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Everything posted by gregreg

  1. 1.. In your opinion... how was Toronto's S75 VHL Entry Draft? | (For Draftees: What was your reaction when you discovered you were selected by the Toronto Legion?) We were able to get great players that also fit a need that we needed. Adding two defenceman of that skill with the 2 picks we had in the first round is fantastic!! 2. John Merrick was irritatingly disregarded in the Top Rookie discussion, while recently retired Ritchie wasn't even a nominee for most improved... so how would you rate your faith in our 'award committee'? Look those fuckers will just vote for whoever has the best stats because they're the laziest pieces of shit the VHL has! 3. Jaxx Hextall is sticking around! What do you think about having a solid goalie in net? | (For Rookie: When asked to waive your NTC, what made you decide you wanted to stick around in Toronto?) We're a young team so having a veteran goalie to save us if we do make mistakes is great. We will win more games this season just because we have Hextall. I'm so glad we have him here for now and for the future. 4. In your honest opinion... was moving Killinger and Magnum a mistake or a requirement? No, not at all. We needed to retool on the fly and those two got us a very big return. It sucks they had to move on but getting those picks will help the team win a lot quicker. 5. What are your own personal projections for your player in the upcoming season? I'm going to win the RoTY (Leo Strauss) it's a lock! I will lead the team in everything because I am just THAT good! 6. What about the Toronto Legion? How do you think we will do this season. We are going to fight tooth and nail for a playoff spot but we will sadly miss.
  2. Yesterday the Seattle Bears sent Leo Strauss to the Toronto Legion for a S77 2nd, a move that had to be made by Seattle to fit under the salary cap and to give Leo Strauss more playing time. We caught up with Leo as he headed out of town yesterday and even though he might get more playing time in Toronto he was not a happy camper. “If you want me to say nice things about Seattle tonight, I’m not going to. I joined them last season after getting released by LA and I was promised a lot in doing so. Instead we are a season later and I’m heading to Toronto. I work really hard this season playing for a shitty GM in Halifax and I thought that hard work would lead me to Seattle not Toronto. I can tell you this Toronto is getting a real motivated player. Fueled by hate and revenge!! I can’t wait to take down Seattle.” Leo joins a young Toronto team that will look to compete next season with a very young 2nd line. We look forward to seeing Leo play his rookie season and will try to prove the haters that they are wrong!
  3. I place the Strauss curse on the Seattle Bears
  4. I don't know what this is but I'm in
  5. I think we can all agree Americans suck. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jhatty8


      twists comes back on the forums and sees this

    3. diamond_ace


      I'm american, and yeah a lot of us suck.

    4. Banackock





  6. Hi, I'm looking for playing time next season. Any VHL GM looking for a motivated young player please contact the Seattle Bears 

    1. Banackock


      They’re gonna love getting it on discord AND the forums everyday now.



  7. 1. Thoughts on Seattle losing to Toronto? This is what happens when you don't put Leo Strauss on your team and now you are going to trade him? A Strauss curse is coming to the Bears. 2. Who do you think wins the cup - Vancouver or Helsinki? Helsinki because Vancouver is a trash team that sucked Simons cock to get to the finals! 3. Anything to say to @TXC or @Berocka as they head out into the sunset (retiring)? Who? 4. Who do you think should be Bears captain next season? You need a leader, a player that will lead men and women. So I'd say Leo Strauss but you are going to trade him so... Good luck 5. How do you think we can improve Tonn's play in goal? Is trading him an option? No? Then you are never going to win a cup. Have fun sucking! 6. How much do you think you could hold gorlab hostage for? What would your demands be? Gorlab is barely worth a junior chicken. Not worth my time
  8. If Halifax was a real team @Dilwould be fired so fast 

  9. this is what happens when you don't change in the playoffs, very much TB of 2019
  10. 1. Thoughts on how we ended the season? It wasn't good and now it has lead to a terrible playoffs. Need to be better down the stretch! 2. Were you happy with your players play and results this season? I was in the minors and was on the best team in the league but didn't get the playing time I wanted. Ended with 30+ goals and 80+ points so it was a good season just not a great one. 3. Thoughts on playing Toronto in "round 2"? Maybe make a prediction if you're feeling bold? 4-1 Toronto because Seattle just isn't good enough this season without Strauss. Seattle will win next season with him in the lineup guaranteed! 4. Who was the Bears MVP this season? Hogan from start to finish the best player by far. 5. What are you willing to sacrifice to BABA GANUSH to give us the powers and dark magic luck to beat TOR? Yes, I would sacrifice you if I had too. 6. Are you excited for Halloween? What are your plans? Hate Halloween with a passion! but do have some friends coming to hangout for the night, have some drinks and what not
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