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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. Wait wait wait... Another LOSPENOV?! @JB123 if this guy is related to Vanek Lospenov (who played for SDM) you should try to grab him!
  2. I have a B.S in Mass Communication: Electronic Media. So, somewhat like @Beketov, I've worked a little in post production, producing, writing, and filming. I've also managed a radio station for a bit, and was the program manager there as well. During my senior year though I became a pastor in the United Methodist Church. After graduation I began my Graduate work and am currently 15 credits away from my Master's Degree (I'm at 81/96 credits). I am a full-time Christian pastor and a full-time student (at least until May 2022).
  3. I really like this concept! To add to what @Steve was saying, maybe adding a bit of a blue tint to your render would help make it feel like he was a part of the graphic. If I did it, I would flip everything except the background. That way frozen dude in the back is looking at non-frozen dude in the front lol 8/10
  4. I get excited every time I see a post from you in graphics. Again, another amazing one done here. I really like the lens flare touch over the entire thing. It adds a nice color distortion to the picture without taking away from it! Well done! 10/10
  5. Yo, you gotta stop using Windows Explorer.
  6. Because I know that literally all of you care about what's going on in my life, here's an update! --- It was just over a week ago that @LuluSalesAway and I found out we were having a son. It's incredibly exciting knowing that our son is growing and changing inside of her, and it has completely consumed our lives in a good way. We've been making the registry, preparing the nursery, learning more about parenting, and just preparing ourselves for parenthood. It's exciting, scary, amazing, and intimidating all in one. All of this is going alongside my job at a new church, in a new town, in a new state (though we are from here originally). We are meeting countless new people, making great connections, filling our schedules with so much to do. I never realized how busy my late 20s were going to be. Well, yesterday was a bit of a stressful/good day. Morning worship at church was great, as was Sunday School. In fact, Sunday School is almost always amazing because I don't have to teach and I actually get to enjoy being present without having to be prepared or concerned. I spend all week preparing for worship, and to not have to worry about Sunday School is a breath of fresh air! What made it even better was that we had a few visitors checking out the church, and a couple of them stuck around for Sunday School as well. After all of the fun I went home and began working on a few other projects, also preparing for the start of another semester of seminary. I'm only 5 classes away from my Master's Degree, so I'm really pushing hard to make sure I don't fizzle out. Well, because our church gives a lot of money out to various organizations and camps, I'm often invited to be present at certain events. I was asked to be present at a ground breaking event for a ministry we support who is building an addition on to their cafeteria. I thought I was only going to be driving 20ish minutes to get there (remember, I'm new to the area), but as I pulled it up on my map it was actually just over an hour! So, I had to rush so I wasn't late, and I ended up getting there just in time. It was outside, it was hot and muggy, I was still in my dress clothes, and I was exhausted already. So, this event wasn't the greatest for me, but it was good to learn about the ministry more. After I got home @Eldredman wanted me to get online and play World of Warcraft with him (what am I, a nerd? yes). I was just so tired that I declined, laid on my couch watching TV, and then got around for bed. Here's where things get really good. I was in our bathroom brushing my teeth when I hear Larissa say, "Quick, come here. He's kicking!" I threw down my toothbrush, rinsed quick, and ran to the bed. And, it happened. For the first time, I felt my son kick. I know, it may not seem like a big deal, but anything that happens that reassures me that things are going well is a win. Plus, I don't get to carry my son. I don't get to feel that he's really there like Larissa does, so to feel him kick is such an amazing thing. I had been spending the last few weeks just hoping to feel something, and it finally happened. All of my exhaustion and stress from the day vanished and I found myself restless due to excitement. I know fatherhood has to be endlessly stressful and tiring, but it's something I've wanted for a very long time, and I can't wait.
  7. San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week ending 05 September 2021 1. We made it to playoffs! Our first series is against Mississauga, who beat us 5-0 throughout the season. Do you think STHS will favor us? 2. What does your player do for fun before a big game? 3. How many goals do you think you will score against Mississauga? Or, if you are our goalie, how many saves will you make? 4. If we did a rebrand, what would our city and name be? 5. Have you enjoyed your time in San Diego? 6. What weighs more, a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks?
  8. Yo, @carlfr welcome to the VHL! My name is thadthrasher, the GM of the San Diego Marlins. We are a team that is playing in the playoffs and we still have a few more roster spots open. How would you like to come play for us, learn how to grow in the league, and get some playoff ice time? Well, if I were you, I'd be excited to do that! So, if you're interested, quote this message and say #MarlinsTerritory and I'll not only send you a contract offer, but also an invite to our Discord locker room! Bad news bears. Our index came out and we can't add anymore people however, you are still more than welcome to join our locker room! Just hit me up for a link!
  9. @Timon, welcome to the VHL! My name is thadthrasher, and I'm the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! We DID make it to the playoffs, so we still have a few games left to play. We'd love to add you onto our roster, give you some ice team, and help you learn more about this amazing league! It's a lot of fun, and the people you meet here are simply amazing. If you are interested, quote this message and say #MarlinsTerritory and I'll send you a contract offer!
  10. @Greg Romain, welcome to the VHL! My name is thadthrasher, and I'm the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! We DID make it to the playoffs, so we still have a few games left to play. We'd love to add you onto our roster, give you some ice team, and help you learn more about this amazing league! It's a lot of fun, and the people you meet here are simply amazing. If you are interested, quote this message and say #MarlinsTerritory and I'll send you a contract offer!
  11. Absolutely! I'll sent it along and send you a discord invite!
  12. Hey there @M3izzi! I’m thadthrasher, the GM of the San Diego Marlins! We did make the playoffs and we have room to offer you a short-term contract. If you’re interested then quote this message and say #MarlinsTerritory
  13. Hey there @New York Islanders! My name is thadthrasher. I'm the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins. We are one of the teams that clinched a playoff spot, so we still have a few games to go in the season. We'd love to have you join our roster for those games. Plus, I'd be happy to help you learn more about the league and how to succeed here. If you're interested, quote this message and say #MarlinsTerritory and I'll send you an offer!
  14. Hey there @Knooz! My name is thadthrasher and I'm the General Manager for the San Diego Marlins! Unlike @youloser1337 and Minnesota, we made it to the playoffs! We would happily have you join our roster for the rest of our playoff run, just to give you some time on the ice. I'd also be happy to help you learn about the VHL, how to grow, how to succeed, and all that goes with it. If you're interested, quote this message and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  15. I've never really looked at any of your other work, so I'm taking this one as your first one for me. It's a pretty basic, but effective graphic! I think you could add a few more layers to add some depth to the graphic, but that comes with time. I really like your logo swap, though it seems like it has a red layer over it. Overall, this is good and you have a lot to work with! 8/10!
  16. Honestly, this is a fantastic graphic. The color schemes matches the Bears perfectly, and this is just an overall great looking graphic. Nice job with the layering especially! 10/10
  17. 1. I'm so excited. I've only ever missed playoffs once as a manager, so I'm glad this group has brought us here! 2. I'm hoping so! 3. Get ready for my classes to begin again, and then focus on Stockholm. 4. Steak, mashed taters, corn. 5. Honestly, we may need to be a bit more aggressive. We're facing some TOUGH teams. 6. Yes, absolutely. In fact, you all blew past my expectations and I'm so happy for that.
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