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About Vkobe-v

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  1. Accept
  2. Accept
  3. I am here to spread Connor mcdavid propaganda
  4. Connor mcdavid for mvp
  5. 1 more rocket league game for the boys
  6. I won giveaway 5 tpe free week 1 million cash
  7. I can’t win with these cats
  8. F - Nico Pearce F - Ronan Lavell F - Ivan Retoslav D - Flynn Remy D - Greg G - Wumbo already had wumbo as goalie so I wouldn’t need that Greg is definitely a D so I would just need a forward Ivan should be good for that
  9. John Baard @Hogan
  10. Velociraptor Greg @scoopup for 2
  11. Wumbo @Hogan
  12. Sorry didn’t see appreciate it your up
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