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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Is there any dubious and untested vaccine out there to avoid a TPE lockdown? Maybe by the human-loving company that also brought Clue Glue to us?
  2. I really love this (absolutely unbiased). It is a nice style and concept. I am especially fond of how you put the team's logo in the ice. And if Vice had not pointed out the thing with the names (curse you @Vice) I would have found nothing wrong with it. Therefore you lose some points overall. 9.51/10 which is of course rounded up to 10/10.
  3. cannot argue with that, just added it for the sake of completeness, so to speak
  4. Review: I like that you picked up recent events and created a graphic from it (admittedly a rather simple one). For that and because you made me almost laugh out loud you get 10/10 (albeit not for the artistic value of the pic, though nothing is wrong with it, it would more be a 7/10).
  5. 1. Best move ever as this kid brings a lot of grit and secondary scoring to the tabel 2. It is not impossible, but to be frank I doubt it, as the closest is 21pts away from that goal and only 12 games left. 3. Stockholm, as they have been inconsistent all season. 4. Yes, I was. 5. I am sitting on the fence. It gives my team Switzerland a better chance to compete with the big nations, as the impact for us is not that big (maybe 4-5 players), while Canada and the US will have the 5th suit competing in the Olympics. On the other hand you want to see the best players, so there is that. 6. We had Duck, knoedel and red cabbage 7. Rock, always has been, and always will be. 8. I do not watch much telly these days, but will follow up on the Witcher 9. I cannot repeat it here, as it would violate the COC
  6. Swiss Central Gazette (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Shortly before the Christmas break, the Jansers played a few games, recapitulations of which please find below. The Hounds first played the Bulls in a 6-5 shootout win. Mississauga won the first period 3-2, with the goals scored by Lamb @dlamb(McMuffin, Teekirque), Lamb (Janser, Teekirque) in power play and Marino @Adrest245 (Teekirque) with his first goal for the Hounds. The second period went 2-1 to Houston, Bushtit (Lamb, Janser) in power play was succesful for his colours. The last period ended 1-1 with Hextall @Jack Feriancek (Teekirque, Marino) with his first ever goal in the VHLM drawing the game with only 51 seconds left to play. The Sudden Death did not bring any decision, so shootout it was. There TenIQIsGod @yourmomsfat kept his nerve and was the only skater from either team to beat the opposing goaltender. The three stars were Salo @Infernal (2g/1a), Lospenov @Gretzky didnt lift da puck (2g/0a) and Lamb (2g/1a). The netminder played on eye to eye level with Arpa (.868) having a slight edge over Jarvinen (.857). Mississauga's power play was okay (2/8), their penalty kill impeccable (7/7). Marcel had 0g, 2a, +0 and 1sb to his name Bottom feeder Halifax was the next opponent of the Ontario team and everybody expected a win, which was soundly delivered with a final score of 7-1. The Hounds took the lead late in the first with a deuce in power play by Eli @Elijah (Fong's Son) (Nine, McMuffin) and Lamb (Janser, Teekirque). The second period turned out to be worse for the 21st, when Mississauga scored four goals against Halifax' none. Teekirque @Mongoose87 (Janser, Bushtit) in power play, Nine @NineIQ v2 (Janser, McMuffin), McMuffin @Ente2997(Janser, Nine) and Janser @Morcar80 (Teekirque, Lamb) in power play were the goal providers for the Hounds. The last period was a 1-1 draw with Bushtit (Lamb, Bridgers) finding the back of the net for the Mississaugans. Janser (1g/4a), Nine (1g/2a) and McMuffin (1g/2a) were named three stars of the night. McGreiss @lukechezzwoo (.667) showed an abysmal performance and was relieved after five goals allowed by Wumbo (.933) who only allowed two goals. But Halifax goalkeepers were outplayed by Arpa though (.941). The Hounds special teams were formidable with 4/7 for the power play and 5/5 for the box play. Marcel was noted with 1g, 4a, +2, 1sb and the first star award The 21st were in the unenviable position to play back-to-back games against one of the powerhouses of the leage and lost the rematch against the Hounds 6-4. Mississauga won the first period 3-1, with three goals from Lamb, assisted by Teekirque/Bridgers (1st), Teekirque (2nd) and Bushtit (3rd) respectively. The second period was a 2-2 draw, with Lamb bagging another two goals, both in power play and both assisted by Teekirque and Bushtit. The third period was a 1-1 draw, this time McMuffin (Nine) in power play, ruining a potential double hattrick for Lamb. Fuhr @Tate (.706) was relieved after five goals against by Wumbo (.941) who only allowed one goal for the remainder of the game. Arpa's (.846) game was nothing to write home about, but due to the front rows efficiency, his rather underwhelming game was enough to steal the points this time around. Mississauga's special teams were good in terms of power play (3/6) and okay for the penalty kill (3/4). Marcel was more discreet in this match against his former club and recorded 0g, 0a, -1 and 1sb Daniel played in two games and struggled a bit with consistency. We are convinced that playing in a new team took its toll on his performance. Further and in addition there is also the climate shock from playing in minus degree area Norway to almost springy 10-15 degrees does not help either. Istanbul played Bratislava and lost 5-3. The Watchmen scored three unanswered goals in the first period, which gave them enough league to sail these points home. The second period was a 1-1 draw, with Zabastovka @DarkSpyro (Bonaparte, Wilson) scoring the first goal for the Red Wolves. In the third period, the Turks reduced Bratislava's lead to one by two consecutive goals from Tsarov @PadStack (Wilson) and Li @Ryan Li (Hogan, Kman) in power play. In an act of desperation, Istanbul pulled the goaltender, but were ill-rewarded for this risk, as the Slovaks scored on the orphaned net. Towbaker @Domino (3g/1a), Groves @Will3 (0g/2a) and Blloyoiderson @Cxsquared (1g/1a) were awarded the three stars. Kloxified @Kloxified (.895) was outplayed by Chiester (.921). The Red Wolves' special teams were ok for the power play (1/4) but rather below average for the penalty kill (5/7). Daniel had 0g, 0a, -2 and 1 hit The second game was against Cologne and was lost 5-4 in over time. The first period was a 2-2 draw with the teams taking turns in scoring. Bonaparte @CptSquall (Waffles, Wilson) in power play and Li (Heavems, Hogan) scored for the Istanbul team. The Red Wolves took the lead in the second period when they scored two against the Express' one. Heavems @RstortonYT (Hogan, Power) and Bonaparte (Hogan) with a shorthanded goal were successful for the Red Shirts. Mid-way through the third period, the Germans equalized the score and took the game in to OT, where they succeeded after 2:28 minutes. The three stars were Meridius @Beaviss (1g/0a), Leduc @Alexandre (0g/4a) and Ranogajec @ColeMrtz (0g/3a). Fleury @Kuba-Fleury(.911) was clearly better in net than Kloxified (.875). Istanbul's power play was poor (1/6) and so was their penalty kill (2/4). Daniel had 0g, 0a, +1, 1 hit and 1sb The brothers' stats as of now are as follows: Marcel: 59gp, 8g, 40a, 48pts, -29, 28 PIM, 58 hits, 98sb, 1gwg, 6ppg Daniel: 60gp, 26g, 39a, 65pts, -15, 91 PIM, 200 hits, 31sb, 4gwg, 5ppg Please stayed tuned when we return with updates as soon as they emerge. https://vhlforum.com/topic/113467-a-tale-of-two-brothers-picking-up-speed/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113607-oslist-s81/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113629-a-tale-of-two-brothers-goodbyes/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113687-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-good-start/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113721-a-tale-of-two-brothers-final-quarter/ GM 282: Houston Bulls vs. Mississauga Hounds (vhlportal.com) GM 289: Mississauga Hounds vs. Halifax 21st (vhlportal.com) GM 294: Halifax 21st vs. Mississauga Hounds (vhlportal.com) GM 234: Bratislava Watchmen vs. Istanbul Red Wolves (vhlportal.com) GM 240: Istanbul Red Wolves vs. Cologne Express (vhlportal.com)
  7. Carl, John's brother, plays for my team in Switzerland
  8. Pittsburgh Penguins, because Francis, the Magnifique and the Mullet
  9. Seriously though, @Beketov, @Josh and @Devise take this well deserved break off and enjoy some quality time with whom ever you care to share same (I heard something called 'family' or 'dear ones' should be prime candidates for such occasions). Happy Holidays.
  10. That is one heck of a sentence. It would be easier to read if you split your otherwise interesting article into several sentences... I kind of ran out of breath when I read it in my head... and could not remember anymore what the sentence started with, once I arrived at the end. But this is maybe only me being peculiar...
  11. Swiss Central Gazzette (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Please find our update on the Jansers' journey to the VHL as per below. The Mississauga Hounds suffered a heavy loss on their D-Line as Zubov was banned from the league for the use of performance enhancing substances. It is therefore understandable that the team lost 9-3 to the Lynx in the first match after this blow to morale. Ottawa won the first period with 5-1 and from there on, it was smooth sailing for them. Eli @Elijah (Fong's Son) (Bob, McMuffin) in power play, Bushtit @Esso2264 (Lamb, Teekirque) and McMuffin @Ente2997(Teekirque) scored the goals for the unfortunate Hounds. The three stars were awarded to Vomacka @Wolfe (3g/1a), Torq @Steve (2g/1a) and Vignac @Habs fan (1g/2a). The goaltenders were very busy with the better end for Nu @npuBeT (.930) over Arpa @16z (.833). The Hounds' power play was sub-par (1/6) and the penalty kill was downright bad (5/8). Marcel had 0g, 0a, -2 and 4sb In their second match, the Ontario team should improved form and won the game 6-4 against the Marlins. The first period was a roller coaster with three goals for each team. McMuffin (Lamb, Teekirque), Nine @NineIQ v2(Eli) and Bushtit (McMuffin, Lamb) found the back of the net for the Hounds. In the second it was Yurov @Geeks (Eli, Nine) in power play who scored the only goal of the period. San Diego pulled one back to draw the score in the third, but two goals by Bidgers @GrittyIsKing (Ivanovitch, Janser) and Bushtit (Janser, Lamb) in power play stomped out the embers of hope for the Marlins to take points home. Bushtit (2g/0a), DeGroot @rory (1g/0a) and Eli (0g/2a) were named three stars. Arpa (.871) had Wilson's @dustywilson22 (.760) number in the goalie duel. The Hounds penalty kill was good (5/6) and the power play followed suit (2/4). Marcel logged 0g, 2a, +0, 1 hit and 5sb Daniel was not able to confirm the good performance of his first two games for the Red Wolves. Regardless, the first match against the Watchmen went to the Turks with a final score of 2-1. Zabastovka @DarkSpyro (Tsarov) on a power play and Li @Ryan Li (Bonaparte, Zabastovka) were responsible for Istanbul's goals. The three stars went to Kloxified @Kloxified(37 saves), Chiester @Donno100 (54 saves) and Zabastovka (1g/1a). On a very high level competition, Kloxified (.974) beat Chiester (.964) by the slightest of margins. Istanbul's power play was good (1/3) and the penalty kill perfect (1/1). Daniel had 0g, 0a, -1 and 3 hits to his name. The direct rematch was lost by 5-4. Istanbul scored first with Wilson's @LeBron Jamezz (Dasher, Hogan) goal. However, Bratislava equalized the game before the first horn. In the second period, each team scored a brace. Wilson (Hogan, Power) and Li (Heavems, Power) were successful for the Wolves. Li (Heavems, Hogan) scored early in the third, but the Watchmen scored two back-to-back goals for the win. Davis @M1nT (1g/2a), Chameleon (1g/3a) @Hybrid1486 and Groves @Will3 (2g/0a) were named the three stars. Menace @NickSunderbruch (.821) clearly played inferior compared to Chiester (.900). The Red Wolves' penalty kill was underwhelming (4/6) the power play inexistent (0/2). Daniel logged 0g, 0a, -2 and 4 PIM (Boarding and Holding, the latter leading to a goal against) In the third match up against Bratislava, Istanbul won with 4-1. They took an early lead with Power's @Tape-to-Tape (Heavems, Hogan) goal midway through the first. Bratislava evened the score in the second period, before three consecutive goals by Li (Heavems, Power), Heavems @RstortonYT (Power) and Dasher @Slick(Janser, Kman) in the third sealed the deal for the Red Wolves. Especially the last goal was highlight reel material, as Dasher re-directed Daniel's shot in mid-air and left Chiester no chance to parry. The three stars were Power (1g/2a), Heavems (1g/2a) and Li (1g/0a). Kloxified (.964) was clearly better than Chiester (.905), who showed no mean game himself. Istanbul's special teams were perfect for the PK (4/4) and useless (0/3) for the PP. Daniel was reported with 0g, 1a, +1 and 2 hits After a 'Bratislava Hattrick', the Red Wolves faced Stockholm in a 6-4 defeat. Stockholm won the first period 3-1 and then contended themselves to nurse the two goal lead home. The only goal for Istanbul in the starting twenty minutes was scored by Dasher (Kman, Janser). In the second period it was one goal each. This time Hogan @FonziGG (Power, Janser) was successful for the Turkish team. In the last period it was two goal a piece with Bonaparte @CptSquall (Zabastovka, Waffles) on a one man advantage and Tsarov @PadStack (Wilson, Waffles) finding the back of the net for the Middle Eastern team. The three stars were awarded to Monster @LuluSalesAway(1g/2a), Nezuko @Baozi (2g/1a) and Colors @McWolf (0g/3a). Grubauer @Tendy (.917) outplayed Kloxified (.854). The Istanbul power play was good (1/2) their box play was not (2/4). Daniel posted a 0g, 2a, +2, 2 PIM (Hooking, lead to a goal against) and 2 hits The Swiss Hitmen's stats sofar in aggregate: Marcel: 56gp, 7g, 34a, 41pts, -30, 28 PIM, 58 hits, 94sb, 1gwg, 5ppg Daniel: 58gp, 26g, 39a, 65pts, -14, 91 PIM, 198 hits, 30sb, 4gwg, 5ppg We will report on the boys' progress as soon as new information is at hand. https://vhlforum.com/topic/113407-a-tale-of-two-brothers-reunited/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113467-a-tale-of-two-brothers-picking-up-speed/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113607-oslist-s81/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113629-a-tale-of-two-brothers-goodbyes/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113687-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-good-start/ GM 271: Ottawa Lynx vs. Mississauga Hounds (vhlportal.com) GM 278: Mississauga Hounds vs. San Diego Marlins (vhlportal.com) GM 217: Bratislava Watchmen vs. Istanbul Red Wolves (vhlportal.com) GM 222: Istanbul Red Wolves vs. Bratislava Watchmen (vhlportal.com) GM 225: Bratislava Watchmen vs. Istanbul Red Wolves (vhlportal.com) GM 230: Stockholm Vikings vs. Istanbul Red Wolves (vhlportal.com)
  12. Yeah let's call it 'snow' Nah, but since you asked for the favourite Christmas dish, I added a festive 'Noël' to the ordinary poutine... alternatively you could of course add Clue Glue to make it all the more christmassy...
  13. Raclette... Melt cheese (Raccard for example), put some spice on it if you fancy (Sweet Paprika for example), put it on boiled tatters (or bread if you must), goes well with mixed pickles (for those who like that kind of stuff)... recommended drink is white wine (Fendant, but any not too sweet wine will do)...
  14. Swiss Central Gazzette (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Our 21st centuries William Tells had another couple of games each. Please find them recapped below. The Mississauga Hounds featuring Marcel in their roster first played the Reapers in a 6-3 win. Philadelphia opened the scoring midway through the first period, but Lamb @dlamb (Teekirque, McMuffin) equalized the game before the first intermission. In the second, the Pennsylvanians had the better start again, but the Hounds countered with a deuce by Eli @Elijah (Fong's Son) (McMuffin, Nine) in power play and Lamb (Teekirque, Zubov). The Reapers pulled one back, but were culled by another double tap by Lamb (Zubov, Bushtit) with a shorthanded goal and Bob @M0XI(Janser, Jeffers). In the last period, Janser @Morcar80 with a slapshot from the blue line, assisted by Bushtit and Lamb, put the nail in the Reapers' coffin for good. The three stars were awarded to Lamb (3g/1g), Zubov @Russianmenice (0g/2a) and Jp @WhiskyJack (1g/1a). Gaming @Lilpfigher (.875) was slightly better than Arpa @16z (.870). The Hounds power play was good (2/7) but their box play was even more remarkable. Not only did they not allow a goal in five attemps, but they also scored a goal while at a one man disadvantage. Marcel had 1g, 1a, -2, and 1sb In the direct rematch, Philadelphia took the win with a 6-4 score. The first period was a 2-2 tie, with Lamb (Teekirque, Bushtit) and Nine (Eli, McMuffin) in power play being succesful for the Canadians. In the second period, Mississauga took the lead with a power play goal by Janser, (again a big slapper from the point) with Teekirque and Bushtit lending him a helping (passing) hand and Jeffers @Tophdaddy (Bridgers, Bob). Alas, somehow the Hounds managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and allowed four consecutive goals in the final period. Lappi @aksuko (2g/0a), AL @bigAL (1g/2a) and Kawaii @Thatsurfdude (1g/1a) were named the three stars of the night. Gaming (.892) again had Arpa's (.778) number, but this time by a countrymile. The Mississaugan special teams were a mixed bag. While the power play was very decent (2/4) the penalty killing unit did anything but kill penalties (1/4). Marcel was noted with 1g, 0a, -1, 1 hit and 3sb Daniel's Red Wolves played defending Champion Vasteras and won 6-0. Li @Ryan Li (Kman, Heavems) scored the first goal in power play after only 46 seconds played in the game. Janser was not shy and scored his first goal for his new franchise after 4:02 minutes. From the slot, he buried Tsarov's (who got the puck from Waffles) rebound top shelf. The crowd was ecstatic and chanted his name, as this was quite a way to make a first impression. In the second period it was Power @Tape-to-Tape(Hogan, Li) and Dasher @Slick (Hogan, Power) who expanded Istanbul's lead. The final period saw an other brace for the Turks by Tsarov @PadStack, getting the puck from Janser, who was faking a shot and have the defender go down to block same, after receiving the biscuit from Waffles. The final goal was scored by Kman @Kman(Power, Heavems). The three stars were all Istanbul players and Kloxified @Kloxified(24 saves) was joined on the podium by his team mates Li (1g/1a) and Power (1g/2a). Vasteras' netminder (.893) performed not bad, but Kloxified kept his sheet clean and won this uneven duel. Istanbul's power play had room for improvement (1/5), their penalty kill was obviously impeccable. Daniel had 1g, 1a, +2, 2 PIM (Hooking, no effect on the score) and 3 hits In the second game Istanbul faced off Rome and shut them out 4-0. Hogan @FonziGG (Li, Power) scored on the power play after only 33 seconds of play. Khan @caltroit_red_flames (Kman, Zabastovka) and Heavems @RstortonYT (Kman, Li) scored in the second period and Li (Power, Hogan) in power play buried the puck in the third. Late in that final period, Janser demonstrated why the Red Wolves hired him. Earlier in the game, Mashford was spraying Kloxified with ice and Daniel made good note of that. In the next shift, as soon as Mashford picked up a lose puck, the Swiss slammed his opponent into the boards. He was lead by the linesman to the the sin bin under the appreciative applause of the Istanbul bench and trash talking to Mashford all the way. He clearly made a statement, that he will protect his goalkeeper and that opposing teams can no longer bully the Red Wolves around unscathed. The three stars were Kloxified (29 saves), Li (1g/2a) and Kman (0g/2a). It goes without saying the Kloxified (1.000) had the better of Spinelli @Lspinelli (.892) who did not show a mean game by any stretch of the imagination. The Wolves' special teams were very efficient with the power play being 2/6 and the penalty kill flawless 3/3. Daniel was credited with 0g, 0a, +0, 2 PIM (Boarding, without consequences on the score board) and 4 hits. The brothers' stats as of now: Marcel: 54gp, 7g, 32a, 39pts, -28, 28 PIM, 57 hits, 85sb, 1gwg, 5ppg Daniel: 54gp, 26g, 36a, 62pts, -14, 85 PIM, 191 hits, 30sb, 4gwg, 5ppg Please stay tuned for further updates on the Jansers' journey overseas. https://vhlforum.com/topic/113407-a-tale-of-two-brothers-reunited/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113467-a-tale-of-two-brothers-picking-up-speed/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113607-oslist-s81/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113629-a-tale-of-two-brothers-goodbyes/ GM 260: Philadelphia Reapers vs. Mississauga Hounds (vhlportal.com) https://vhlportal.com/game/VHLM/81/VHLM81-265.html https://vhlportal.com/game/VHLE/81/VHLE81-212.html https://vhlportal.com/game/VHLE/81/VHLE81-213.html
  15. I enjoy Hardspace: Shipbreaker (or as I like to call it: A million ways to die in the West Space)....
  16. Did not know that my player is such a coveted asset. I mean, he is doing pretty well, but still..
  17. That is perfectly fine, enjoy your time in Halifax...
  18. Swiss Central Gazzette (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Since we last wrote about the Janser brothers, a fair amount of games have been played and an important trade has been made. Due to the above mentioned circumstances we will just post the game results as well as Marcel's and Daniel's individual statistics, but add an interview instead. Marcel's @Morcar80 Mississauga Hounds have played the following games: 1. 4-0 loss against the Reapers. Marcel had 0g, 0a, +0 and 1sb 2. 4-3 win against the Aces. Marcel posted 0g, 1a, +0, 1 hit and 1sb 3. 6-2 win against the Reapers. Marcel recorded 0g, 2a, +2 and 1sb 4. 6-5 OT win against the Reapers. Marcel logged 1g, 0a, +0 and 1sb 5. 3-2 loss against the Aces. Marcel had 0g, 0a, -2, 1 hit and 3sb to his name 6. 4-3 SO win against the Reapers. Marcel was reported with 0g, 0a, +0 and 2 hits 7. 5-3 defeat against the Aces. Marcel achieved 0g, 0a and -1 8. 6-2 loss against the Bulls. Marcel posted a 0g, 1a, +1, 1 hit and 1sb record Daniel's Storm faced the following teams: 1. The Watchmen in a 6-5 OT win. Daniel was recorded with 1g, 0a, +2, 2 PIM (Hooking, no effect on the score) and 6 hits 2. The Rush in a 5-2 win. Daniel logged 2g (including the GWG), 1a, +2, 4 PIM (Interference and Goalie Interference, the former penalty lead to a goal), 6hits as well as 2sb. He was also named first star of the game. 3. The Rush in a 8-3 win. Daniel had 0g, 1a, +0, 2 PIM (Hooking, no effect on the score) and 2 hits to his name 4. The Express in a 5-2 loss. Daniel achieved 1g, 0a, -2, 9 PIM (Interference (lead to a goal against), Hooking and a Fighting Major (first of his career), the two latter penalties without effect on the score) and 1 hit 5. The Gladiators in a 7-5 defeat. Daniel was reported with 1g, 2a, +0, 2 PIM (Hooking, lead to a goal) and 5 hits 6. The Watchmen in a 3-1 loss. Daniel logged 0g, 0a, 2 PIM (Hooking, no change to the score) and 10 hits 7. The Red Wolves in a 4-3 loss. Daniel contributed 1g, 1a, +1, 4 PIM (Elbowing and Diving, the former lead to a goal) and 5 hits 8. The Iron Eagles in a 6-4 defeat. Daniel was credited with 1g, 0a, -1, 3 hits and 1sb The Jansers statitistics as of now (in aggregate): Marcel: 52gp, 5g, 31a, 36pts, -25, 28 PIM, 56 hits, 81sb, 1gwg, 3ppg Daniel: 52gp, 25g, 35a, 60pts, -16, 81 PIM, 184 hits, 30sb, 4gwg, 5ppg Today, we got the breaking news that Daniel, in a trade dead line move, has been transferred to Istanbul in exchange for a S82 2nd and a S83 fourth round pick. Gretta Hjalmarsdottir reached out on the matter to the elder Janser brother and got the following statement: 'The Storm figured that the playoffs were out of reach for us this season, despite our latest catch-up run. So they asked me whether I would be willing to play for Istanbul, who at the moment are second of the league, in order to have a swing at the cup. I told Laine @Laine, that I will agree to anything which would help the Storm going forward. Staying at Oslo and given my all to still try and make the playoffs or going to Istanbul and play with equal fervour and commitment would both have been viable options for me. I understand from @KaleebtheMighty that the Red Wolves were looking to add some grit and physicality to their game and I think this is something I can provide. So I will pack my belongings and catch the next flight to Istanbul and report for duty as soon as possible and get to know management and team mates alike. Istanbul has a very good team and I think it is entirely possible that we end up in the finals for the Renaissance Cup. It will be interesting to play in this melting pot between Europe and Asia with its rich culture and history. And as is my habit, I will endeavour to learn the local lingo from the start to be independent, though I have heard that Turkish brothers do not appreciate if one flirts with their sisters. So I will hold of on that part.' https://vhlforum.com/topic/113407-a-tale-of-two-brothers-reunited/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113467-a-tale-of-two-brothers-picking-up-speed/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113607-oslist-s81/ GM 222: Philadelphia Reapers vs. Mississauga Hounds (vhlportal.com) GM 227: Mississauga Hounds vs. Las Vegas Aces (vhlportal.com) GM 231: Philadelphia Reapers vs. Mississauga Hounds (vhlportal.com) GM 238: Mississauga Hounds vs. Philadelphia Reapers (vhlportal.com) GM 241: Las Vegas Aces vs. Mississauga Hounds (vhlportal.com) GM 243: Mississauga Hounds vs. Philadelphia Reapers (vhlportal.com) GM 248: Mississauga Hounds vs. Las Vegas Aces (vhlportal.com) GM 253: Mississauga Hounds vs. Houston Bulls (vhlportal.com) GM 178: Oslo Storm vs. Bratislava Watchmen (vhlportal.com) GM 181: Geneva Rush vs. Oslo Storm (vhlportal.com) GM 187: Geneva Rush vs. Oslo Storm (vhlportal.com) GM 190: Oslo Storm vs. Cologne Express (vhlportal.com) GM 196: Rome Gladiators vs. Oslo Storm (vhlportal.com) GM 197: Oslo Storm vs. Bratislava Watchmen (vhlportal.com) GM 204: Istanbul Red Wolves vs. Oslo Storm (vhlportal.com) GM 207: Oslo Storm vs. Vasteras Iron Eagles (vhlportal.com)
  19. Hello @Tate, Welcome back to the VHL. I’m Daniel Janser, the AGM of the Mississauga Hounds and @N0HBDYis our GM, and we are very excited to have you join the league and would like to invite you to join the Mississauga Hounds. We have many veterans apart of our team that would be glad to help you learn the ropes of the VHL. If you have not already joined the VHL discord or the official locker room for your new team, I implore you to please join them. By joining any discord affiliated with the VHL it makes it much easier for us GM’s to reach out to you and talk to you about job openings, tpe opportunities, and reminders to update. We have an exciting season ahead of us and we are certainly looking forward to it! Reply to this message with #ReleasetheHounds if you accept our invitation to join the Mississauga Hounds!
  20. Hello @Dom, Welcome back to the VHL. I’m Daniel Janser, the AGM of the Mississauga Hounds and @N0HBDYis our GM, and we are very excited to have you join the league and would like to invite you to join the Mississauga Hounds. We have many veterans apart of our team that would be glad to help you learn the ropes of the VHL. If you have not already joined the VHL discord or the official locker room for your new team, I implore you to please join them. By joining any discord affiliated with the VHL it makes it much easier for us GM’s to reach out to you and talk to you about job openings, tpe opportunities, and reminders to update. We have an exciting season ahead of us and we are certainly looking forward to it! Reply to this message with #ReleasetheHounds if you accept our invitation to join the Mississauga Hounds!
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