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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. @Doomsday I am originally from Pennsylvania. I grew up north of Williamsport, just about 15 minutes south of Corning, NY. But, legit, I'd be down for a get together with fellow VHL people. I'm only a short drive away from Philadelphia.
  2. The Stockholm Vikings have made a Free Agency Offer
  3. Absolutely, it really does fall on both parties.
  4. You know, this is what I do. I learned it from Horcrux, errr I mean Kachur!
  5. I agree with you 100% here. There was a couple of my players who I should have messaged ahead of time. I can also take the initiative to contact their future VHL GMs as well. As you said, it's a learning experience and we'll get there.
  6. No, this one actually pertains to you as a VHL GM lol
  7. I want to start this by saying that I'm not one to be a pot stirrer. I don't really advocate for drama, nor do I like hot-button topics. I try to be low-key, kind, and friendly. But, I do want to point out something... Every single one of us who are in any form of leadership position in this league want to make sure that things run smoothly and that there is a level of cohesion among us. I don't think anyone wants to deny that. From the VHLM up to the VHL and everything in between, we come into these positions for a variety of reasons, with one common goal, to make the VHL one of the greatest hockey sim leagues there is! But, there seems to be a growing issue (to some it won't be an issue, to others it is)... There seems to be a lack of communication. Sure, given recent hot button topics such as the mod team or the BoG you may think I am talking about them, but really I'm talking about the cross-league management. There is almost 0 communication between the General Managers in the VHLM, the VHLE, and the VHL. We do not share a common channel in discord, nor do we really message one another (outside of our own leagues at least). While this isn't normally necessary, now that we have a bit of a TPE window between the VHLE and the VHL, maybe it is necessary. Hear me out... The VHLM is simple with this. At 200 TPE the players move up to their VHLE/VHL team as long as it is before/after the season begins. That's really not an issue, and I don't think the VHLM General Managers are caught off guard. The issue finds itself in the 350-399 TPE players who are in the VHLE. Essentially, players who are within the 350-399 TPE range are able to be called up by their VHL teams (who pay their salaries and have rights to them). There is no denying on my end that VHL teams hold the right to call up their players. The problem that I, and a few other VHLE GMs are running into is that some VHL General Managers are calling up players at various times throughout the offseason without any warning, heads-up, or even a courtesy "by the way I need this player" message. We log on, look at our team in the portal and see that 1, 2, even 3 players are missing because they've been called up to their VHL team. Them being called up is not the issue here. The lack of communication is where we find ourselves stumped. Ultimately, the VHL team that drafted a player owns the rights to them, and none of us are denying that. I just think that there should be some form of professional courtesy that goes along with a call up. Sure, a VHL GM can let their player know that they are being called up, but as we have already seen that player does not always reach out to their previous GM. I don't think it's too much to ask that a VHL GM contact the current GM of a player they want to call up with a quick message. I say all of this while understanding that the VHLE is still fresh, still new, and for some reason still disliked by many in the league. But, it's here, and we work hard to make our teams and players successful. I hope that this post encourages the VHL GMs to be a bit more communicative with us VHLE GMs.
  8. I really do like what you did here with this graphic, but there are a couple of personal tastes that I'd like to mention. To start, you have a black border around the whole image except for the bottom right side and on the left next to the player, that bugs me (visually speaking). The biggest thing though is the background. It appears white and then when you click on the image it appears black, so I assume this is a .png file. I would have added some sort of background, even if it was just a solid color of some kind. Something would be better than the all white. While I've shared some personal taste opinions, know that I don't dislike this graphic. In fact, I really do like it. 8/10
  9. What a beautiful article this is! The formatting isn't too bad and the gif on the top is a very nice touch to it all! I couldn't spot any glaring grammatical errors. The only thing that stood out that could be worked on were the periods at the ends of some of your bolded and underlined goals, sort of takes away from the visual appeal of the article. Well done! 8/10
  10. 1. If you could pick 1 team to play on for the rest of your VHL life, who would it be and why? 2. Is there a role/job you'd like to have in the VHL? 3. Are you a part of any other sim leagues? 4. Who is your favorite musician? 5. If you could only eat one meal the rest of your life, what would it be? 6. What is one country you would love to live in?
  11. Did you see there was another Florida man article circulating around the internet?

    1. fonziGG


      You know what, this is pretty great. However, European Butts is quite entertaining on it's own accord.

    2. mediocrepony


      i thought i was going to be rickrolled


  12. It comes to surprise no one that there would be another Florida man article circulating around the internet. Historically, those articles have been headlined as such: Florida man chews off another man’s face Florida man trapped in unlocked closet for two days Florida man busted feeding iguanas to alligator in jail zoo Florida man tries to evade arrest by cartwheeling away from cops Florida man arrested for calling 911 after kitten denied entry into strip club These are, of course, rather serious incidents that have been reported. The comical nature of the article titles do not diminish the seriousness of each incident. It was, however, only a matter of time before a serious “Florida man” incident occurred in the world of the VHL. You may be thinking that this article would take place in Miami with the Marauders, but it seems that this particular Florida man made his way across the ocean to Sweden. And they wanted him there… While this title is NOT the title for the current article you are reading, this article is about that most unfortunate child named Florida Man @zepheter. Presumably growing up in the marsh lands of Florida, wrestling with alligators and siphoning gasoline out of local lawn mowers, Florida Man made a name for himself (see what we did there…) in the world of professional hockey. Drafted 42nd Overall in the Victory Hockey League Europe by the Stockholm Vikings, Florida Man made his way around the world to Stockholm, Sweden. For two amazing seasons he played his heart out for the Vikings. This effort, fueled by a strict diet of Mountain Dew and Funyuns, led him to be a favorite name in Stockholm among the Vikings fanbase. Failing to ever disappoint his fans, Florida Man went on to be the Points, Goals, Shots, and Plus/Minus leader for the S81 playoffs, which brought the venerated Renaissance Cup to Stockholm. Unfortunately, this is what leads us to this article’s title… It seems that Florida Man ran through a variety of emotions after the Viking’s Renaissance Cup victory. Celebrating in the city, Florida Man’s inner…well, Florida man came out. He drank excessively, punched a bunch of walls and stained glass, and found himself standing in the National Sports Museum at Djurgardsbrunnsvagen 26. In the next room was the cup that he had just lifted but a few days before. His phone rang and it was @rory, the General Manager of the Los Angeles Stars calling him to not only congratulate him, but to say the very sentence that would push Florida Man over the edge, “I hope you’re ready to play in Los Angeles.” Florida Man felt immense dread come over him as he wanted to play in Stockholm for the rest of his life. He figured it was the Florida of Sweden. In Florida man fashion he stripped down, completely naked, and pulled his favorite pair of crocs out of his draw string bag. Putting them into sport mode, he kicked down the main door to the National Sports Museum which brought him right before the podium that held the Renaissance Cup. In front of an army of media personnel, Florida Man lifted the cup over his head, screamed out “Florida forever!” and gyrated himself out the door. At the time of this article being published, Florida Man and the Renaissance Cup are still missing. The Vikings General Manager, @thadthrasher, responded immediately to the media personnel saying, “Well, he’s not my problem anymore. Good luck rory.” ---- Claiming week ending 30 January, 602 words
  13. I can already hear the chants ringing out in Stockholm, "We want Butts!"
  14. I'd say it's thyme and garlic. I'm not patient enough to wait for press conferences if they aren't available early in the week. My meme answer = F1F. My real answer is @Juice, I wish he was as active as he used to be. I miss him. 1. What is your favorite thing about the VHL? 2. If you could take one member and start your own league, who would it be and why? 3. When was the last time you went to hockey game?
  15. Or was it the defender who was at fault?
  16. When The Loch Ness Monster @LuluSalesAway came to NYA and played in front of Thadius Sales they ended up having a romance that created a child.
  17. Let's just hope that Reylynn doesn't fall in love with that ruggedly good looking GM they have in Calgary!
  18. Congrats everyone, especially @Frank for taking over San Diego!
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