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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. The Stockholm Vikings are finding themselves in a great position as the season finds itself nearing the end. With just about 10 games left in the first VHLE season ever, Stockholm is leading the league with a record of 37-21-4. As of right now they are holding onto first place with 78 points, with Rome right behind them at 75. Trailing in the standings in Istanbul with 51 points. As it stands, the top 4 teams will enter into the playoffs, with Cologne and Vasteras fighting for the final and fourth spot. They are 14 and 13 points ahead of Istanbul respectively. The Stockholm locker room is hopeful in their standings and the mood seems to be positive for the Vikings. As the season wraps up the team is shifting their focus to a playoff mentality. The team, and leadership, are all hopeful that they will be able to be the first VHLE team to win their respective cup. As it stands, the cup has not been named. 168 words
  2. What if, and hear me out here, we just nuked the whole system and did a fresh reboot of it all. Boom, problem solved.
  3. Your project is no longer a secret now is it
  4. @GustavMattias, as always your articles are well written, presented neatly, and show careful thinking. In this particular article you present problems, offer insights, and offer potential solutions. Instead of kicking sand and complaining into the void you're actually attempting to make a change or at least promote conversation. I appreciate that, and this carefully written article. 10/10 Now, to respond. It seems to me that most, if not all, of the problems you have highlighted stem from one similar problem, an undermining of the spirit of the league. As I came into the league, and of course started as a player in the VHLM, I could tell quickly that the VHLM served a specific purpose. As I understood it the spirit of the league was to bring in new players, teach them the ropes, keep them active and happy, and try to keep them engaged. When I was hired as a VHLM GM, that spirit of the league is what I kept in mind as I had players asking me the same questions over and over again. I kept that in mind when I had players message me from different time zones and I tried to make it a point to be as available as possible. It even got to the point where I would step away from real life things to answer questions and help new players. I loved it, absolutely loved it. Knowing that the VHLM is a league of recruitment and retention I made it a point to try and fill my roster, even if new players weren't coming in through advertisements. I would reach out to friends, family members, and to people on hockey fan groups on various social media platforms. It led to me signing quite a few people (though the retention rate isn't great there). I would do exactly what you said in the waiver section. I made sure I got new create notifications in my email, prioritized them, and even kept the New Create page of the forum open on my computer so that I could quickly run in and pitch my team. It was fun at first, and exciting, but as you noted it became more of a chore and draining. Burnout was knocking on my door. So, I slowed down a bit. That, coupled with a few life changes and craziness going on I ended up not offering nearly at the rate I was, and to admit, I was negligent in that aspect of my job for a little bit. Even though I knew the intended spirit of the VHLM, the spirit of competition also weaved itself into my mindset, which makes sense. My players wanted to perform well, be on a team that performed well, and win. It led to me making strategic trades, but nothing as extreme as selling off my entire roster for future picks (this isn't a dig at that move, just an extreme in one direction). However, what started happening was that I was making moves that prioritized winning over the true spirit of the VHLM. I sold off a few players from my team one time without thinking to contact them first, received a few angry messages (rightly deserved), all so that I could gain a few future picks. I prioritized the "future" of my team over my current players. All of that to say that I can't really offer a solution at this time. I just wanted to share a few of my thoughts and reminisce on some past mistakes.
  5. Well, this is incredible. Just as this week's Theme Week was announced I discovered something amazing here at the Thadscape Studios. Just...take a listen and find out what I mean... Mentions: @Juice
  6. Things that didn't age well... "Vasteras currently sits in the #1 spot in the league." But, seriously, well done podcast! I thoroughly enjoyed it. I think we need one about that one kicker, King Leonidas!
  7. Well... that was an intro "Open your eyes, sheeple" lol "I'm not afraid to say the C word....only the N word." Whenever I hear you talk about the BoG I feel like I've wandered into the basement of a man who has his wall riddled with newspaper articles and pictures of government officials. And then, every word that comes out are connected dots through various documents. Needless to say, I love it. @JardyB10 talking about BoG to his audience
  8. I seriously appreciate this comment, man! I'm glad that you enjoyed the podcast episode and thought that it was worth the listen, it means a lot!
  9. Yo, you're coming along nicely with your graphics. Considering this is your third graphic I have to say that your logo swaps look nice and so does your coloring. If you look at your render though, where you cut around him, it looks incredibly sharp. When the render has a super sharp cut like that it look unnatural in the picture and takes away from the graphic a bit. Most photo editing software allow you to fan the cut so it adds a bit of more natural transition. Keep up the good work! 7/10
  10. Congratulations on your first graphic! It's a great concept and I love what you've done here. The font replicates what a grey sharpie would look like, so that's a plus. Also, like others have said, good job bending the text and adding the Reapers logo. Another thing you could do is add on the bottom the VHLM logo and say "OFFICIAL VHLM GAME PUCK". Since this is your first graphic I'd say it's a great place to start. 8/10!
  11. Welcome to the first ever episode of the Thadscape podcast! Mentions (that I remember saying): @JardyB10 @Ricer13 @Spartan @Dil @JB123 @LuluSalesAway @Eldredman @Juice ---- Claiming weeks ending 10, (17 October 2021) Due to Theme Week I'll claim this second part week ending 24 Oct
  12. @Josh I was told to tag you here. It’s been over 24hrs
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