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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. Good, more teams to fall underneath the Vikings!
  2. I confirm, Thadius Sales is a trash goalie.
  3. I don't think I could love a player persona more. My wife is "The Loch Ness Monster" and I still think this is greater. Don't tell her I said that
  4. Wait, is your player named "The Board Game Clue on Skates"?
  5. Welcome, @eskimoaids! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!
  6. We should do a charity 8 hour podcast
  7. Here you have it folks. Proof that @Domg5 actually loves America...
  8. I'm certainly down for a monster podcast with y'all. @dasboot I appreciate the kind words, my friend!
  9. As always man, you make great graphics! There really isn't anything negative to say about this graphic. Looking at this, and knowing your work, I think this is a solid piece! 10/10
  10. Dude, I love this! It screams grit, chaos, and Calgary! I think the font you chose matched the grit nicely, and this would make for a SICK wallpaper! Well done! 10/10
  11. I need to sleep after making this one. @JardyB10 I mention you briefly. Claiming Week Ending 7 November 2021
  12. @diamond_ace congrats, man! Getting married such an amazing thing for @LuluSalesAway and me. It can be difficult at times, but there is truly nothing better!
  13. This right here, @Steve, is a quality wallpaper. It's not over complicated and has a nice vibe to it. I'd love to see more! 10/10
  14. I mean, most mafia families have clergy in their circle, so me. Who is the most likely to ruin a family gathering by being drunk and saying inappropriate things?
  15. @Hogan, because he'd tell everyone on Reddit that he did it. Who is most likely to conquer the world?
  16. First of all, very well-written article. It's great to see newer members writing quality pieces, being open and honest about what they see. There are certainly difficult aspects to take into consideration with much of what has been said in the article and in responses. One thing that your article made me think of that may be a good idea in the future is something that I came across in the PBE (Pro Baseball Experience). When I joined the PBE I was given a "rookie mentor" who was available to me to ask questions and seek guidance from. It didn't matter which team I played for, that rookie mentor looked out for me and helped me out. They helped show me how to earn money and TPE for my player, made sure that I knew it was time to update, and helped check some of my work. Of course, as time went on, I didn't need my rookie mentor and I started relying on my GMs more. I'm wondering if this is a system that we should try in the VHLM. We could make a team of first-gen mentors with someone leading the group. When we get new creates on the forum the first-gen mentors would be notified. They would then have the responsibility of assigning that first-gen player to a mentor. The mentor would then have to reach out to the new player, explain who they are and why they are reaching out, and establish a relationship with them. Now, some may say, "Well, isn't that what VHLM GMs are for?" While this is true, and it was my experience with @Ricer13, and something I did while I was a VHLM GM, it doesn't mean that it should be LIMITED to just VHLM GMs. The first-gen mentor could be one of the very first people who reaches out to the new create and answers any questions asked. The VHLM GM who signs this new player either as a waiver player or through the draft would of course interact with their player more and more as time goes on, but I think everyone here would agree that the first interaction you get when you come to the league is crucial. Many people join, get little to no response from anyone, and leave before their account is even 24-hours old. Imagine what it would be like to be someone who joins something so new and have very few people reach out? It would probably be pretty discouraging. However, if you join the league and within a few minutes/hours you have someone messaging you saying, "Hey, I'm your new friend and mentor and I will help you," you're more likely to stick around and become a productive member of the league. Anyways, all of that to say, well done. 10/10
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