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Head of PT
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Everything posted by v.2

  1. page 3
  2. BOOOO
  3. I will not be applying at this time.
  4. Transaction ID: 9VC59920YP2437258
  5. I ain’t readin allat
  6. Transaction ID: 9VC59920YP2437258
  7. damn I missed 2 days lol
  8. Gone AI you say?
  9. $5.50
  10. $15
  11. $4
  12. Moscow Menace a cult confirmed?
  13. @rorydamn u kinda suck at these :s
  14. Hi.
  15. Answers: 1) Our goalies, always gotta joke around with them to keep em lose. 2) Modelled after Kevin Fiala of the LA Kings. 3) The team has gotten hot after a slow start thanks to my player being consistent. Still always expect a little more though! Questions: 1) What's been your biggest surprise so far this VHL season? 2) Name one essential travel item for team roadtrips. 3) Do you think the VHL needs more "in-season" activities or milestones aside from Theme Week?
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