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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. @JardyB10 appreciate it! Yea, there was a spot that got wonky, but after talking as long as we did and my deep desire to go to bed I decided to go the whole "unedited' route lol
  2. I appreciate the kind words! I'm in the same boat as you are with the EFL. I don't really enjoy it anymore. My favorite musician often changes, enough that I don't claim one as my "favorite." Glad to hear there is another cheeseburger lover here. I could eat that or even steak every day and not get sick of it. Thanks for answering the questions! Not going to lie, I don't even remember asking these, but I'm glad I did!
  3. If Putin hates NATO and any country associated with it, then Canada isn't able to avoid this lol
  4. I mean, nothing you are saying here is wrong lol
  5. 1. I'm hoping so. I'm liking what I'm seeing so far! 2. I saw an advertisement on Thrash94 Gaming's YouTube channel. 3. No, not anymore! 4. I really like an egg sandwich made with over-easy eggs! 5. From my bird watching I really like Song Sparrows. I can play their call and they'll not only respond but they'll actually come up to you. I think it's pretty cool, and it always makes me happy when it happens. 6. I had a few things I wanted to do. I think the one that sticks out the most is that I wanted to be a photographer.
  6. Enjoy the episode! We made a bunch of mentions in this episode, so I'm not even going to try and tag everyone. Intro and Istanbul: 00:00-11:44 Stockholm: 11:45-28:54 Family and GMing: 28:55-45:50 VHLE: 45:51-1:12:00 WW3: 1:12:01-1:24:00 Back to VHLE: 1:24:01-END --- @KaleebtheMighty claiming for 2/13, 2/20, 2/27, 3/6 @thadthrasher claiming for 2/13
  7. I can't even imagine what something like this would do to the entire world. Beyond just infrastructure, but the escalation of force and power could lead to something we may not recover from... scary stuff for sure.
  8. As some of you ay know I spent a little bit of time in the United States Army. This time spent made me interested in military affairs, and military interaction all around the world. At the end of my contract I had a 2 year period where I could be recalled if there was a major conflict that occurred, and this was during one of those times where North Korea said "I'm going to do something big" and the rest of the world "lol, k." Needless to say, I was holding my breath. Well, I bring all of this up because we are at yet another time where a world super power is making questionable moves, and whenever that happens there is a feeling of "oh no, what's going to happen now?" For quite some time there has been great tension growing between Ukraine and Russia. This has progressed and we are now seeing an increase in Russian military presence along the border of Ukraine. If you don't know much about what is going on, here's a really interesting video. Look below the video for a summarization.... Basically, as I understand it, Ukraine and Russia share a deep and rich history. There is a deep desire from Putin to amass territory and power, and he really wants Ukraine back. Essentially, Ukraine and a few other countries were a part of the Soviet Union, and after it disbanded these countries became independent. Over time many of these countries joined NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), a combined military alliance, and Putin does not want that to happen with Ukraine. There is a growing narrative that NATO and the West are invading Ukraine and that Russia must come to Ukraine's aid (aka invade and take over). I post all of this because I'm curious about what some of you know, what your insights are, and what you think!
  9. Because it wasn't hosted by JardyB10!
  10. @LuluSalesAway and I really enjoy birdwatching. I know, it sounds nerdy, but it really is a lot of fun. We go on long hikes with binoculars and a bird book. We keep track of what we see and how many, and we report that to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology through their website ebird.org. Not only do we spend quite a bit of time outside and in nature, but we are helping Cornell with their ornithology studies. I do quite a bit of hiking and it's amazing how many different species of birds are around you. When I started paying attention to what I would see and hear it was actually quite comforting. I would be alone in the woods, not a single person around for miles, yet I always had the company of a few curious birds. I don't always upload the pictures I take, and when I do it's always the RAW file and never the edited one, so you can take a look at some that I've seen! https://ebird.org/media/catalog?userId=USER993650&mediaType=p If you have any questions, or seriously want to look into it, I'd love to help!
  11. Hear me out on this. I think it would be a great idea to have @JardyB10 host a weekly gameshow with VHL members as contestants. It can be done live through Discord stream or Twitch, and it can function much like Family Feud. Jardy could come up with a list of trivia questions that teams have to answer. The winning team will win pride and admiration from the community, which is pretty legit. Plus, I think Jardy has the heart of a family gameshow host (despite the never ending list of borderline offensive things he says and raunchy language). Now, I know what you're thinking, "Thad, there are so many issues going on right now. How in the world would a gameshow help us as a community?" Well, I'm here to tell you that it would help. Find my reasoning below... Reasoning: Now, here is a comprehensive list of the issues that this would solve: Frankly, this is the perfect solution. So, @JardyB10, when should we expect the first show?
  12. I like moderation for the sake of keeping things within the boundaries of the rules that we as a community have. I do, however, like less moderation over more. So far Sales is doing pretty darn good! I'm hoping for another great season by him. It's the last one he'll have... I'm really looking forward to playing with Wesley outside. Even just the act of chasing him around, or wandering through the woods. The winter makes that difficult. 1. I keep seeing people say that the meta is a problem, even equating it to being "cheating." I'm curious, what solution do you propose? 2. Do you have a favorite NHL player? If so, who and why? 3. If you could only watch one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? (Can be TV show, movie, short film...)
  13. Vancouver Wolves goaltender Thadius Sales took a lap around the ice following Vancouver’s 2-0 victory over the Calgary Wranglers where he was deemed the 1st Star of the game. This victory marked the first of hopefully many shutouts that Sales has this season. Following the lap around the ice, and after a much needed shower, Sales appeared before the press. “Sales, you played phenomenally tonight. You phased 37 shots and it seemed like you saw every single one of them without a problem. Honestly, it looks like you’re playing the best you’ve ver played before. What are your thoughts?” “Yea, those 37 shots were beastly, and I’m not gonna lie, I thought for sure that a few were squeaking passed me. But, yea, I’ve been feeling really good, especially after the back of last season. We brought home the cup, and I was able to bring home the Greg Clegne Trophy and the Aidan Shaw Trophy. It felt really good. I’ve been asked a lot by people what I’m going to do next, and frankly, I think I’m gonna end my career on a high note. I haven’t played very long, I know that, but I started late and I’m ready to slow down, meet a girl, have some kids. Who knows, maybe I’ll go back to selling paper and change my name back to Michael Scott! But, all of that to say, this will be my last season as not only a Vancouver Wolf, but as a goaltender in the Victory Hockey League.” As Sales finished his statement the press room erupted. Questions flew at him faster than Calgary’s pucks! But, he was able to dip out of the room before being bogged down with too many more. As he walked back to the locker room he took a detour to the ice. He stepped out to the bench and sat down, in shorts and a t-shirt. The lights were dimmed, crews were cleaning, but it seemed like Sales was there all alone. It seemed like he was taking it all in again. This was the official statement of his retirement, and it was all so real now. Breathing in deeply, Sales stood up and walked back to the locker room. Now, there is still an entire season ahead of Sales, and his time isn’t up. As he left the arena he stopped before a few media personnel to say, “the season’s just begun, and tonight was hopefully a reflection of what I’ll do during every game here on out. My big goal is to capture a few more personal trophies, maybe set a record, and bring Vancouver the cup again. I don’t plan on just playing well for myself, but for my team, my fans, and my family.” With those parting words Sales got into his car and drove off. While it hasn’t been very long that Sales has played in Vancouver, both the city and the fans have taken him in as one of their own. Who knows where Sales will land after this season? But, one thing is for sure, he’ll always be home in Vancouver. ---- 520 words, claiming week ending 6 February
  14. It was a tough choice between #2 and #3 for me, but I finally settled on #3. I really like the faded logo behind each render, looks sick!
  15. For a split second I thought, "Wait a minute....." lol
  16. The Stockholm Vikings have made a Free Agency Offer
  17. The Stockholm Vikings have made a Free Agency Offer
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