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Everything posted by v.2

  1. 1. With the VHL draft nearing, what round/pick do you think your player will go? Shooting for top 6. 2. Now that the season is coming to a close, what do you think your players greatest strength has been? Blocking shots for sure, leading the VHLM! 3. Where has your player improved the most since the beginning of the season? Scoring for sure, took a nice few games to consistently find the back of the net. 4. What has been your fondest memory of your time with the Kings organization? Getting top line minutes and running the point. 5. Do you feel your player is ready for the VHL? Explain in one or more sentences. Not quite, however this offseason is the prime opportunity to train hard and work on some weaknesses in time for training camp. The desire to play in the VHL is there, just depends on the physicality. 6. What is one thing you plan on working on with your player during the off-season to get him/her in shape for next season? Strength and skating, mainly to become a faster skater with more endurance.
  2. Great first attempt. The fundamentals are there and I like that you even went for a jersey change on the render, which most beginners shy away from. I think this would look way better if it were smaller (at least 1/2 the size). Also the text placement is a bit overpowering as it takes up the full bottom of the sig. For the amount of space there is I think the render placement and sizing is a little awkward as well. The red theme is great, and I dig the abstract smokiness you went for with the background. Only room to improve from here on out! Feel free to ask any graphics related questions in the discord. Overall rating: 5/10
  3. The contrast of yellow on the dark grungy background makes this pop and the font choice+text placement is immaculate. The logo on the jersey could have been placed a little bit better as it looks like its somewhat floating off the player, but overall this is a super cool sig. Strong lighting and nice blur points. Overall rating 9.5/10
  4. 1. Since the addition of Bastian Greiss to the roster, as a team we’ve been able to secure 6 wins in the last week. Is this a fluke or do you think we can keep the momentum going and get a few more? I don't think it's a fluke as Greiss has been a tremendous upgrade between the pipes, however with such a young and inexperienced group we seem pretty destined to finish as a basement team. 2. In your opinion, what could your GM and AGM do to make your time in Mexico more fun and enjoyable? Anything else that somehow earns us more TPE. Nah, it's been an enjoyable season so far, the locker room is full of support. 3. What is one strength and one weakness you’ve noticed with your player in this season so far? One strength I've really noticed is my shot blocking ability, currently leading the league in my first year with an astounding 129 shots blocked, 33 ahead of the next guy. One weakness I've noticed is that I'd like to start hitting more, and finishing checks but I am convinced the physicality will come with maturity. 4. If you were to be drafted into the VHL next season, what team would you want to be drafted to and why? Oooooh... I'd be happy to play for almost any team, as long as I could provide value and be apart of a smart, competitive, no BS organization. Vancouver and Malmo def have the coolest logos though imo lol. 5. Our team is at the bottom of the league right now, in your opinion, why has our team struggled to find traction this season? It's a rebuild year after winning it all last year. Gotta stock the shelves somehow, but being a part of this team and having a larger role has been great for player development. 6. Tell me one thing that’s interesting about your players life! Many don't know, but the Sova family gave birth to Tui in Fiji.
  5. Love this one, the render choice and text placement was genius. Solid jersey change, and the chatter effect around the render looks cool and helps with blending. The field blur works great too to make the render the focal point, only thing I don't like though is how you blurred over the "Bastian" text, I'd like to see a version without for comparisons sake. Overall 9.2/10.
  6. Great piece overall, nice to see players express their feelings or concerns with an organization publicly sometimes rather than the usual boring cookie cutter hockey interviews. The part where you called out your GMs was especially exciting, generating lots of discussion and drama in the thread. Next time it'd be nice to add some photos or gifs for extra comedic value, but keep it up! Hot threads are what keeps this league exciting, even if its at the expense of all the VHLM GMs fighting. I'd rate this an 8/10.
  7. Such a stark contrast between their LR and ours by the sounds of it.
  8. I remember spying on this league randomly throughout the years while inactive, and your name was always one of the most prevalent. Feel like I juuuussst missed you, or you came in while I was on the way out (~S11 or S12ish?) Anyways my question is, when did you actually join the league initially, and what sucked you in to propel you to be such an active member/player?
  9. v.2

    Games: 213-226

    Another dub for the Kings
  10. Just want to applaud the formatting here, on point and makes for a desirable read!
  11. v.2

    Games: 186-198

    Mexico losing in two shootouts... I'll call that progress!
  12. I'm struggling to remember if I was active then or not... I definitely don't remember being on Zimmers' NYA team after that lol. What year would S12 have been?
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