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Advantage last won the day on June 29

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  1. Off-Season done for me.  Catch up GM's!

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    2. Gudnason


      Oh yeah, weird rules that GM players have to retire early if they are traded.

    3. Advantage


      it wasnt even that.  I inherited a team in year 2-3 of a rebuild and I was late middle of my career as a goalie.  So I traded my assets to start a fresh rebuild and recreated so my player ran along with the time frame.


      I also purposely did it to take advantage of the player two system coming in.

    4. Gudnason


      If Stockholm needs a goalie younger than Rhett DeGrath in the near future, please keep in mind that instead of being restricted to Ironside and King, you can be patient for another year or two and draft Fong next season. :cheers: 

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