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Everything posted by v.2

  1. Congrats Warsaw, very well deserved!
  2. LETS GOOO!!!!! Honoured to be named the captain of this team! Solid group for sure.
  3. WJC HYPE! 👀

  4. Love Berlin, Vasteras, and the updated Cologne logos but not feeling the rest… I think the watchmen logo could be simplified / more minimal without the bulky text. Also the Vikings logo is a disaster imo that design should just take a whole new direction. As for Paris’, idk if it’s the hat, the face or the face shadow but something seems off, and maybe a blue closer to Frances flag would fit better. Anyways, just my initial 2 cents.
  5. This year, Team Canada looks to reemerge as a force at the World Junior Championship. As the GM this season I have decided to put as much thought into the meaning behind the logo and jerseys worn as I have been putting into rounding out our roster. The objective here was to preserve the patriotism of wearing the flag, along with bringing some much needed awareness and light to the reality of the country's history. Our players uniforms at this years tournament aim to symbolize solidarity with Indigenous communities and encourage people to learn the history of Indigenous people and the legacy and truths of the residential schools in Canada, all while building intercultural understanding, empathy and mutual respect as a nation. Without further adieu, here is this years Team Canada WJC logo: Yes, we're dawning orange instead of red this year. We are happy to have gotten Nike on board again this season to design us some brand new looks sporting the new logo, here is the result: Hope you all enjoy the uniforms and support the decisions made. Roster announcement coming soon! Keep 'em peeled.
  6. Agreed with pretty much all your VHLE takes. I find it hard to enjoy where that league is going at this current stage.
  7. Sticking with Warsaw, lets gooooo.
  8. Great background and font choice (the "Hex" font mainly), but the render could use some work. It lacks a some effects, maybe some sharpening to get rid of that low qual look or a gradient map to tie in the colours of the entire sig a little better. Right now it kinda just floats on the the background. Lighting is on point this sig just needs an extra couple layers to improve the flow imo! 7/10
  9. Logo should have been tilted/warped a little more to be in line with the players shoulders and centred properly on the jersey. Love the black and white theme with the bright standout text. Font is amazing on this and works out perfectly with the abstract feel of the bg. I like how the render is part of the entire background but not over blended. Great sig! 9/10
  10. Josh Vestiquan coming out of retirement to GM his country out of underdog status.
  11. You're def getting better, sick one!
  12. Next season I would like to see you try something different each week, rather than reformatting stats on similar pics of goalies with the teams logos. Not sure what graphics programs you have access to but there are some free ones available that give you a little more flexibility. I will say I can appreciate how you explain what you did each week and the thought process behind it. But ya all im saying is I've essentially seen the same graphic from you for weeks now and would like to see you switch it up and try something new! Overall 4/10
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