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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. If we're able to get you back for another season, this may be a possibility
  2. So then @N0HBDY isn't a VHLM GM anymore?
  3. It's been a while since I really opened up about my life. Sure, I've shared big events in my life, joys and happy things, but there is always darkness in our lives. I've touched on it here and there, but it's been... *looks at post* Wow, almost one whole year. Well I just finished wrapping up bath time for my son. As I wiped him down with soap and rinsed him off, and suffered slightly through the annoyed screams of my two week old, I reflected on the moment. I began to think about what the future will look like for him. What the world will be like that he is going to grow up in. It's an exciting and equally frightening thought process. What will he become? Who will he be? As I thought through these future events, reminding myself to enjoy the here and now while I have it, I began to think about my own parents. What was it like when they gave me my first bath or when I came home for the first time? These thoughts, inevitably bring up mixed emotions. There is a sense of joy and peace that comes with it, but the deeper and longer lasting sense of dread and sorrow. I think back to how my mother must have looked at me then and I wonder, "how could she have raised me the way she did." When I look at my son, I could never imagine doing what she did. I grew up being raised by my mother. In Pennsylvania, especially in the 90's, mother's almost always got full custody in divorce cases. This meant that even though I lived only 1 mile from my Dad, I only got to see him every Wednesday night and every other weekend. The rest of the time I was stuck at my mother's house, in a meth lab. It was a dangerous scenario to be raised in. There wasn't comfort, love, concern, or even a general sense of care. It was dreadful, dangerous, disgusting, and devastating. While remembering these things brings the emotions of dread and sorrow, I can now look at them and find some joy and peace. It was in spite how I was raised that I value kindness and generosity with people even more. It's in spite of how I was raised that I look to God for hope and peace. It's in spite of how I was raised that I look forward to being a father for the rest of my life, knowing exactly what NOT to do when raising my son. The reflection that comes from all of this is really quite simple... your current situation, condition, or even your upbringing do not have to define who you are, what you do, or who you become. By every rational line of thinking I should be an addict myself, or in prison, or dead. Instead, I have an amazing wife, the gift of a son, a job that I love, and a faith in God that carries me through every situation. Don't let your past define who you are now or who you are going to be. There is hope, there is redemption, and there are many, many chances to do better.
  4. It’s been quite a long time since Thadius Sales, formerly known as Michael Scott, stepped out of prison as a free man. Shedding his nickname “Prison Mike,” Sales set out to turn his life around and become a professional hockey player. As we know now, many years later, he’s been able to do that. However, Sales’ goal and expectation to become one of the greatest goaltenders in history is rather unlikely. Sales spent 5 of his 7 VHL seasons playing for the New York Americans where his stats were mediocre at best and he only tasted playoff hockey for a total of 4 games, losing 3 of them. Thinking he would be a franchise player in New York, the trade to Vancouver wasn’t what he necessarily wanted. But, it was a move that brought him something he had always wanted, a cup. While his cup win in S81 and the amazing season he had will certainly not be enough to propel him to Hall of Fame status, Sales was quoted as saying, “I’m just thrilled that I finally get to drink from the cup. It’s been a dream of mine for so long, and here we are.” Sales’ final hope is that he can make S82 an even better season for himself, going out with a bang and propelling himself from being a mediocre goalie to a “meh” one instead.
  5. I see that you are still relatively new to our community, so I'm glad to see great work like this being done. It's formatted wonderfully with the names of each player, their nationality, position, height and weight all very obvious. It looks clean in that regard. I really appreciate the indenting that you did here, but in the future I would add a space between your paragraphs. As @Lemorse7said I would also be sure to tag the player's user. That helps with traffic to your article and everyone loves reading about their own player! Finally, It may help the graders if you include your word count and when you are claiming it. So, assuming you are claiming this article for the week ending 16 January 2022 you could do this at the end of the article: --- xxxx words, claiming week ending 16 January 2022 Overall, this is a great article and I'd say it's an 8/10
  6. First of all, I love you. Secondly, great write up here! The first thing I noticed when I opened the article was the beautiful Watchmen logo at the top. The next thing I noticed though was that everything in this article was italicized, which hurt my brain a bit. However, the simple bolding of each game helped offset that a little bit. In the future, if it were me, I'd remove the bulk italics and only use it here and there. Overall, 8/10
  7. Spoiler alert: Yes, we did it lol Making it to the end of the day EVER HAD?! Oh goodness, I have no idea honestly. My favorite though is a nice grilled steak and mashed potatoes. Always There's no way we don't break that record. Probably the PBE, but frankly I only put effort into VHL really.
  8. I just finished reading: Edge of Collapse by Kyla Stone. The description for it is...
  9. I just want to point out that I would not apply for a position in this league if I didn't think I could handle it alongside my irl responsibilities
  10. That's fine. It will make it all the better if I get the chance to prove you wrong
  11. Thanks for putting in the hard work to make Cologne a great team and the VHLE a great place!
  12. @Ahma I’ll note that my just having a child will NOT hinder me from doing my job with equal attention and passion as I have been up to this point
  13. If you writing these predictions was the trick, please do it again
  14. Below is a history of the Stockholm Vikings rosters and management that won the Renaissance Cup S81 GM: @thadthrasher AGM: @Kisslinger Aldwin Craig @Eldredman Brian Schmigel @Bigb33 Bob Beach @Big Bob George Sanderson @SpicyGecko James glove dropper @Jamomayo Jonathan Bustard @williamirc Juice Box @Siddhus Lochlan Chisholm @Lochlan Chisholm Logan Moore @drewowo Matt Avens @Mr Bohannan Mr Duk @Lefty_S Nezuko @Baozi Pekka Grubauer @Tendy Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems @FrostBeard The Loch Ness Monster @LuluSalesAway Zaza Colors @McWolf
  15. Below are the players who were rostered for the Stockholm Vikings after the trade deadline of their respective seasons: S80 (Playoff Appearance, Northern Conference Champions, 1st Overall) GM: @thadthrasher AGM: @Kisslinger Aldwin Criag @Eldredman Bastian Greiss @ThatsGreissy Bob Beach @Big Bob Brian Schmigel @Bigb33 Brent Skimmer @Adrest245 Em Em Flex @oilmandan Florida Man @zepheter Kirby Pandora @PandaBearD25 Lochlan Chisholm @Lochlan Chisholm Mr Duk @Lefty_S Omi Aberg @osens The Loch Ness Monster @LuluSalesAway Zach Kisslinger II @Kisslinger S81 (Renaissance Cup Champions) GM: @thadthrasher AGM: @Kisslinger Aldwin Craig @Eldredman Brian Schmigel @Bigb33 Bob Beach @Big Bob George Sanderson @SpicyGecko James glove dropper @Jamomayo Jonathan Bustard @williamirc Juice Box @Siddhus Lochlan Chisholm @Lochlan Chisholm Logan Moore @drewowo Matt Avens @Mr Bohannan Mr Duk @Lefty_S Nezuko @Baozi Pekka Grubauer @Tendy Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems @FrostBeard The Loch Ness Monster @LuluSalesAway Zaza Colors @McWolf
  16. Of course, there is an interesting history that goes behind the S81 finals. The story begins in S65 when @InstantRockstar took charge of the San Diego Marlins. For 10 straight seasons he lead San Diego valiantly, but unfortunately never captured a cup. After that 10th and final season ended, beginning S76, a young and new General Manager took over San Diego. His name was @thadthrasher During my time in San Diego, only missing the playoffs my first season, I was able to learn a bit from IR and from the multiple VHLM GMs who were willing to give advice. Of course, the VHLM saw the return of IR when he took over Miami and led the team to two cups. Then, both of us found ourselves applying for a new league, the VHLE. We were both selected to take on brand new teams and build something new and unique. IR took over the Rome Gladiators and I was given the Stockholm Vikings. All of that history led up to the S81 VHLE Renaissance Cup Finals where GM @InstantRockstar and GM @thadthrasher faced off with their respective teams. Below you will read a brief recap of each game, followed by my own thoughts and “thank you” notes. Game 1 This game opened the series at home for Stockholm. Standing in front of the fans, and in front of Rome, Stockholm seemed to be ready and eager for the series to begin. And man oh man did they show it on the ice. In the first period Stockholm found themselves responding to Rome’s goal with three of their own. They continued this momentum in Period 2 with two more goals, and finally a 6th one in the 3rd. Frustrations reached its peak for Rome when Deke Rike @JCV instigated a fight and ended up being ejected from the game at 18:54 in the 3rd period. The game ended with a 6-2 victory for Stockholm. Game 2 In a similar fashion, Stockholm began this game with 3 goals. And, much like in Game 1, Nezuko @Baozi scored two of them. Rome’s Robert Wilk @Tomat0 responded with two of his own, ending the period 3-2 Stockholm. Only 12 seconds into the second period, Nezuko sent in another goal, grabbing the first Hat Trick of the Renaissance Cup Finals. The crowd went absolutely nuts. Then, the Loch Ness Monster @LuluSalesAway sent in another one. Rome responded soon after and that was the final goal of the game. The game finished 5-3 Stockholm. The series was now 2-0. Game 3 Now that the series moved to Rome there was a growing hope that @InstantRockstar and the Gladiators could secure a win. They started by scoring the first goal of the game. From there, Stockholm scored, and the rest of the game saw Rome scoring twice, then Stockholm twice, then Rome twice, then Stockholm twice. In the third period Stockholm upped the pressure by scoring two more goals, propelling them to a 7-5 lead. With just over a minute left in the game, Rome’s Biggie Cheese @a_Ferk sent in Rome’s 6th goal of the game. Now, in the final minute of the game, Rome needed to up the pressure to tie it all up. Unfortunately for them, they did not pull through and the game ended with a 7-6 victory for Stockholm, now up 3-0 in the series. Game 4 This was the game that Rome needed to show up the most to. They needed to absolutely forget the three previous games and make this one count, or it would be the end for them. Unfortunately, the home-ice-advantage did not do much for them. In the first period Stockholm silenced the Roman fans with 4 goals to Rome’s 1. With a breath of fresh air, and after a heated speech from the GM himself, period 2 started off well for Rome with the goal from Tyler Steel @tylerwest. This goal gave hope to both the players and fans of Rome. However, it would be the last goal that Rome would score in the S81 Renaissance Cup Finals. Stockholm went on to score 4 more goals, sweeping the series after an 8-2 Game 4 victory. Words from Stockholm General Manager @thadthrasher I want to begin by saying just how happy I am with the way this season went. The beginning of the season was not looking the best, and halfway through we were not ranked very well. According to @KaleebtheMighty, in this article, and rightly so, we were looking to be 5th overall and lose to Cologne in game 7 of the Semi-Finals. Fortunately for us, that’s not how it went down. While it’s hard to pick out any one player to be called our Most Valuable Player during the playoffs, the statistics clearly point to one. Playing all 9 games, and with more than 2 points per game, totaling 20, this player was a clear selection for MVP (at least in my eyes). With 9 goals, 11 assists, and a 12+/-, Florida Man @zepheter was clearly the Playoff MVP. Of course, every player on the Vikings contributed to the overall victory of the team. I want to extend a special thanks to my amazing Assistant General Manager @Kisslinger. This man was ready, willing and able to talk shop at any point. Multiple phone calls were had between us throughout the season, and many hours were spent strategizing, redoing lines, and figuring out what we would do with trades. On top of that, he was happy to take the reigns of Stockholm over the last few days while I’ve been adjusting to being a father. He submitted lines for the last few series, and kept the team hyped. Truly, I don’t think I could have done this without his help! Finally, and as corny as possible, I dedicate this Renaissance Cup victory to my son, Wesley. As @BarzalGoat pointed out in our VHLE GM Corner, “it wasn’t fair that I had to play you immediately after you got a child, that’s unstoppable power.” You, sir, were correct. We couldn’t have done this without the unstoppable power of Wesley (the future supreme overlord of VHL). #thanksBabySales --- 1024 words claiming weeks ending 16, 23 January 2022
  18. This was a great article to read. Well-written, no glaring issues, and it was presented in a neat manner. I'm not one that says you need to include pictures, I think articles are just as good without them, as long as they are formatted nicely and well-written, which yours is. In my opinion this is a 10/10!
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