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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. Chapter 2 of the VHL Story Book is up. Don't forget to hop in here and write Chapter 3 as a comment. Make sure it's 500+ words and claim for a Media Spot!

  2. Chapter 2 – A Murder in Calgary His heartbeat went so incredibly fast. It was like a train barreling down the tracks with a rhythmic “chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga.” It felt like his heart was going to pound right out of his chest. “What could this mean?” he thought. “What am I going to do with this?” he said out loud. Knowing he was alone in the new locker room he lifted the knife out of the box and examined it closely. The bright lights of the locker room glinted sharply off the blood that coated half of the knife. The blood was stagnant, not moving at all. It was as if it had been painted on, but Phil could smell the iron that assured him that this was indeed blood. As he went to put the knife down into the box he remembered seeing the criminals on Slightly True Crimes wiping down their finger prints, so he made sure to do that with his sock. While wiping his fingerprints off of the handle he noticed a little note in the box. “Congratulations on being drafted to the Calgary Wranglers! Unfortunately for Ricer, that was the last mistake he would ever make. I hope this was worth his blood.” “My God,” Phil thought. Did the blood on this knife really belong to his new General Manager, Kris Ricer? Why would anyone in the world want to take the life from Ricer? Why would the killer want Phil to know about it? Unless, Phil was supposed to solve the mystery. Phil set the knife and the note back into the box, covered it again, and slid it into his locker. He set his bag of gear on top of it, threw on his newest team shirt, slid on his favorite running shoes, and decided to go exploring. He was going to see if there was any way he could find out what happened here, and what in the world was going on with his new boss Kris Ricer. Fortunately for Phil, he arrived to the arena the day before he was supposed to. The rest of the team wasn’t scheduled to show up until the next day, so he had plenty of time to explore the arena with no one having an eye on him. The freedom was nice, but there was a leery feeling that came along with this freedom. If something were to happen to him no one would know. But, it was a risk that he had to take. He couldn’t chance anyone else getting pulled into this craziness. Walking around the dimly lit arena, it quickly became apparent to Phil that this was a huge move in his life. Just looking at the size of the arena he knew there would be many more fans in attendance at games, which made him nervous and excited at the same time. Shaking those thoughts away he said out loud, “Come on Phil, you have a murder to solve here!” As he turned the corner into one of the bathrooms there stood a short old man. He had a dirty ball cap on, a pair of grey slacks with suspenders, dirty shoes, and trailing behind him was a mop bucket. It was the janitor. The older man looked up, “A murder you say? Who is it this time?” [pick up the story from here and make it “Chapter 3”]. --------- 551 words, claiming week ending 3 Oct
  3. This right here is one amazing banner. Really the only thing I can point out is the black and white with the green highlighted for Malmo is a much different look than what we have for Miami. I would have made them both similar. 8/10 would stare at this for hours.
  4. Just lowered my standards. Now some of you have a chance. Go get them DMs sent.

  5. Bro, I've got to tell you, this was an awesome article! Great write up! I know I was excited to read through and see what the members of my team did, and I can tell this took some time and effort to make. Well done! 10/10
  6. PRESS CONFERENCE For week ending 03 Oct 2021 1. How do you feel about our current place in the standings? (Click here to see what that is) 2. Where is your player the strongest? 3. Where is your player the weakest? 4. What color scares your player the most? 5. If your player got into a bar fight, who would they take out first? 6. Why did the chicken ACTUALLY cross the road?
  7. Overall, this is a really cool graphic! All of the things I normally dig on with people's graphics are perfect here. It's got a nice theme to it and has enough "pop" without being distracting or overbearing. I really enjoy the consistency of the color scheme and the perfect logo swap! 10/10 would want a graphic for my player from you...
  8. Alright, I'm trying something new here (at least I think it is new). I don't know about the rest of you, but sometimes I struggle with what to write next. My entire week is spent reading and writing, and when it comes to fun writing I can often find myself lacking ideas and motives. Frankly, writing can sometimes become cumbersome for me, even here in the VHL. So, as someone who often suffers from writer's block, I want to try a crazy idea. The VHL Story Book Here's the idea. I'm going to write out a chapter to a story. You read over the chapter and then IN THIS THIS THREAD, write the next chapter. If you want to claim your chapter as a media spot simply claim it the same way you would for a review or a press conference response. I'm hoping this sparks some creativity from all of you, and from me, and it's a neat way for us as a community to create something truly beautiful (or probably terrifying and repulsive...knowing some of you). So....here we go. --------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 - The Mysterious Box No one in his family could believe that it actually happened. He worked for so incredibly long to get to where he was about to go, yet despite that, no one could begin to fathom that it would eventually pay off. As the little kid stumbling around on skates, to a professional hockey player in the Victory Hockey League. How incredible. Philip Moyer wasn’t the biggest guy around. He was tall, sure, but he had legs that resembled toothpicks and an upper body that often made others think he was malnourished. He wasn’t the greatest looking guy, what with his larger nose and thinning hair, but he did have a smile that could capture the room. Quite the strange thing for a hockey player to have. Nevertheless, Philip, or Phil as his friends called him, was the kind of guy who didn’t need great looks to be well liked. He was cunning, quick, intelligent, and could often talk his way out of most corners he would back himself into. This was actually how he started playing hockey. Phil picked up an interest in hockey later than most kids in school. While the other children were practicing and on teams around the age of 8 or 9, Phil didn’t start wanting to play hockey until he was around 14. He wasn’t very good, and with no actual game time or hockey practice behind him the coach of the U16 league wanted nothing to do with him. But, Phil had the ability to change most anyone’s mind. After a brief conversation with the coach Phil found himself on the team. He worked harder than any of the other guys, and eventually, through a lot of extra practice and the limited game time he saw, he worked himself up the lines and became one of the starters by the end of the season. After Phil turned 15 he was selected to be the team captain, and his career continued to take off at an exponential rate. Before long, Phil was finding himself playing in college, setting school and league records, and he did all of this while everyone thought he couldn’t. It was truly an unbelievable and remarkable thing to witness. Then, he received the call. “Phil, it’s Kris Ricer. I wanted to let you know that you’ve been selected by the Calgary Wranglers 1st overall. Congratulations. It’s time to let you shine.” Joy erupted out of Phil, and out of his family as well. He packed his bags, grabbed all that he had, and headed to Calgary to meet the team. But, something peculiar happened when he arrived to the locker room. He found his locker without much of an issue, but someone had left something inside of it. It was a black box which sort of looked like a shoe box. It was in perfect condition but was taped down on all four sides. There wasn’t any writing on it, and Phil thought for sure it was a present left for him. He set down his bags, pulled the incredibly light box out of the locker, and sat on the bench. Grabbing the skate from his bag, he used the sharp blade to slice through the tape so that he could flip off the top. Phil flipped the top off of this mysterious box and nearly fell backwards off the bench as he saw… [pick up the story from here and make it “Chapter 2”] ----- 563 words, claiming week ending 26 September
  9. This sequence of events still just makes me so darn happy!
  10. Hey there everyone! As the season has begun here in the VHLE, and as we are working to smooth out some of the wrinkles, one area that our team is need of is a competent, passionate, and dedicated AGM! My goal is to not only make Stockholm the greatest VHLE team there is, but to make our team a place where people WANT to play. That comes at the hands of good leadership, and at best with a fantastic dynamic duo. I am looking for someone who is ready to do the following: Write and share weekly press conferences for our players Scout and assist with draft preparation and the draft night Be active in our locker room and engage with forum-only users Assist with lines and strategy I am happy to accept applications from new users and even those who have had previous management experience. Please fill out the below form if you are interested... https://forms.gle/xfTgehjnq8Cfwt2e7
  11. PRESS CONFERENCE For week ending 26 Sep 2021 1. How does it feel to be playing for Stockholm for this inaugural VHLE season? 2. What are you looking forward to this season? 3. How do you think your player will adjust to their move to Stockholm? 4. What are your expectations for this season? 5. Is there anything you want me to know? 6. If you could have picked your own team, where would you have wanted to go in the VHLE?
  12. As always man, I love your podcasts. This draft was certainly tough on us. The information for it came quick and a few days before the draft happened, plus it went on forever! Anyways, really well done. I never thought I would enjoy a podcast done from the inside of a vehicle, but it never bothered me when it was coupled with your angelic and profanity riddled voice. I also appreciated the random placement of your intro that @bigAL did just around the middle. 10/10 would cry in bed listening to this again.
  13. When I actually have time to do my hobby, I love photography. I especially love photographing birds, animals, landscapes, and other nature things.
  14. Can the VHL community just pool together money and buy @GrittyIsKing09 a laptop or tablet already? I miss when he's gone!
  15. Transaction ID: 20766813002807055 5 Uncapped - Week Ending 19 Sep Doubles Week - Week Ending 19 Sep $1 mil
  16. This is such a clean and professional looking graphic! Honestly, it makes me want one for my very own player! I can see this being on a shirt or as a poster on the wall! Keep up the good work with this. 10/10
  17. This is very well done! It's clean, the render is wonderful, and this looks like professional grade work. Have you ever thought about doing this as a job? 10/10 easily
  18. 1. It's obviously going to be the Stockholm Vikings. I think the trophy should be called the European Cup. 2. McCrosby 3. Each season my player, Thadius Sales, gets better and better. So, I'll say that last season was his best and this upcoming one will then be his best. Questions: 1. Who is your favorite VHL/M/E GM ever? 2. What is love? 3. Why are cats just as good as dogs @McWolf ?
  19. We’ll miss you around, @Quik!
  20. I really like this graphic, and what you did with it. I enjoy the left of the player having this "hazy" look and then clearing up as you move to the right, it's a natural progression. The only thing that really stuck out to me as something that needed work was the logo swap. It looks pretty flat, maybe skew the right side a bit more to match the player's slightly turned upper body. 8/10
  21. This is a pretty neat looking graphic. The overall feeling is like the picture that comes up on the screen when a player has died. I'm not sure if that's intentional and supposed to match the title or not, but that's what I'm picking up here! Well done. 9/10
  22. 1. It's you. Because, who doesn't love a good Viper?! 2. I saw it on an advertisement on YouTube about a year ago. 3. Oh goodness, I don't know if I really have a favorite yet. There have been so many good moments! 4. Because I really enjoy the community and seeing how my player does. 5. Yes, because I want my player to be the best, and I enjoy doing it. 6. Steak, corn, mashed potatoes. It's just a combination of so many good things in one!
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