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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. 1. The greatest enemy on the ice we have to look out for is ourselves. It's a head game at this point. If we stay concentrated and focused we'll come out on top! 2. Without a doubt we need some amazing goaltending from @InstantRockstar. 3. Well, Napoleon Dynamite has never in his life been a part of something so important. He's feeling some pressure, but he really isn't nervous. 4. Like I mentioned above he's feeling some pressure, but overall he's feeling good. 5. He eats a lot of tater tots, feeds his llama Tina, and usually does a few dance numbers to warm up. 6. Napoleon is a sophisticated person who would eat both of them together. But, if he HAD to pick one it would be mango.
  2. When Sales received the news that he would be moving to Vancouver from New York he never expected for it to result in anything this good. In fact, he was worried that things could only get worse, which of course was not the case. The move may have displaced Sales’ home, but his career took a huge leap, and it proved to be an advantageous move for Sales and Vancouver together. Coming into S81, Sales’ career meant little to nothing to everyone around the league. Never the highest in the stat column, but never the lowest, Sales’ first 5 seasons in the VHL were, well, forgettable. New York locals loved him, they knew him, but that was it. No one else really cared. Then it all changed when he found himself trading in the red, white and blue for the black, white, and silver. In just one season Sales went from 27 wins to 51. He lost half as many games, increased his SV% from .91 to .923, and reduced his GAA from 3.62 to 3.02. On top of that, Sales 3 more shutouts than in S80 with New York, which is the most he had earned in one season. The tail of end his first season with Vancouver not only included the most playoff games he'd ever played, but the first time he would lift the Continental Cup. In S82, his second and last season with Vancouver, Sales gave a similar performance to S81. While he did lose a few more games, he was able to bring in a .926 SV% and lowered his GAA even more to a 2.89. He matched his 3 shutouts and even let it 7 fewer goals than in the previous season. Needless to say, it’s a shame that the rest of Sales’ career didn’t look like this last season. At the end of his regular season career, Sales has played 444 games, won 237 games, lost 169 with 32 OTL. His SV% averages at .917 with a 3.35 GAA. All together he earned 10 shutouts and allowed less than 1500 goals over the course of his regular season career. In all, Sales spent 26,451 minutes on the ice in the regular season, which comes out to just about 441 hours, or 18 full days on the ice. After showing Sales the overall statistics, this is what he had to say. “You know, I never thought back in S74 when I played my first VHLM game that I’d be here today, a Continental Cup champion, and hopefully a 2-time champion after this next playoff series. Sure, I hoped for it, but I just didn’t think it would happen. I was just happy to play the game. Fast forward to now, and I still feel just as happy playing this game. It’s what gave me hope in prison, pulled me out of a dark place, and inspired me to do better. I’ve met an innumerable amount of amazing people in my career, and I don’t think I would have done any of it differently. At the end of the day, whether others think so or not, I’ve had an amazing career and I’m hoping to stay in Vancouver as a goalie coach after all is said and done. But, if not, maybe I’ll go back to selling paper. Either way, I might just switch back to being called Michael Scott after all of this.” --- 569 words, claiming week ending 13 March 2022
  3. A lot of people don't like new things, or attempts at things that existed before, but I think y'all are off to a good start here! Excited to see more!
  4. I've read through these comments and I'm excited to see how this changes things. I do have a question, though it's more to do with the history of the league and other things. How do we perceive this affecting things such as HoF considerations for players who must adjust halfway through their career? Will already established records or future ones be asterisked? I'd imagine that these adjustments will change numbers produced?
  5. Awww, Jardy was sad to see me move. ily boo But, for real, the best thing suggested in here was a performance review of GMs. I think this is a good idea all around. @Beketov,basically @samx just says that she thinks you're cool
  6. sam: *hates the word "groom" also sam: *not bothered by "indoctrinate" lol
  7. This is a really well done graphic! I appreciate the background greatly, as it is not "too much" and adds some nice depth to your graphic. Now, one thing I would suggest doing is working on how you cut out your renders. On the right side of the player you can see some white spacing, and especially in the hair. It can be difficult to figure out how to do it well, but once you do your graphics will look much cleaner and more natural. I will say that your logo swap and recolor are well done! Keep it up! 8/10
  8. This is a really well written piece here. I agree, sometimes it can be hard to produce 500 words, but you did it well. To make your article a bit more appealing to the eye you could create subheadings for the team you are talking about. Maybe bold and center the team name with a logo, something like that could help. The other thing I would suggest for the future is tagging the members you mention. It lets them know you are talking about them and it creates traffic to your article. Beyond that, the content is great and was easy to read. 9/10!
  9. Napoleon is feeling very excited. Saskatoon is the first professional team he's ever played for, and he's getting some good ice time. It's much more than he expected. Well, since Napoleon is new to the whole scene he didn't know about the rookie skate that happens right before the game. Oh boy, was he in for a treat. He's still pretty reserved, always has been. Not much of a talker, just a doer. The teammates are all very welcoming! Well, Napoleon adds some center depth to the lineup, and those late game face off victory will be needed. He needs to work on his shooting. He's still not doing it enough.
  10. Many moons ago, at the inception of YouTube, Thad created a lyric video for a song with no music video. It was done on Windows Movie Maker with a black screen and white text.
  11. My wife frowns upon me all the time, you get used to it
  12. You know there is no rule that states a GM in the M/E can't be an AGM for the VHL. So, I apply
  13. Uncle Rico may have an absolute cannon, but he said we don't even have enough money to buy the fun pack of chips. Gosh!
  14. @Papp Maxim welcome to the VHL! If you have any questions or need any help please feel free to reach out to me!
  15. Napoleon Andrew Dustin Dynamite, known simply as Napoleon Dynamite, is a 16-year-old center from Preston, Idaho. Napoleon is an incredibly awkward young man who has spent most of his high school days being the outcast. Most of the time, Napoleon is finding himself being bullied, pushed around, or even beat up. When frustrated, especially around the people he loves, he gets a bit loud and braggadocious. But, we aren’t here to talk about that. What many people don’t know, or even consider as possible, is that Napoleon is an incredibly talented hockey player. While Preston High does not have a team for Napoleon to play on, he often finds himself at the indoor hockey rink 30 minutes south of Preston, Idaho in North Logan, Utah. This was where he got his first job helping rent out skates, and when he has spare time he will lace up the skates and play. One day, after work, Napoleon laced up his skates, picked up a stick, and started shooting at the net. It became very apparent that Napoleon had a natural talent, seamlessly sniping in shots in the corners. The local hockey league president observed his natural ability and got him to join the North Logan Grizzlies. Napoleon’s skill brought him quickly to the first line where he was the best center around. Napoleon quickly gained notoriety. He was given a raise at the rink, as people would come simply to watch the awkward teen interact with people but then destroy opponents on the ice. It was an anomaly, and people loved it. This news made its way to scouts for the Victory Hockey League and a few of the VHL minor league teams began looking into Napoleon. After hearing about this, Napoleon put himself out there and stated that he would play professional hockey, if given the chance. Napoleon’s natural ability is not enough to make him a professional player, but this ability is something that can be trained and managed. At his current level of playing he is easily a point-per-game player and dominate in the face-off circle, winning over 85% of the face-offs he has taken. He has an incredible ability to win the face-off between the legs of his opponent, skate right around him, and burry the puck quickly behind the opposing goalie. For a lanky, skinny, uncoordinated teenager, this kid has raw talent that, under the right leadership, could become something amazing. The local Preston and North Logan communities are excited to see what could happen with their local awkward center.
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