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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. I hate to say "I told you so" but....
  2. Mentions: @Esso2264 @KC15 @InstantRockstar @Ricer13 @Bigb33 @Mistxh J ---- @Mistxh J & @Bigb33 claiming week ending 2 May
  3. I don't think I've ever been happier to see a win!
  4. You missed a real opportunity here to name him Tax Evander...
  5. Hey, again, great write up. The only thing I would suggest doing is working on your punctuation and capitalization. Maybe break this up into another paragraph. It just helps with easier reading!
  6. 1. There's only place to go from here. Up! 2. The Americans' best player this past season was Rush! 3. None of them! Let's have a lockout 4. A nice relaxing vacation! 5. Honestly, I thought it was an unnecessary change. But, this new logo is sick! 6. My Bible, a guitar, a flint stick!
  7. Hey there! Great write up here. It's clean, precise, and isn't too bad to read at all. I like that you used bolded headlines and threw in your team logo. Keep up the writing, well done! 9/10
  8. Hey, thanks for the tag! I hope to see you in the playoffs at some point as well. Now, a review... Your writing is coming along, but it still needs a bit of growth. First, be sure to use capitalization and punctuation. Otherwise, it's incredibly hard to following along with your thoughts and what you are writing. Second, I would try to break this down into a couple of paragraphs, just to make it easier to read. Overall, your work is improving and I look forward to seeing where it will go! 7/10
  9. At the conclusion of my second season as the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins I have to say that I am incredibly pleased with just how well we as a team performed. We ended S76 with a less than pleasing record (a sickly 11-58-3). However, that didn’t stop us from looking ahead. Due to an amazing draft class, careful and precise planning, help from a few mentors, and a hardworking team, we’ve come out of this season better than expected. Most saw us finishing much lower than we did, but being the 6th best team in the league is an amazing feat for such a young and eager team! To the naysayers we had at the beginning and even middle of the season, we’ll see you in the playoffs! Marlins, after careful deliberation between @Eldredman and myself, we’ve seen fit to award the following individuals with their respective awards. If you did not receive an award it was not because you were lacking or unimportant to the team in anyway. We just only have so many awards to give out! This team COULD NOT have been any bit as successful as it has been had it not been for all of you, award winner or not! Now, the moment everyone has been waiting for… AWARDS Goals Leader This first award, and the next few that follow, are pretty easy to pick. We just let the numbers do the talking! It’s always exciting to see your player do well, especially when they bring in the goals. This season, our goals leader was Nicholas Mariani @Mistxh J J. Mariani had great streaks, and a few dry spells, but he never gave up, even when it was looking dim. Because of that attitude and the hard work displayed, Mariani was able to bring in 38 goals on the season. Assists Leader Assists were certainly a huge part in what made San Diego successful this season. Assists really play an important part in any team’s success. The movement of the puck, the perfect timing, and the ability to have a great hockey IQ all lead to successful playmaking, which leads to victory. This season, we had impressive assist numbers, but no one was more impressive than our captain, the S77 1st Overall pick, The Loch Ness Monster @LuluSalesAway. Nessy, as she has made clear she likes to be called, was a rockstar both offensively and defensively. With her 67 assists on the season, she made a HUGE impact. Points Leader It was no surprise to us to see who was the points leader here in San Diego. Nicholas Mariani @Mistxh J dominated in points this season, bringing in 92! He was successful in not only putting the puck in the net, but making sure to pass when necessary to ensure a goal would go up on the board. All of this came together and made Mariani not only a great asset to San Dieog, but the leading rookie in the entire league. PIM Leader No team walks away successful without having their resident “bad boy” on the team. Every team needs that player who is not afraid to get a little rough, stand up for others, and strike a little fear into the hearts and minds of the opposing player. It was clear that Aldwin Craig @Eldredman was that person. Racking up 166 minutes in penalties this season, Craig spent just over 8 WHOLE PERIODS either in the box or ejected from the game. Let’s just hope he gets his temper under control a bit! Shots Blocked Leader Any goalie knows to appreciate a player who is willing to step in front of a heater, take the shot, shake it off, and move to the offensive zone. This season we saw The Loch Ness Monster @LuluSalesAway blocked an AMAZING 94 shots this season. It was clear that Nessy was unafraid of laying her body on the line for the victory. Thanks for taking all those bruises! Hits Leader This player had a disgusting 310 hits this season. That’s a lot of impact, and a lot of effect on the game. Coming in at second for hits for the entire league this season, Aldwin Craig @Eldredman certainly put his body on the line for our team. He stood up for his fellow teammates and made sure that any opposing team knew that when they played us they would be in for a rough ride! Sharpshooter Award It’s not often that shooting percentage is highlighted, but we knew that this was an important one to show off. Having a high shooting percentage means that a player knows their shot well and they are, as Hamilton says, “Not throwing away my shot.” While 16.06% isn’t going to shake the foundation of the league, it was incredibly helpful here in San Diego. Well done Hendrix Cobberson @Hendrix Cobberson for placing your shots carefully! Best Luck Award Now, you may be reading this award title and wondering, “what in the world is that supposed to be for?” Well, wonder no more! Much like shooting percentage, many don’t consider plus/minus to really mean much. However, it means a lot! It shows that when the player is on the ice, pucks go in the net. Now, we aren’t sure if this was because of good line chemistry or because of having really good luck, but Lochlan Chisholm @Lochlan Chisholm had a great plus/minus of +25! It seems that Chisholm may be our lucky charm! Most Influential This award is given to the member who was active in the locker room and/or the forum. They continuously encouraged, pushed, and helped their teammates. Overall, this player added to the atmosphere of the team and brought a positive attitude into the locker room. Yo, @Mistxh J, congratulations on being the most influential. It’s time to try being a Social Media influencer and promoting the VHL to your millions of fans! Most Improved This award is given to the member who not only grew their player’s overall TPE throughout the season, but they proved to increase in activity, influence, and responsibility around the league. Luc Tessier had an impressive season of growing in TPE. After taking the AGM spot in Moscow, @KC15's activity waned a bit here in San Diego, but that was completely understandable. Taking on more responsibility in the league is important, and it showed that KC15 was worthy of being the Most Improved Marlin! Welfare Warrior Being a welfare player doesn’t usually get anyone enough credit. While it isn’t the hardest thing to do, being a welfare player who is consistent gives some comfort to management. They know that the player will be there, earning TPE, and building up. Plus, they’ll have them for a bit of time! Our Welfare Warrior this season goes to our Best Luck Award Winner, @Lochlan Chisholm! Great Wall Award This an award that we give to our goaltender. This could be either the backup or the starter goaltender who showed grit and determination in the net. While we gained a backup goaltender near the end of the season, Anime Protagonist @Jericho started in net for us every single game. The pressures that a goalie faces every game cannot be fully understand by non-goalie players, as every win can be credited to someone else, and every loss seems to be blamed on the goalie by someone. Protagonist, we thank you for your commitment to our team, and for being the Great Wall we’ve needed in net! Most Creative This award is given to the player who submitted either the most creative point task for the season, or they made consistently creative point tasks throughout. While many of our players displayed great creative skills, only one of them stood out amongst the rest. With creative storylines and a vivid imagination, Milk Jugs @NerdyCowzis our winner! Keep up the great work! Team MVP This award is being given to the player and VHL member who showed not only impressive numbers on the ice, but stayed consistently active. They showed up in the locker room and around the VHL/VHLM as a whole. This player shows a promising future in the league and adds to any locker room/Discord server they are a part of. Congratulations to @Mistxh J and keep it up! The Eldredman Award This award was not discussed with @Eldredmanbefore writing this. This will be the award that I give to my AGM at the end of each season. The reason for its name, and the reason why Eldredman is winning it, is not only because he was my AGM, but he came at a time when I really needed it. During a string of AGM changes, Eldredman continuously offered support and to help. This eventually led to him being offered the official AGM position, and he has not disappointed. He’s consistently active, encouraging our team, trying to find new ways to get them involved (Such as the Podcast to help members earn more TPE), and dedicated to San Diego’s victory. Congratulations Eldredman, keep up the good work! This concludes our awards ceremony. Thank you, again, to each and everyone of our S77 Marlins. You were all amazing, and I look forward to working hard with you as we dive into playoff hockey. Best of luck! ------------ Word Count = 1533 Claiming weeks ending 2 May, 9 May, 16 May
  10. Well hello there @jbiffis. Glad to see my alter ego, Michael Scarn in the league! I’m thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins. We are just about to start playoffs. You can begin earning TPE and strengthening your player for the draft! I’d love to help you learn the league! Give me a message here or on discord (xTHADTHRASHERx#6217).
  11. Hey there @winnytheboom, welcome to the VHL! I'm thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins. Currently, we are nearing the end of our current season and will soon head into playoffs. If you sign with a team now that sends you an offer you will be released at the end of playoffs and enter the draft. Until then, you can be picked up by a VHLM team on waivers. As the General Manager of the Marlins, I would like to offer you a position as our backup goaltender. My player is a goaltender, so I can certainly help you there, and help teach you all that you need to know about the VHL! To accept this offer, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  12. I guess you should have signed with SDM. I would have made sure you were in the sims....
  13. I'm from Tioga, Pennsylvania. I currently live in Paint Lick, Kentucky. Soon I will live in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania.
  14. @Gretzky didnt lift da puck (Vanek Lospenov) hit 100 TPE!
  15. Hey there @Duo pancake! Welcome to the VHL! We are in the final stretch of the season and will soon be entering playoffs. You are able to sign with whichever team you want who offers you a spot. Then, at the end of the season, you'll be released and available to be drafted. If, for some reason you are not drafted you'll be an available Free Agent. I'm thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins. We have 7/8 defenseman on our team, and we would love to have you complete our defensive lines. We are looking like a playoff contender, and it would be amazing to have you join us. I'm here to help you learn the league, show you the ropes, and encourage you to have a good time in our locker room and in our league. If you'd like to accept my offer, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  16. @Alexio06 welcome to the VHL! I'm thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! We are currently nearing the end of the season, so as of right now you can be added to a team until the end of the season. Once the season ends you'll be released from the team and be draft eligible. I have some 4th line minutes I can offer you to help you get your feet wet, and I'd be happy to show you the ropes of our league. If you are interested, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  17. Hey there @Da Trifecta! We could certainly use your skills in San Diego as our illustrious backup goaltender! If you are interested, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  18. @Alexio06 welcome to the VHL! I'm thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! We are currently nearing the end of the season, so as of right now you can be added to a team until the end of the season. Once the season ends you'll be released from the team and be draft eligible. I have some 4th line minutes I can offer you to help you get your feet wet, and I'd be happy to show you the ropes of our league. If you are interested, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  19. And this is why you are perfect for San Diego my dude
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