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Everything posted by qripll

  1. 1.) What's the one thing you'd like to see improved in Warsaw? Scoring for sure, sometimes we need 40 shots to score one goal. I'm sick of this stuff 2.) If you had to play any other sport, what would it be? I don't know, tennis probably 3.) Did you have any inspiration growing up, if so who? Dakota Lamb is a symbol of predators. It would be nice to see Trunov's retired jersey near Lamb's one 4.) Who would you say is the biggest fan favorite in the league? Kisslinger is having his first vhl season but he could win fans choice award 5.) On the contrary who would you say is the most hated in the league? I am not sure, Welch probably @Juice 6.) What's your favorite thing about @dlamb? Even I can't express how awesome that dude is! His imperturbability
  2. Review: Great sig. Banner size for this kind of graphic is unusual, but it makes it even better. The effects, background and font are insane. The whole sig looks fascinating. For i see you even did logo swap and I'm impressed how smooth and clean it is. It's award-winning sig 9/10
  3. Review: Interesting concept with a nice realisation. Obviously, it looks nice and unique. Faceoff dot is a nice symbol of the organization, it really appeals to me. In my humble opinion, green colours would be great for this jersey because green associates with the planet and its development. Overall, it's nice jersey project, 7/10
  4. he is alive btw (Spartan: Editing in the image since it's not loading for me and others. Received the image through DM's with Qrip)
  5. 1.) What's your opinion on our season thus far? Talking about our team i can't say that i'm happy to see where we are right now, we need to improve some aspects of our game to prove that we are playoff team 2.) When wearing our team uniform, what does it represent to you? Feels good man 3.) As a predator, what animal best represents you personally? Honestly, i haven't thought about it , a few breeds of dogs appeal to me a lot, i would say there is a small labrador inside me 4.) Who on the team has the best sense of fashion? Muff is kinda cool at fashion 5.) Who on the team has the worst sense of fashion? Sylvester looks like an italian mafiozi 6.) In your opinion what makes a great teammate? Evrything to make our team better
  6. Review: Daamn, it looks so cool. The quality is on top level, in my opinion, size is also perfect. Logo swap is natural and smooth, patches are unreal. This comics effect is probably the biggest advantage of your sig, it appeals to me so much. Font, it's size and colour is kinda attractive. Great work, probably one of the best I've seen for the last month. 9/10
  7. 1.) How do you feel being a member of Warsaw? That's a honor for me being a predator. 2.) If you could choose one thing to represent your player, what would it be? Work-ethic probably, I am not sure 3.) As a child, did you ever see yourself being in a professional hockey player? Yeah, it's has always been a childhood dream. 4.) What would you say best represents Warsaw over other VHL teams? Great atmosphere 5.) Who has your favorite logo in the VHL? D.C has a fire one 6.) Give a shoutout to a fellow VHL member you look up too. Let's spread some positivity! Why did you choose this member? @JuiceWHASSUP!!!! 1! JUST WANTED TO REMIND YOU THAT TRUNOV WILL BEAT YOUR ASS SOON
  8. Rolf Fizzlebeef Jr - D @OrbitingDeath @Doomsdayit's your turn
  9. Hard Markinson - D @OrbitingDeath
  10. Review: ho-ho-ho, long time so see, Mr. Lamb! As I can see you are still good at graphic. The idea of the draft class picture is kinda cool and relevant. Also as a Warsaw fan who missed live stream that's good way to get to know new prospects. There is everything that we need to know about them: nationality, position, m-league club, height, weight. But I'd also like you to know that absence of logo swap makes me feel disappointed. Good work for you, 6/10
  11. Tyler Reinhart @OrbitingDeath your turn and update the list please :3
  12. 1.) What are expectations for this season in Warsaw? I have high hopes for this season, our team is stacked and ready to fight for the cup. 2.) What are some things you'd like to accomplish for your player this season? As I can see, I need to improve my defense and faceoff skills, so for me that's my main aim right now. 3.) What's your favorite thing about Warsaw? Probably locker room, there is a good vibe and nice community. Everyone is respectful and great person 4.) If you had to choose one song to represent Warsaw, what would it be? Hotel California 5.) Do you have a meal you like to eat before a game? BANANAS 6.) Do you have an opposing player you consider a rival? If so, who Yeah, I'd like to beat Welch's ass one day, @Juice ❤
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