause a little chaos, get some people upset, try and be that good solid member that I know I can be. The VHL is a lot different than is use to be but that’s a good thing, change is what makes thing interesting. I hope this time I can stick around, find a groove and get back to the top.
  4. 20. If you were Bears GM for a day, what would you do? Well, I'd find a new goalie because the team is NEVER going to win with a 5'5 goalie and I would call up Leo Strauss because he is the best player not on this current tire fire of a roster! 11. Predict who will win the cup? I don't follow the VHL that well but I'm going to pick Vancouver Wolves because they haven't lost yet and they don't have a 5'5 goalie is is garbage so I feel pretty good about them winning it al this season 14. If you had to get rid of one VHL team, which one would it be? New York Americans, easy they have been a terrible franchise for a very long time and they have alway been the ass cracks of the VHL. They need to go, the league would only get better if they remove the “short bus” of the VHL Questions Why do you trust a goalie that is 5’5 to actually win you games? How long till you see Leo Strauss in the VHL? Which member do you hate the most and why is gregreg?
  5. gregreg

    YUK/MIA; S74

    This could of been avoided
  6. Prospect Scouting Report Name: Leo Strauss Age: 22 Country: Germany Position: Center Handedness: Left Height: 6’3 Weight: 195lbs The son of a VHL Hall of Fame center, Leo Strauss isn’t his father yet but this hopeful German is try to find success in the VHL like he did. Strauss was signed last season by the Houston Bulls of the VHLM ahead of his VHL draft. Strauss join and championship or bust group which left the scoring forward playing a position he had never played before in left wing and on the 3rd line no less. This was quite the adjustment for Leo and he never quite found his role or fit in, in the locker room. This has been a problem for Strauss the last few seasons before joining the VHLM. Despite all that Leo was able to put up 8 goal and 31 assists in 68 games helping Houston make the playoffs, sadly the team wasn’t able to go to the promise land but Leo was able to chip in 2 goals and 2 assists in 10 playoff games. Pros Skating - The lanky Leo has always put skating first when training and it has paid off so far, he is a very strong skater for his height, which makes he a very solid two-way player and is able to stretch the ice to create offence for his team with his speed. Shooting - He hasn’t found his scoring touch in the VHLM yet but Leo has been known to find the back of the net in most league he has played in, mostly because of his every good wrist shot and back hand. If you give Leo any space he isn’t afraid to throw it on net. Puck Handling - Maybe the most important skill Leo has added to his skill set the last few year is his puck handing. It is something he struggled with in junior but follow a couple wrist injuries he has really mad the effort to become a very good puck handler. He want the puck on his stick and doesn’t want to give it up. Cons Personality - Leo isn’t the easiest of going people. He takes a lot of things personally which makes him a bit of a hot head and it can cause problems in the room. He is so driven to be like his father he sometimes just forgets to have fun and be himself. It can take Leo a while to feel comfortable. Injuries - They aren’t his fault the Leo has struggled to stay health the last 2 years and it has really slowed his game down. He has been health so far but and set back could really hurt his ability to get better, this is a big year for him and another injury could be the end of his hockey career.
  7. Leo Stauss Junior Review Everyone in the VHL knows the name Markus Strauss the legendary German center who played in Seattle and Davos, so when his son Leo Strauss decided to make his way to the league it was no surprise, but how did Leo get here? Leo like his dad grew up playing hockey in Germany, a country that has started to produce some real good hockey player the last few years. Leo started playing when he was 5 and when he turned 16, again just like his father he decide to head to Canada to play in the CHL. Leo was drafted by the Vancouver Giants of the WHL and played 4 full seasons for them. Leo put up respectful numbers but nothing that jumped off the pages for scouts of the NHL. In his final year with Vancouver, Leo ran into some injury problems for the first time in his still young career. Leo injured his foot 2 weeks into the season which kept him out till Christmas and then hurt his wrist in the first round of the playoffs which forced him to miss the rest of the season. In a season that was suppose to be his best he ended up missing most of it. This really put a strain in Leo and being so far from home, he really struggle with his mental health. Following his 2nd injury he returned home frustrated and sad that his time in Vancouver was done and he wasn’t able to put in a great final season for the team. That summer Leo had a decision to make, his dad who was an assistant coach in the DEL for Berlin told his son that he could try giving it a go in the VHL but Leo didn’t think he was ready to join a league his dad played so well in coming off a wrist injury. Instead Leo decided to join his dad in Berlin for 2 seasons. Sadly the injury bug had found Leo and wasn’t letting go, Leo took another bad slash to his wrists only 5 games into his DEL career, missing another 3 months of hockey. This 2nd injury to his wrist in a calendar year really set the young center back. Leo returned to the ice in early January that season but never found his footing, getting every little ice time and putting up very little production. The following season Leo got out of the gates slow once again and really struggled to find the passion that is needed to be a pro hockey player. That Christmas while on break, Leo sat down with his dad and decided that he need a change, so Markus reached out to some old friends he still had in the VHLM and was able to find him a team in Houston that was willing to give him a chance. Leo has a long way to go to being as good as his dad but hopefully his trip to NA and to the VHLM will help him find his passion for the game once again and just maybe we might see another Strauss cause havoc in the VHL.
  8. What a night! During the S74 VHL Entry Draft we saw what I call history. My player Leo Strauss was drafted three times, yes you read that correctly THREE TIMES. Before the draft I had said that I didn’t wanted to be drafted because I want to hit free agency and pick where I went. Something that you just don’t see in the VHL very often. It had nothing to do with the GMs or the teams themselves because truly I don’t care who I play for but I was at best a late second rounder so it’s not like I was a star. As the draft began it slowly got through two rounds and I wasn’t selected, so as I sat in the discord I made it clear I thought it be funny to see myself not get draft. It kinda looked good for a bit as players with less TPE where getting selected and I started to fall. I was having a good time kinda just sitting and watching to see if my dream could come true but at pick forty my stupid dream died… The LA Stars thought they got a steal and selected me but that’s where the true fun began! My disappoint was real and was expressed in the draft discussion that I didn’t want to be draft. I said I wouldn’t sign and I didn’t want to join the Stars. Their GM wanted nothing to do with my bullshit and with out even discussing it with me released me seconds after getting drafted. Just like that I was put back into the available players to be selected, a mistake that was missed by the controlling party. So with that in the 4th round the London United selected me 54th overall and it didn’t end there, Riga who had been apart of the joke the entire night decided to end the night by drafting me for the third time at pick 66. Like a lot of people said this is a trivia question in the making and I’m glad I can still add to the history of the league all these years later.
  9. 1. How do you feel our season will go after our strong draft? The league made a massive mistake letting the 21st just draft whoever they wanted. Like Yukon passing? and letting myself, a stud go to Halifax. We are going to roll to a chip shot championship. Thank you to the rest of the dumb GMs in the VHLM 2. What did you think about our plentiful trades made during the draft? They all were terrible because they made all those trades and didn't move up to select me. I fell into the lap of Halifax because of how dumb these GMs are. 3. If you were drafted, did you go higher or lower than you were expecting? Much lower than expected, I thought I was a first round lock and I almost fell out of the 2nd round. Couldn't believe how dumb these guys are. I'm a HOFer, you take chances on HOFers not first Gens. IDIOTS, IDIOTS, IDITOS!!!! 4. Other than yourself, which player on Halifax are you most excited for? It's all about me, myself and I. This league is a joke so I don't really care about anyone, even my so called teammates. I just don't care, just get me the puck and stay the fuck out of my way. 7. What are your goals this season as a player? Just be the best VHLM player of all time and I know it will be super easy because of how bad the rest of the league is right meow! 9. Who's your favorite NHL team? TORONTO MOTHER FUCKING MAPLE LEAFS. YES IM DEAD INSIDE AND HAVE TRUST ISSUES... BUT I FUCKING BLEED BLUE AND WILL TILL THE DAY I FUCKING DIE!!!!!
  10. Well released twice tonight... will be a free agent for now 

    1. Banackock


      How fitting would it be to... you know? ?

  11. Being drafted 3 times tonight must be record!! Here we go Riga!! 

  12. I'd like to ask that VHL GMs do not draft me tonight, okay thanks! 

  13. truuue That is incorrect, Vasteras was the only franchise worth a damn
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