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Everything posted by Edgar

  1. Im going to remain indifferent being that 1) I feel as though this should be solely the commissioners decision, not a board-wide decision, and 2) They will be my direct competition for possibly another season Good luck to the competition... because you will lose
  2. This could totally go in the NHL thread, or off-topic, but this also seems like an appropriate place Coming into the play
  3. The world is my oyster, and I like my seafood to taste smokey
  4. He's a part of a motion to ban me. Why would I help him?
  5. WOAH, that's like tampering x 1000000000000 I see a ban coming in the near future
  6. Makes me kinda proud the the humane society in my home town is one of the few that doesn`t practice that. They are really tight for cash though
  7. bool candiesThrownGotChocolateBar=true, bool candyBoxBoxOpened=false, bool castleBigRoomHovenHappy=true, bool castleRoom2LitFire=false, bool castleRoom2TookObject=false, bool castleTowerFirstVisitDone=true, bool castleTowerPStoneDone=false, bool castleTowerLStoneDone=true, bool castleTowerAStoneDone=false, bool castleTowerYStoneDone=false, bool castleTowerTookTalkingCandy=false, bool castleKilledNougatMonster=true, bool cellarDone=true, bool dragonDone=true, bool dragonUnlockedCyclops=true, b...

  8. How awkward has this podcast been so far without me?
  9. You can have one in green and you will be happy with it!
  10. I feel like rectangles were neglected in this sig. You better give them a special showcase in your next one
  11. My home town apparently has an AHL team now so everyone else can suck it But in all truth, my home town has a terrorist fence, a famous barbershop quartet, something about the highest underage drug use, and as for it's location... If you google "The elephant of Southern Ontario," we are exactly at the asshole of the elephant
  12. I was in the Trip, oh and Greg Finds Love
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