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Head of PT
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Everything posted by v.2

  1. woaahhh this is huge
  2. v.2


    I know this is probably a meme submission and I'm not in on the joke, but c'mon. If this is the new level of acceptance for graphic point tasks then I'm super disappointed. Imma hope this is a one-off, and look forward to your next media spots. Overall rating 0.5/10.
  3. Sweet sig, the splash effect by the render works great and I love the colour spots contrasting with the overall black and white theme. Lighting is perfect, and stock work is top tier, I don't really have anything negative to say about this, maybe darken the edges slightly more? Overall rating 9.5/10 keep killin' it.
  4. holy fuck I think Sam Pouza was my player after Vestiquan
  5. Best thing you can do is prove your worth! Start doing point tasks instead of claiming welfare, make sure your career point tasks are done, enter trivia, fantasy, etc. TPE gainz = determination and skill.
  6. Ok this fucking SLAPS. Thank you!!
  7. lol I found a few Zimmers ones in mine;
  8. Found a bunch of my old ones today lol looool
  9. ITT: moar weeb slander
  10. Dope thanks! I like the first one the best.
  11. Transaction ID: 20623878157796278 5 TPE Doubles Week 1M Player Store
  12. im in EDIT: Also down to manage if you still need ppl
  13. v.2


    Quinton Byfield, LA Kings pls
  14. Scott Boulet
  15. I hate doing reviews already
  17. There ya go lol, it works!
  18. Make it public, it says I need to request access.
  19. Ok, make sure you link the actual video then from the share link and not just your drive.
  20. If its an image just upload it to imgur.com
  21. How tf did you review this lol... or did you review his signature..
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