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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. Just an update! I organized an American Red Cross blood drive at our church since we have the facilities to easily hold one. It was our first ever blood drive, and it was a huge success. We were able to collect 24 units of blood, which equals out to 72 lives being saved or helped!
  2. 1. A break lol 2. Oh, I highly doubt it. 3. Me 4. Nah, I think we'll overtake them for sure. 5. I love it because it's the time of year where we celebrate the birth of Jesus! 6. Much better, I'll have a son!
  3. I appreciate the extra steps you took this time to add in some music/sound effects
  4. @JardyB10 after I made this @LuluSalesAway and I got in the car to grab some Indian food. I played this for her and when it got to that part she gave me this look... And then said, "That's not you really peeing, is it?"
  5. 1. Seeing how I made them, I’m excited! 2. Cries, he’d like to sleep more. 3. Barbie Girl 4. This is a hard one. Imma say French fries though. 5. Hamburgers all dayy! 6. Over, obviously!
  6. Well, here it is! My podcast entry for the podcasting tournament. Please, be sure to vote for my podcast by clicking this link! I hope you enjoy, and please be sure to tell me what you think! Claiming week ending 19 December 2021 @Berocka
  7. Merry Christmas everyone! I'll also be donating blood to the American Red Cross on December 15th (we're hosting a blood drive at the church). This donation will also cover @Peace. @bigAL here’s my update. Just gave blood today, December 15th
  8. Please, if you are reading this, take some time to see my apology to Sam.

  9. I know, the title probably made you think, "Oh boy, what happened now..." but it's not like that. It's worse. You see, I do actually owe @samx a deep and sincere apology, and I made a promise that it would happen. As a condition of this trade I promised to publicly apologize to Sam for something that I had said. Now that the trade has gone through it's time for me to fulfill my end of the deal. After all, I am a man of my word. The Backstory: It was a cool Wednesday night. A night filled with pain and discomfort. Nothing would help the pain subside, and I felt stuck. I felt as if I was never going to be without pain again. For as of that Wednesday morning, I began my Invisalign treatment. In case you haven't seen my incredibly wonderful face before, I have some pretty messed up teeth. Ever since I was a young boy I wanted to fix them, but when you grow up poor you don't get that luxury. But, now as a big boy with a big boy job, I can. The day started off with excitement. The tightness of the trays on my teeth weren't too bad at first, but boy did that pain escalate. It went from a small pressure, to a little discomfort, to me having a massive headache. It was a progression of chaos that no one could stop, and unfortunately, I lashed out. Not only did I lash out, but Sam was the unfortunate soul who was at the tail end of my aggression. I had entered into my locker room on Discord on Wednesday, November 24th, 2021. My faithful and trusty AGM, Jarl Kisslinger @Kisslinger had been chatting away, keeping our locker room activity going. I, in pain yet excited, announced that I had submitted lines. Now, I don't remember exactly what Sam had said in response to my statement, but whatever it was set me off. Something inside of me snapped. I could hear nothing but a loud ringing in my ear, my vision went red, and I typed out my response. At first it was nothing at all, just a statement of surprise. But, then the boil over happened and I said something that was deeply hurtful. That is why this apology is happening. I do want to warn you that what you are about to read may be offensive... The Hurtful Thing: The Apology: I don't know about the rest of you who are reading this, but I know that we all have moments where we regret the things we say. We have a momentary lapse in judgment and it's like the flood gate of awful and terrible things in our minds come pouring out in a rolling river of daggers aimed at the hearts of the people around us. As you can see, I attacked not only Sam, but something that she holds near and dear to her heart... Now that I have laid the evidence before you, I would like to take this time to say this. Sam, from the bottom of my heart... no, the very core of my being, I...am...sorry. What I said to you was uncalled for, mean spirited, and just down right bad. Allow me a moment to express my apology in the form of a poem. Apologies There's never been a time like this where the words of my mouth came with such a hiss. They lashed out poorly and made you weep. And now my sorrow is stupid deep. The depth of sorrow that I feel, is enough to make a grown man keel. And although this pain is great in my chest, I know you feel it more than the rest. But, what else could I say to one I've hurt, "I'm sorry, forgive me," well that just won't work. You see, these words are boring and over used, and frankly, I'm sure, you're unamused. Fret not my friend, there's more to say, my hope is that soon we'll return to play. I wished a curse upon your tongue, and I realize now that was the lowest on the rung. Well here I stand in confidence to say, that I wish nuggets would surround you each and every day. May they always be warm and with a breading so light, that each bite you take fills you with joyful delight. Let the dip that you use add flavor so full, and may the taste be as bold as a raging bull. With each bud on your tongue shall you taste every piece, and with this poem here now may our fighting cease. Your love of nuggets rivals most marriages, and they pull you along like horses with carriages. May this apology find you well and fill up your heart, for I hope you and nuggets are never apart. ---- 816 words, Claiming week ending 12 December 2021 *this was clearly us joking around*
  10. How interesting! So, I'm like @samx and know next to nothing about Harry Potter, but my wife LOVES Harry Potter. She made me take the online quiz thing one time and it did place me in Hufflepuff. What's funny though is that she was not satisfied. "This isn't right" she said, "you're definitely in Slytherin." I don't know what that actually means, but thanks!
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