1. I think generating more forum engagement should be a top priority (I know... boomer take). But honestly it's easier to see shit here than it is to keep up with discord discussion. Perhaps a daily discussion thread, or league trash talk thread where team members playing that day can playfully talk some shit/create rivalries could help this, even a PT help thread to gain tips/engagement before posting PTs for newer members?
2. Minor, but I'd like to see Trivia run through the offseason. It's hard to know sometimes which weeks there isn't any trivia and it would make it easier just to have it bleed through season to season by having it every week no matter what.
3. REVIEWING SUCKS as it stands. We need a set template to fill out. The amount of half-assed, lazy, repetitive, or unqualified reviews I see each week is absurd, and I see myself being guilty of the same lately just tryna get them done lol. I think if there was a set criteria we had to fill out while leaving a review, like different aspects to fill out it would make it look a little better, more organized, and force people to say more than the same things every review.