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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. Donation for S82 Transaction ID: 20947148288230832 Doubles Week 5 Uncapped TPE $1 Mil Player Store Cash
  2. lol I goofed, it's been moved to here
  3. Player Information Username: thadthrasher Player Name: Napoleon Dynamite Recruited From: Returning Age: 16 Position: C Height: 73 in. Weight: 172 lbs. Birthplace: Preston, Idaho, United States of America Player Page @VHLM GM
  4. Part of that also comes from the effects of war going through generations of people. The US has veterans that all endured something "over there," somewhere other than home. To those who have never seen "those" places the conflict, fighting, war seem so surreal that it's hard to imagine, even after seeing videos and pictures. The people in Ukraine, and most of Europe, have had the fighting not "somewhere other than home," but right in their back yards. That, connected with the stories passed down, has a way of desensitizing.
  5. These videos are coming from households where families should be getting their kids ready for school, people should be heading off to work, enjoying life. Instead, missiles, jets, and anti-missile defense systems are waking these people up early in the morning, followed by the establishment of martial law.
  6. I know that this may come as a surprise to some of you, but it’s taken me 17 months of being the VHL to spend a considerable amount of time on the index simply exploring. I went through and clicked on just about anything I could, saw a few interesting records, and found myself looking at player stats. I ventured over to the goalie area and discovered that when I click on a player and then click into “Pro Stat” I can see how many times that player earned a star in a game. Now, you may be wondering what I did with this incredibly valuable information. Well, wonder no more! Here we go! Nerdy Facts and Stats Up to this point in S82 there have been 366 games played in the VHL. With each game having 3 stars there have been 1098 stars this season within these games. At first, I was curious to see how many times goalies in the VHL grabbed one of those stars. What I found. after looking at every goalie who has played at least one game in the VHL this season, totaling 31 goalies, was that goalies have been named a star of the game 97 times. First star times were 35, second star times were 34, and third star times were 28. What this means is that out of the 1098 possible chances a player had to be named a star of the game, VHL goalies were named 97 of those times. For those who love percentages, this means that VHL goalies have been stars of the game 8.83% of the time this season thus far. In all of the VHL there are 295 skaters and 31 goalies who have played in a game this season, totaling 326 players. This is including bot players and goalies and players who had at least 1 second of on-ice time. This means that the goalies that have played this season make up 9.5% of the population of players who have played this season. 9.5% of the playing population has won 8.83% of the star opportunities. (Disclaimer: Keep in mind that at most in one game goalies can only claim 2 out of 3 stars since you won’t have 3 goalies in a game each grabbing a star. Also, a goalie’s chances of earning a star is .33% less likely to happen when compared to a skater who has 3 opportunities to be named a star in a game) (Further Disclaimer: There are so many variables that go into probability and I A) don’t know how to do all of that, and B) don’t care to do it all even if I knew how. It’s likely I messed up something somewhere, so be gentle on me). Goalies played (31) / Total number of players (295 skaters + 31 goalies) = 9.5% Times goalies were stars (97) / Total star opportunity (1098) = 8.83% The Fun Part Of course, as someone who manages a goalie, and has for 8 seasons now, I like seeing him do well. So, in the spirit of competition I wanted to show the goalies and how many times they earned first, second, and third star of the game. As far as goalies with first star of the game accolades we have Thadius Sales with the most at 5 times. Then, Kunibuni UnGuri and Sikants Klamasteris have both been the second star of the game the most at 4 times a piece. And finally we have four goalies who have the most third star of the game accolades; David Davis, Sirkants Klamasteris, Tobias Reinhart, and Xavier Booberry. Finally, there are four goalies who have each been designated as a star of the game up to this point in the season 8 times; Em Em Flex, Sirkants Klamasteris, Tobias Reinhart, and Thadius Sales. Now, after reading all of this you may be wondering, “Thad, what does this all mean and why does it matter?” Well, I’m glad you asked! This started as something completely meaningless, and for the most part still is, but I’ve learned something interesting throughout this little adventure. A goalie being named a star of the game is a pretty significant thing! I’ve also learned that I shouldn’t start working on something like this too late at night, otherwise I’ll stay up too late doing meaningless research and bothering @Spartan to help me figure it out. But, isn’t that the moral of the VHL story? Anyways, I hope you’ve enjoyed this little project and I’m hoping to return to this at the end of the season and see how different the numbers are! Mentions: @thadthrasher @Victor @N0HBDY @Spaz @Josh @hedgehog337 @Beketov @Molholt @oilmandan @Doomsday @Trunkxolotl @CowboyinAmerica @Erik @Berocka @Barry @Caboose30 @Vkobe-v @efiug @Flames1Fan ־־־ 775 Words, claiming week ending March 6th 2022
  7. I appreciate the vote of confidence here, but you may be the only one who has “Sales” and “Hall of Fame” in the same sentence
  8. Love the article! But, you forgot to tag me
  9. Behind closed doors I'm absolutely awful! Also, I don't know if being considered as someone who has been around the league a "long time" is a good or bad thing. And, who knows, maybe we'll end up on the same team this time around. Hmm, maybe Megabite Sized needs a special guest appearance?
  10. Will Thad’s recreate be Calgary bound?!
  11. 1. I'd take the whole team out to Texas Roadhouse! I'm a simple man, what can I say... 2. Peaches 3. Oh cooking for sure. 4. I went for about 3 days 5. This is a tough one. I'd say Raising Cane's Chicken. I miss it! 6. I absolutely love "A Quiet Place." I could watch that movie over and over again.
  12. OD, as always you are making content that is absolutely wonderful. One of my favorite things that people do is make fantastic graphics that also look simple. I look at this and think "oh man, I could do that," and of course I would attempt it and fail miserably. Anyways, I love all aspects of this piece and I'm sure Brian will love it as well. One subtle thing you added is the cosmic background, which is a neat addiction and looks really good! Well done, as always! 10/10
  13. This is an all around great graphic. It has wonderful layering that isn't overwhelming, but keeps your attention as you look at it. I really like the eyes of the bear behind the player, it's a bit ominous and intimidating, which is really awesome! I agree with Steve that the player render could use a little work, and the logo swap is in a good spot but a bit grainy. I think if you perfected those two I could rate this higher. I'm with Steve here, 8/10. Well done!
  14. Lol all it would take is a look at my season before Vancouver to see that my goalie is anything but meta
  15. This is part of the description you give for trolling. These three quotes above are areas where you kind of address the issue while simultaneously calling a broad group of player/users "losers." Now, I'm not a meta player because I have a goalie, so I suppose I don't fall into this group (or maybe I do since I was traded to Vancouver), but of course I'm not a fan of there being a meta. But, as it's been pointed out, there will ALWAYS be a more dominant build over the others. That's not something we can get rid of. I'd love to see actual suggestions for a solution over insulting a team of people who spent time doing point tasks and using their TPE how they wish, and the person who manages the team. It seems to me that most of the conversations about the meta are focused more on trying to defrock Nyko and discredit everything he does instead of offering a logical and well thought out solution. In this article there wasn't even an attempt at bringing forward a solution. Instead, it was set on doing one thing, digging into the rule book and finding any possible way to label a team and players as "trolls." What would this achieve exactly? What was your end goal with this entire article? Now, I ask, what is a troll? Well, let's look to what you said... This article was so focused on pinpointing a rule on someone and a team that it did the very thing that it accuses an entire team and Nyko of doing. Trolling. I say all of this because I think you can offer up solutions that the BoG would love to hear, and I'm sure you already have. But the repeated comments, articles, and various other media used to kick at the sand and grumble "grrr meta" does nothing positive for the community or even the problem at hand.
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