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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. With a hairline like mine you also can be 27 and be confused for 40! What a deal!
  2. VHL.com is often doing stories from around the league. These come about through our own investigations, but most of the time we are informed of what is going on by players, staff, and managers. Well, as S75 is close to ending and the move to playoff hockey begins there are some who are looking forward to the S75 WJC. With that, many eager and young players and staff have sought after the honor of being named a General Manager of their respective Nation. The hope for them is that this will give them some experience in managing a team, so that when they grow old, tired, and broken they can still do something with their lives. Here is the job posting. We've received an interesting email this morning from the WJC council who selects the General Managers. Apparently, Las Vegas Aces' ( @Spartan@JigglyGumballs) goaltender Thadius Sales has shown some interest in this position. He hasn't been around the league for very long, and has literally no experience in managing, but he seems to really want the position. While most players typically reach out with a letter, email, or phone call, Sales decided to send in a video. It seems as though he recorded this on a 1980's model camcorder, and he actually sent the council a VHS tape. The council then digitized it and attached it in their email. Some on the council can be quoted as saying, "This is the greatest piece of work I have ever seen." "It looks like an audition tape for a dating show." "I couldn't tell if he was applying for a position or trying to convince me to take him out on a date." "I haven't been able to sleep for days. Every time I fall asleep I find myself being assaulted by nightmares, all of which surround this creepy basement video." Frank, I've told you before that you can't use negative quotes like this. I'm writing this in red, and even crossed it out so that you know to delete it before you publish it. Seriously, don't include this quote. -Bill Of course, we can't let our word or the word of others speak for how amazing this thing truly is. Please, watch below.
  3. Check out the motion picture of the year!


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. mediocrepony


      i keep coming back to the best video on the internet.


      Do BeTtEr

    3. thadthrasher
  4. So, here is my official application... @bigAL @rjfryman
  5. @Ledge_and_Dairy you've got some mighty big goals for yourself, and that's great! I'm glad for you, and wish you great luck and success my dude!
  6. All of what you said was well said, but this right here is the truth. My wife was hyper focused on getting AMAZING grades in college. She missed out on valuable time with others and amazing opportunities so that she could study the subject she already knew perfectly well. Now, she works a job where they didn't even care how well she did in class, they wanted her to have a great attitude and a willingness to learn and think outside of the box. My undergrad was just a step for me to get where I am now. Now that I study things I love and enjoy my classes they aren't much of a thing where I need to get "good grades" but something that helps me grow into an overall better person. Although, I do have good grades
  7. I'm coming up on 9 years out of high school and it feels just like yesterday that I was starting my senior year
  8. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was watching YouTube videos about NHL21 and I saw an ad for VHL. I remember it being right around my 27th birthday, and I was pumped to try something new. It's been 2 months now, but it seems like it's been so much longer than that. It's weird, I feel like I've been in this league for so long, but I've only just begun to scratch the surface. However, life outside of VHL has been flying by. I can hardly believe that Christmas is in 7 days. What better way for me to ring in Christmas than the end of another semester of school. Today is that day, yet I still have much to do. I've been earning my Master's Degree over the last 3 years, and I won't finish until May of 2022. It's a 96 credit Master's Degree, where most others are 32 credit Master's Degrees. It's a lot of work, and takes up most of my time. Over the last 3 years I have had a relatively easy time with school, but as you can imagine this year has been so very different. I find myself ending this current semester and feeling incredibly drained, which is normal. However, in the past when I've felt drained I've known that I would bounce back quickly after a break. This year though, I'm not having that feeling. Maybe it's because this will be the conclusion of my 15th semester in higher education and I'm growing tired of school, or maybe it's something else. I'm not sure. What I do know is that most of my ambition to finish is depleted, and all I will want to do after I hit that final "submit" button is sleep, but I can't do that either. We each have things going on in life that are causing us to feel drained. Whether it be work, school, health issues, family struggles...the list is endless. But, what encourages me is that there have been so many people before me that have struggled in the same way that I currently am, and they persevered through it. Many of them have helped me along the way. So, my hope is that while you may be feeling stressed, tired, broken, or beaten that you can look ahead to something good. Keep your head up, take a deep breath, and push through. We've got this!
  9. I want to reiterate why I think I'd make an excellent GM for the WJC. Ever since I joined this league only a couple of short months ago I have been active and eager to learn more. I eventually would like to GM/AGM for a team outside of the WJC, and I know that this would be a great opportunity to learn and grow. I am dedicated to helping this league grow, and that includes making WJC a more well-known and sought after event. I plan to hype up my team and the league for WJC and propel it to something that EVERYONE looks forward to being a part of!
  10. Even though he traded me away (I'm really not salty, it's just fun to act it) I've gotta' say thanks to @Ricer13. On October 8th 2020, when my legacy in the VHL began, Ricer was the first one to personally reach out and say, "I know this is all overwhelming at first, but I'm here to help you out!" From then until now I know that I can go to him for help on anything, whether VHL related or personal life, and he'd happily help. This dude deserves mad respect and props for the time and effort he puts into this league. He's inspired me to work hard and be a powerful presence as well!
  11. being mistaken for @Spartan is quite the honor
  12. I really like this! I'm with @Dolant that your cut could have been better. You came close to the edge, but not close enough. It's pretty big, so I would have cropped the top down a little bit. I really like sparks and the faint image in the background. Overall, this is very well done! 8/10
  13. This was well done. The colors match the theme, and I couldn't help but find myself singing all with the wonderful lyrics. I laughed, I cried. It was an adventure. Well done! 10/10!
  14. If you would like to keep track of your team's week by week stats (other than GAA and SH%) make sure to check out the Google Sheets document to see that information. To look at last week's winners, click here! --- Week 4 in the VHLM S75 has come to an end. We are now starting to see where most teams will find themselves at the end of the season. Changes in the standings are slowing down, but we saw an incredible number of trades this week, some of which were very surprising to many around the league. As teams see the end of the season approaching they seem to be making changes (some drastic) that they hope will give them some edge in the S75 playoffs. League standings have changed a bit, but not much. Saskatoon and San Diego traded places just like last week, as did Miami and Las Vegas. Other than that, everyone else stayed in place by the end of the week. Just like last week, each team will have an Offensive Star, Defensive Star, and some awards. This is based on weekly performance, not current team or league leaders. This week we've added in some overviews for each team's starting goaltender for the week. Many have asked that I highlight 1 Offensive Star and 1 Defensive Star for the entire league each week. I'm going to leave that up to all of you with a poll! After reading through, select who you think the Offensive and Defensive star of the league should be for the week! I will report the winner in next week's VHLM Player Highlights! Last week we had 44 people vote for the Offensive and Defensive Stars of the Week! Thank you to everyone who voted! We wish to congratulate these two individuals who the community selected as the stars! The Week 3 VHLM Offensive Star is Kevin Wu @kevinscix The Week 3 VHLM Defensive Star is Matt thunder @Matt thunder Some of you suggested that I switch up the awards, however I'm going to stick with the awards from last week for each team. HOWEVER, if you think of an award that a player deserves to get make sure you tag them in the comments with what that award is. Don't forget to include why they get it! *Teams are presented in order of League Overall Standing Mexico City Kings (43-12-5) GM - @Hylands AGM - @rory Offensive Star - Mexico City has a number of top offensive players, but one of them had low PIMs this week and captured 2 GW goals. This player was able to nab 8 goals and serve up 10 assists for 18 points this week. Congratulations to Magnus Verlander @Jbeezy76! Defensive Star - There was one defender this week from the Kings who was impressive on all ends of the ice. With 16 points, 26 hits and even 20 SB, this defender fought hard to keep Mexico City ahead of Philadelphia. We must give it to Kevin Wu @kevinscix! Goalie Overview - Staring in every game this week for Mexico City, Markus Emerson Jr @Xflexz had a fairly decent week. Facing 376 shots, he came out with only a 0878 SV%. While he may not be the key to victory for Mexico City, his work in the net is certainly helping. What seems to be hurting Emerson Jr the most is that he may be "okay" in most areas but not "outstanding" in at least some. The key to his potential success in the VHL will come if he finds an area to focus on. Wanna Be Goalie Award - Hulk Hogan Jr @Beaviss with 23 SB Rule Breaker Award - Mando Blatsyuk @Hblatsyuk with 26 PIM Snow Plow Award - King Kruul @LefLop with 39 Hits Philadelphia Reapers (42-13-4) GM - @DMaximus AGM - @dariusmarimotoman Offensive Star - Leading the Reapers this week with 22 points, this player has clearly lead their team forward in the right direction. We are glad to award this week's Offensive Star in Philadelphia to Robert Bouchard @Gaikoku-hito Defensive Star - There were a couple of defensive players in Philadelphia this week that are worthy of being the Defensive Star, but we must go with one! This defender had 14 points for the week, 14 hits, and even blocked 13 shots. Congratulations to Tom Eagles @Greg_Di! Goalie Overview - Jacob Carson @jacobcarson877 started 14 of the 16 games for Philadelphia this week. Carson faced 382 shots and had a SV% of .903 for the week! Wanna Be Goalie Award - Robin Galante Nilsson @RomanesEuntDomus with 22 SB Rule Breaker Award - Jolly Greene Giant @DoktorFunk with 30 PIM Snow Plow Award - Jolly Greene Giant @DoktorFunk with 53 Hits San Diego Marlins (42-15-2)(up 1) GM - @InstantRockstar AGM - @IamMOOSE Offensive Star - The Marlins had an incredible Offensive week! 3 players had more than 30 points this week, one of them being a defensive player. There were two offensive players though that were close in numbers. However, we've decided to give this week's Offensive Star for the Marlins to Red Lite @Tate! Red Lite not only had 16 goals and 16 assists, but he even blocked 8 shots and had an impressive 6 game winning goals! Defensive Star - One defender in San Diego had an incredible week! Not only did this defender serve up 27 assists and earn 8 goals, but they also blocked 25 shots as well. This defender was impressive this week, that's for sure. Congratulations to Scotty Kaberle @fromtheinside Goalie Overview - As of right now, Michael Olson @MSO94 is San Diego's only goaltender, and I'm sure they are fine with that. Olson only lost 1 game this week, earned another shutout, faced 401 shots and only gave up 38 goals. This week, Olson had a SV% of .905! It's easy to say that Olson is on fire in San Diego! Wanna Be Goalie Award - Scotty Kaberle @fromtheinside with 25 SB Rule Breaker Award - Frank Funk Jr @Rayzor_7 with 26 PIM Snow Plow Award - Frank Funk Jr @Rayzor_7 with 48 Hits Saskatoon Wild (40-16-4) (down 1) GM - @Doomsday AGM - @a_Ferk Offensive Star - This week we had one forward who deserves to be called the Offensive Star. Lighting the lamp 12 times and only having 4 PIM in 16 games, we HAVE to give it to Florent Vericel @dart! Defensive Star - The defender that we have gone with this week was NOT the highest point earner as far as defenders go this week. However, this defender was incredibly active in the defensive zone of the ice, blocking 33 shots on goal. While only having 8 goals and 2 assists, 3 of those goals were game winners, so we decided to select Gabriel Johnson @GeckoeyGecko! Goalie Overview - Starting in 15 of 16 games this week, Michael Fletcher had a decent week between the pipes. Losing only 5 games, Fletcher faced 391 shots. However, his SV% of .875 for the week isn't really impressive. But, with 10 wins we're sure Saskatoon isn't complaining too much! Wanna Be Goalie Award - Gabriel Johnson @GeckoeyGecko with 33 SB Rule Breaker Award - Logan Moore @drewowo with 36 PIM Snow Plow Award - Logan Moore @drewowo with 70 Hits Las Vegas Aces (34-21-5) (up 1) GM - @Spartan AGM - @JigglyGumballs Offensive Star - Las Vegas' Offensive Star for the week earned themselves 13 points and has the team's highest +/- for the week of 10. Not only that, but they had 2 GW goals! Congratulations to Angel Wachiure @inflastud! Defensive Star - This defender seems to love the number 15, seeing as they earned this many assists, points, hits, and blocked shots! Congratulations to Linus Zetterstrom @Ledge_and_Dairy! Goalie Overview - While Las Vegas traded Matthew A Sovick jr for Miami's Thadius Sales, we are going to focus on Sovick jr's time in Las Vegas this week, since he played 11 games for Las Vegas before being traded. During those 11 games in Las Vegas he faced 270 shots and let in 35, although he did earn a shutout. With that, he left Las Vegas with a SV% of .870. Sovick jr faced a total of 366 shots this week and allowed 47 of them to go into the net, earning a .872 SV% for the week. Wanna Be Goalie Award - Matt thunder @Matt thunder with 32 SB Rule Breaker Award - Matt thunder @Matt thunder with 39 PIM Snow Plow Award - Kelly Power @Nordin with 52 Hits Miami Marauders (34-23-2) (down 1) GM - @Ricer13 AGM - @Zetterberg Offensive Star - This forward had an equal 9 goals and 9 assists this week. They delivered a massive 47 hits and even blocked a few shots as well (8). Congratulations to Ryan Ryker @Jayrad28! Defensive Star - While points earned isn't everything, this defender matched Ryan Ryker @Jayrad28 with 18 points. Not only that, but this defender delivered 20 hits and blocked 21 shots! After having an incredibly impressive week, we've decided on Martin Master @Martin Master! Goalie Overview - Much like what was said in the Aces review, since Thadius Sales played a majority of his games in Miami we are reviewing him here. Sales did not have the most wins this week, only bringing in 4 on 11 games played. However, facing 319 shots for Miami and only letting in 31, Sales moved over to Las Vegas with a SV% of .903! Looking at both of his numbers in Miami and Las Vegas, Sales faced 407 shots this week and gave up 42 goals, earning a .897 SV% for the week. Wanna Be Goalie Award - Chicken Wing @chikn with 25 SB Rule Breaker Award - The Blob @JorgTheGoat03 with 27 PIM Snow Plow Award - Ryan Ryker @Jayrad28 with 47 Hits Halifax 21st (30-27-3) GM - @Dil AGM - @Riley_Couture Offensive Star - In Halifax there is one player who deserves this title! This forward earned 22 points, delivered 38 big hits, and even blocked a dozen shots, while subsequently earning 3 game winning goals. Congratulations to Theodore James St Louis @Nick Kirkpatrick! Defensive Star - This player earned 12 points this week. Not only that, but they delivered 20 big hits and blocked 13 shots. Congratulations to Kate Upton @OscarTheSwagDude! Let's hope Halifax doesn't regret trading you away! Goalie Overview - Starting in all but 1 of Halifax's games this week, Mike Sterling @SilverMike did pretty well this week. Again, not the most winningest goalie, but he was able to earn another shutout. This week he faced 437 shots and stopped all but 53, earning a SV% of .879 on the week. Wanna Be Goalie Award - Clinton Giftopoulos @Thranduil with 29 SB Rule Breaker Award - Matthew Willis @Griff001 with 21 PIM Snow Plow Award - Theodore James St Louis @Nick Kirkpatrick with 38 Hits Yukon Rush (27-25-7) GM - @MexicanCow123 AGM - @fromtheinside Offensive Star - This player tied two others with 18 points this week. However, we selected Michael Schmidt @Kmatt because they also delivered 51 big hits! Congratulations! Defensive Star - This week we have to go with Kristof Welch @Juice! Welch not only earned 17 points, but delivered 31 hits while also blocking 24 shots! Goalie Overview - Kloxified @Kloxified started in 12 of the 15 games played this week. Kloxified won 7 of those while facing 374 shots. Letting in 42, Kloxified ends this week with a SV% of .888. Wanna Be Goalie Award - Kristof Welch @Juice with 24 SB Rule Breaker Award - Germano Henchoz @RicoTheTrapGod with 22 PIM Snow Plow Award - Michael Schmidt @Kmatt with 51 Hits Houston Bulls (26-33-2) GM - @rjfryman AGM - @MattyIce Offensive Star - This week there was one forward who impressed the Bulls' fans. Earning 24 points and getting 4 GW goals, we selected Jon Webber @Webberj! Defensive Star - This player, or not a player, not only earned 17 points on 3 goals and 14 assists, but they also blocked an impressive 36 shots. Congratulations to Not A Player @Nope488 Goalie Overview - Starting in 15 of their 16 games, Trent Gibson had a pretty good week. Gibson was able to capture 9 wins, face 491 shots, and end the week with a .896 SV%. It wasn't an amazing week, but certainly not the worst around the league! Wanna Be Goalie Award - Not A Player @Nope488 with 36 SB Rule Breaker Award - Jared Carter @jaredc7 with 52 PIM Snow Plow Award - Vladimir Milinski @Brrbisbrr with 84 Hits Mississauga Hounds (16-39-5) GM - @ColeMrtz AGM - @Bacon Offensive Star - This player grabbed 19 points while also blocking 11 shots! Offense wasn't great in Mississauga, but Erin Esurance @Sljppers wasn't satisfied with just sitting around. Congratulations! Defensive Star - The strongest defender in Mississauga this week not only earned 11 points, but they also delivered 20 hits while also blocking 37 shots. Congratulations to Jerrin @Jerrin Dean! Goalie Overview - The Hounds allowed back-up goaltender Carter Bellamy @Leafsfan328 to start in 5 games, but still gave the majority of starts to Luke Spinelli @Lspinelli who started 11 games. Losing 10 of those, Spinelli faced 375 shots and had a pretty mediocre SV% of .851. Wanna Be Goalie Award - Jerrin @Jerrin Dean with 37 SB Rule Breaker Award - Feenixx Rising @FeenixxRIsing with 26 PIM Snow Plow Award - Feenixx Rising @FeenixxRIsing with 32 Hits Minnesota Storm (16-41-2) GM - @Rayzor_7 AGM - @Mr_Hatter Offensive Star - One player stuck out this week in Minnesota. They collected 20 points, had only 2 PIM and had 2 GW goals. We've selected Delving Mackey @Jurell Yurki this week! Defensive Star - This player not only had 11 assists, but they delivered 31 hits and blocked 34 shots! Congratulations to Markuss Puhovs @VOID Stiles! Goalie Overview - Tater Tot @Trunkxolotl started 14 of 16 games this week. Only winning 5 of those games, one would expect the SV% on the week to be rather low. However, that's not the case. Facing 458 shots, Tot was able to stop all but 44 and earn a SV% of .904! Wanna Be Goalie Award - Ron World Peace III @stevo with 52 SB Rule Breaker Award - Ron World Peace III @stevo with 30 PIM Snow Plow Award - Jeff Jeffries @Sabremike with 50 Hits Ottawa Lynx (8-51-1) GM - @DoktorFunk AGM - @DarkSpyro Offensive Star - This player was able to score 7 times and deliver 26 hits. On top of that they had 3 of the GW goals! Congratulations to Kolby Uelk @Kolby! Defensive Star - We really only had one option for this week's Defensive Star. This player blocked 42 shots, had 22 hits and earned 9 points. Congratulations to Michael Stiff @TheStiffer61! Goalie Overview - Starting in 14 of 16 games played, Hi Hello lost 10 of those games. However, Hello's SV% was rather impressive. Only allowing 53 goals on 543 shots, the SV% for the week is a .902! Wanna Be Goalie Award - Michael Stiff @TheStiffer61 with 42 SB Rule Breaker Award - Ernie King @Greg Ernest with 32 PIM Snow Plow Award - Ernie King @Greg Ernest with 34 Hits Goalie of the Week While this week held a few goalies with rather high SV%, Michael Olson @MSO94 shines above the rest! Olson not only earned a .905 SV% this week, but also won 15 of 16 games started and played. Olson is absolutely on fire, and definitely a reason for San Diego's success. Olson could be a key player in the Marlin's run at the Founder's Cup! League Overall Just like we said would happen, this week saw so many trades and roster moves within the league. Teams readjusted lines, striving to move ahead in the standings and earn a playoff position. While much stayed the same as far as standings go, Philadelphia closed the gap from 6 points behind Mexico City to only 3. It seems that almost every team is eager to see what the playoffs bring, and some are just wishing this season was over all ready so that they could capture some nice draft picks. We'll see you next week! Please be sure to vote who you think the VHLM Week 4 Offensive and Defensive Stars are. *You cannot change votes. Voting ends 20 December 2020! ---- Claiming week ending 20 December 2020, more than 500 words.
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