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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. I agree in principle with your statement. I wish to bring up the point that there is a thin line in my opinion. @Ricer13 for example told me as soon as I was drafted, that my passing was too high for a meta build (I was following Gustav's build advice for a two-way winger at the time, where passing is higher than scoring), but he also made it abundantly clear that he will never, ever ask me to go for such a build (and I would not have done it anyway). He just wanted to give me all the information in case that I want to be that super efficient top scoring winger (which I do not want to). Just to be clear, I bring Ricer up as a GOOD example for giving the relevant data is it is known and accepted at the moment, but leaving the build choices up to the player. I come more of an RPG background rather then sports simulations and therefore I chose the type of player I wanted to be and started distributing points accordingly (until I have found Gustav's guide, which gave me some directions to take where to spend points first ideally. Then I was angry at myself for having 'wasted' ten points into leadership, but took it as an RPG trait and convinced myself that this attribute makes me scoring GWG). Now, if someone asks me in the Hounds' locker room where to invest points, I tell them that apparently, DI, Fighting and LD will not do much for you (unless you are going for a brawler goon enforcer build). I am up front that the four attributes that do most for your skater are the big four and that passing unfortunately is not as efficient as one would think coming from games like the NHL series. I would also like to avoid that GM/AGM dare not to give advise anymore, for fear of facing repercussions because 'they asked player xyz to go for a meta build'.
  2. Do not know what to say except thank you good Sir and Merry Christmas to you and your kin. Claiming for week 26th December 2021, as @Ricer13 has waived his claim on Phil's donation. And since I do not reasonally expect anyone in charge to take my word for it, here is a printscreen of the respective LR convo:
  3. Hi Shindigs, I also voted yes, and have the same concerns about acceptability of your proposed approach. I have heard some people complain (some of them GM's) about the meta and that they wish it would be forbidden. Basically at the moment, most are building the same player whether it is winger, center or defence with a little FO here and a little checking there. Also I do not think to disallow the meta is a viable solution... first of all, how do we define meta? Is it only passing 40 and the big four 99? So passing 41 and the usual suspects is fine? What about people like me who level one skill after the other (after having reached a certain level on the preferred ones?), and may have passing 40 at the moment, but have all intentions (but not the TPE yet) to push it to say 70-75? So a general ban of meta is not feasible in my opinion. Yours is the best approach I have read so far imo.
  4. If this is still a thing I would like to apply Player Card Template Name: Daniel Janser Team: Mississauga Hounds Player Number: 11 Render Choice: Claude Lemieux Are you S70?: I am S81 Signature Template Name: Daniel Janser Team: Calgary Wranglers Player Number: 22 Render Choice: Claude Lemieux Are you S70?: I am S81
  5. Yeah Mississauga spoiled your party early on and since then you are trailing... not nice... I was in a similar situation last year in Mississauga and then was traded to Philly (together with my brother) and we made the playoffs... Mississauga was rockbottom and had only 2 human players left...
  6. Swiss Central Gazzette (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) A lot has happened since last we reported from our fellow Swiss overseas. Therefore, we will touch the matches only briefly with the results and the Jansers' stats and focus on the big news regarding both the Halifax 21st as well as the Oslo Storm. Marcel's @Morcar80 21st has played six games: 1. 4-1 loss against Mississauga. Marcel contributed 0a, 0g, -2, 4 PIM (Roughing and High Sticking, no effect on the score), 5 hits and 2sb 2. 6-4 win against San Diego. Marcel had 0g, 2a, +2, 2 PIM (Slashing, no goal scored against in the ensuing power play), 2 hits and 1sb 3. 4-1 loss against the Marlins. Marcel logged 0g, 0a, -2, 2 PIM (Holding Stick, did not result in a goal against), 3 hits and 2sb 4. 5-3 win against Ottawa. Marcel was recorded with 1g, 1a, +0, 2 PIM (Holding, not converted by the Lynx), 3 hits and 3sb 5. 5-4 win against the Hounds. Marcel had 1g, 0a, +1, 4 hits, 4sb and a 3rd star of the night to his name 6. 7-1 loss against the Lynx. Marcel posted 0g, 0a, -1, 3 hits, and 5sb Halifax is now second last in the conference as well as in the VHLM and trail a playoff seed by eight points. Halifax' Management @Minion and @JardyB10 decided it was time to make a trade and moved star defender AL @bigAL together with up-and-coming center Volchenko @Austin2997 to the Reapers in exchange for rookie left wing Essen @Drew Essen, Yukon's S82 4th round, Philadelphia's S83 1st and 4th round pick. It appears, as if Halifax is considering a rebuild and Philly going for the extra fire power from the blue line in order to compete in the playoffs. For AL this is a return to the franchise he played already last season for as a free agent (together with the Janser brothers). Daniel's Storm has also played 6 games: 1. 2-1 loss against Rome. Daniel had 0g, 0a, +1 and 1 hit 2. 6-4 win against Istanbul. Daniel was noted with 2g, 1a, -1, 2 PIM (Roughing, no effect on the score), 3 hits and 1sb 3. 7-2 win against Geneva. Daniel achieved 0g, 1a, +1 and 2 hits. Chiang @nurx had a 3g, 2a in his debut match for his new club. Way to make a first impression. 4. 4-2 loss against Vasteras. Daniel logged 0g, 0a, -1 and 4 hits. 5. 9-1 win against the Iron Eagles. Daniel had 1g, 2a, +2, 2 PIM (Hooking, no goal scored against) and 2 hits to his name. 6. 5-3 win against the Red Wolves. Daniel posted a 0g, 2a, +1 and 5 hits record The Oslo Storm management @Laine and @Horcrux decided to move top scorer and most talented player, left wing Nezuko to Stockholm in exchange for right winger Chiang and Stockholm's S82 4th round pick. Sofar, mainly Oslo has profited from this deal, as Chiang has scored 16 points (5g/11a) in four games, i.e. as many points (8g/8a) as with Stockholm in 32 games. Also Daniel has re-found his scoring with the addition of Chiang to the team and is for the first time in this season above one point per game. Nezuko had underwhelming three assists in his four matches with the Vikings and seems to struggle with the new system and team mates. We asked the Jansers for an outlook on the second half, which they happily agreed to. Marcel: 'I get that we traded our best defenceman away for a rebuild. Nagy was carrying this team so far and now it is up to us veteran players to step up to the plate. I think it is a good move for this young Hungarian and since he played already in Philly last season, he knows all of the facilities and the management and hence does not need much time to acclimatize. I guess it is true what they say: 'Once a Reaper, always a Reaper'. As for our situation, there is still a chance to get into the playoffs. We just need to focus on our system and doing the small things right. Finish the checks, make good passes and make the slot a nightmare environment for opposing attackers, to give our tendy a chance to stop the puck.' Daniel: 'I am really happy that we had the opportunity to pick up Chiang. He has already proven in the VHLM that he can score (125pts in S80). Also his size and displacement helps him to get and stay into the spots where the other teams do not want us to be. This should not be taken as a slight to Nezuko, he carried our team on mulitple occasions. I think he deserves the swing at some silverware he has now playing for Stockholm.' Gretta Hjalmarsdottir: 'How do you feel about the fact that you are being played as a center, though you clearly are a left winger?' Daniel: 'I will always play where the coach thinks I help the team the most. Whether this is as a forward, a defender or driving the Zamboni in the intermission, I do not care. What will not change, is the style of hockey I play. I like the gritty, physical aspects of hockey and I would be hard pressed to put on the silk glove. That is just not the kind of hockey player I am, and I think you would limit my usefulness to the team, if I was asked to change my play. I do not mind playing center. It gives me another tool to help my team and I know that players who can play all forward positions bring a lot to the table. Who knows, maybe in the future the Wranglers are shorthanded on the center position. Would it not be handy if they had a player in their roster who has already a season worth of center under his belt? As to our chances to make the playoffs I am realistic here: It would need a meltdown of epic proportions of more than one team for us to snatch one of these coveted slots. But we are a new team with not much experience on this level and I guess it would be very optimistic to expect a new franchise to be among the top four teams in its inaugural season. We pay a tutelage now, as we say in the old country and learn for the next season and from match to match we can improve step by little step.' The brothers' stats so far are as follows: Marcel: 36gp, 4g, 19a, 23pts, -24, 22 PIM, 43 hits, 64sb, 1gwg, 3ppg Daniel: 36gp, 12g, 25a, 37pts, -17, 48 PIM, 121 hits, 16sb, 2gwg, 3ppg https://vhlforum.com/topic/112905-a-tale-of-two-brothers-1st-quarter-conclusions/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/112961-a-tale-of-two-brothers-defeats/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113033-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-mixed-bag/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113125-a-tale-of-two-brothers-marching-on/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113199-a-tale-of-two-brothers-daily-grind/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113265-phihfx-s81/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113212-stoosl-s81/ GM 151: Halifax 21st vs. Mississauga Hounds (vhlportal.com) GM 157: San Diego Marlins vs. Halifax 21st (vhlportal.com) GM 160: Halifax 21st vs. San Diego Marlins (vhlportal.com) GM 167: Halifax 21st vs. Ottawa Lynx (vhlportal.com) GM 170: Mississauga Hounds vs. Halifax 21st (vhlportal.com) GM 176: Ottawa Lynx vs. Halifax 21st (vhlportal.com) GM 123: Oslo Storm vs. Rome Gladiators (vhlportal.com) GM 128: Oslo Storm vs. Istanbul Red Wolves (vhlportal.com) GM 132: Geneva Rush vs. Oslo Storm (vhlportal.com) GM 136: Oslo Storm vs. Vasteras Iron Eagles (vhlportal.com) GM 140: Vasteras Iron Eagles vs. Oslo Storm (vhlportal.com) GM 143: Oslo Storm vs. Istanbul Red Wolves (vhlportal.com)
  7. Hello @LittleCrow, Welcome to the VHL. I’m Daniel Janser, the AGM of the Mississauga Hounds and @N0HBDYis our GM, and we are very excited to have you join the league and would like to invite you to join the Mississauga Hounds. We have many veterans apart of our team that would be glad to help you learn the ropes of the VHL. If you have not already joined the VHL discord or the official locker room for your new team, I implore you to please join them. By joining any discord affiliated with the VHL it makes it much easier for us GM’s to reach out to you and talk to you about job openings, tpe opportunities, and reminders to update. We have an exciting season ahead of us and we are certainly looking forward to it! Reply to this message with #ReleasetheHounds if you accept our invitation to join the Mississauga Hounds!
  8. Hello @Chedda Cheese, Welcome to the VHL. I’m Daniel Janser, the AGM of the Mississauga Hounds and @N0HBDYis our GM, and we are very excited to have you join the league and would like to invite you to join the Mississauga Hounds. We have many veterans apart of our team that would be glad to help you learn the ropes of the VHL. If you have not already joined the VHL discord or the official locker room for your new team, I implore you to please join them. By joining any discord affiliated with the VHL it makes it much easier for us GM’s to reach out to you and talk to you about job openings, tpe opportunities, and reminders to update. We have an exciting season ahead of us and we are certainly looking forward to it! Reply to this message with #ReleasetheHounds if you accept our invitation to join the Mississauga Hounds!
  9. 1. Patience and hardwork. At the beginning we had the puck going for us, now we don't. That is live. Considering that we lost 6 games in OT shows, that we are not as far off as it appears. 2. just taking one step at the time. Look for success in details and hold on to them. Never despair, that does neither help man nor beast. 3. I can understand the frustration. It is their right to be upset and since they paid good money for the Jerseys, they can do with them whatever pleases them. 4. I think Levecque does the little things right, blocking shots, shooting from promising angles. He is underrated as he is not as productive as others, but you notice when he has a bad day. 5. In the second line, maybe even wearing a letter on the chest. I will be in my prime and hopefully already collected some silverware. 6. Black. Because if fits with every other color and is literally a dark horse.
  10. Hello @Anthony Bouma Welcome to the VHL. I’m Daniel Janser, the AGM of the Mississauga Hounds and @N0HBDYis our GM, and we are very excited to have you join the league and would like to invite you to join the Mississauga Hounds. We have many veterans apart of our team that would be glad to help you learn the ropes of the VHL. If you have not already joined the VHL discord or the official locker room for your new team, I implore you to please join them. By joining any discord affiliated with the VHL it makes it much easier for us GM’s to reach out to you and talk to you about job openings, tpe opportunities, and reminders to update. We have an exciting season ahead of us and we are certainly looking forward to it! Reply to this message with #ReleasetheHounds if you accept our invitation to join the Mississauga Hounds!
  11. Review A very creative idea and decently executed. I have similar concerns like vice and fishy about the placing of the text. Also for me the Jersey colour with the U of Clue 'bites' but I guess that cannot be helped. 8/10
  12. Review: I like the marble background and the lighting effects, logo swap was done neatly. I also like the 'spot light' on the player. The only point of critique I have is that the shiny effect on the fonts make it a bit blurry for me (but stays legible all the time). 9/10
  13. Hi @Mochajo139, Welcome to the Hounds. I will send you the contract right away. In the interim, here is the invite to our discord channel: https://discord.gg/f5dhFtZ7 Looking forward to meet you in the locker room. Daniel.
  14. Maybe you want to specify that he shan't wearing it any more. Just to avoid misunderstandings (and 3rd degree burns).
  15. See, I am not a fan of absolute rules like the one you suggest. But that is a matter of preference. I have a more practical reason why this would be challenging (leaving out all the potential scenarios where a franchise could be severely crippled, if they cannot focus their best (or only players) in one formation): If you make rules, you need to enforce them. If you want to enforce them, you need a control organ of some sort, i.e. some poor soul whose job it will be to check every line of every team before every sim. Frankly, I cannot see that happening as it is just too time consuming and not at all interesting (somewhere between watching paint dry and listening to a comment of a golf match), nor rewarding.
  16. I thought I chip in and give my two cents (since life is not complicated enough yet). I think one of the challenges in the VHLM is that it is supposed to be an development league. At least that is my understanding. It is a league to cater for 1st gen primarily. An entry level league to teach newcomers the ways of VHL and STHS, assist them, make them feel wanted and welcome, tell them about pressconferences, advise them on builds, how to earn TPE and so on. My opinion is that GM's in the VHLM should put their Ego into the closet and not to try at all cost to win the league. The VHLM is the bonding place for rookies, and we should focus on their needs and goals. Let's be honest here. If Gustav (I am choosing you as you are already part of the conversation) recreates his upteenth Tsujimoto, I know that no bonding is required (nor any assistance for that matter). Theoretically, if I end up with acquiring Gustav's player, be it via draft or FA, the best thing for the league would be to give him 3rd/4th line time or backup duties as the case may be. After all, Gustav has already had his swing at trophies and glory. But for a rookie it means the world if they can play top line minutes regardless of their TPE and/or weekly TPE influx. Which means in my opinion that they are more likely to stick around than if they sit in the passenger seat get 1-2 minutes icetime per match and watch a bunch of veterans and recreates do the heavy lifting. I guess for most recreates, the VHLM is a necessary evil, to the ultimate goal to play in the VHL again as soon as possible. Don't get me wrong, veterans and recreates are very valuable in the locker room as well as on the ice. The former, because they can also give advice if the GM or AGM isn't around for any reason and the latter because they generally are regular earners and know more or less what to do with their build. I just think, they should not necessarily be constantly in the lime light. Let the 1st gens be the star of the show that is the VHLM.
  17. Swiss Central Gazzette (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Our hockey exports played a further two games a piece. Please find our reports as follows: Marcel's Nova Scotia team played the Houston Bulls and come out victorious in a 4-3 thriller. The Bulls scored already after barely two minutes played. As no further goal was scored by either side, this period ended 1-0. The middle period was all Halifax' from a score board point of view as the only goal was scored by Leclerc @PoignardLeclerc11 (Von Strangle, Janser) in power play. In the third period the Bulls took the lead with an even strength goal, which was answered by James' @4rch3y(AL, Volchenko) power play goal, his first goal since he joined the Nova Scotians as a free agent. The Texans took the lead again with a little more than five minutes left in the game. However, Halifax answered with two back-to-back goals by AL @bigAL(James, Crumb) and Staal @LumberChuck(Leclerc, Janser). In the last minute, the Bulls pulled a goalie, but to no avail. We would be sorely amiss to not mention that Door got beat up not only once but twice in this game and that a general brawl broke out early in the third. From what we can tell from the footage available to us, the whole thing started when Salo @Infernal (HOU) cross checked Janser @Morcar80 (HFX). This provoked McMuffin @Ente2997(HFX) and Johnson @MrMonkey (HOU) to use their sticks for fencing practice. After that all bets were off and Komaryk @Komaryk, Lospenov @Gretzky didnt lift da puck and Kovalchuk @Banackock from Houston as well as 21st's Ingram @NatIng14, Door @your door and Hagel @jasplunds turned this icehockey match finally into a polysportive event by adding MMA to the mix. All of them were sent to the sin bin for five minutes to cool off, with the exception of Lospenov, who the umpires deemed to be the instigator of the boxing match and consequently suffered a game misconduct for his efforts. The three (bruised?) stars were James (1g/1a), AL (1g/1a) and Leclerc (1g/1a). The goalkeepers were playing on eye level with Jarvinen @Collusion(.852) having a slight edge over Wumbo @Fire Vigneault(.850), but still has a L in his statistics for this match. Halifax' special teams saved the day, as the power play was a good 2/7 and the penalty kill a perfect 4/4. Marcel had 0g, 2a, -1, 2 hits, 1sb and 27:34 TOI (second most of his team) The next game was a rematch and was lost 7-5. The Bulls opened the score after only 43 seconds played. However, within less than two minutes, Volchenko @Austin2997 (Von Strangle, AL), Von Strangle @Timmy Turner(Janser) in power play and James (AL, Crumb) put the 21st 3-1 ahead, after only 4:19 minutes played! That was the end of Dubnyk's @ThatsGreissy working day and he was relieved in net by Jarvinen. The second period ended 1-1, with AL (McMuffin, Hagel) scoring in power play. 'How could Halifax lose this game with a two goal lead and only twenty minutes left to play', you ask? Well, with a defensive collaps of epic proportion, allowing four consecutive goals in less than sixteen minutes, that is how. AL's (McMuffin, Hagel) power play goal came too late and in an act of desperation, Halifax pulled their goaltender and were 'rewarded' with the killing blow in shape of an empty net goal. Komaryk (2g/0a), Johnson (1g/2a) and AL (2g/2a) were named the three stars of the match. We think though, that AL was anally fisted by a circus monkey for not getting the number one spot, as he did all a defenceman could be asked to earn this spot (and then some). The goaltenders had a saving rate of .400 (Dubnyk), .875 (Wumbo) and .920 (Jarvinen) respectively. It is no exaggeration if we state that Jarvinen saved his team this night, as without him, surely this would have been a loss for the Bulls. The Halifax' special teams were once more very effective with a 3/5 power play and a 7/7 box play even. Marcel was noted with 0g, 1a, -3, 2 hits, 6sb and 26:58 TOI (second most of his team) Daniel's Norse team played the Watchmen in a 4-3 defeat. It took Knale @HatrickRoy(Nezuko, Upton) less than a minute to score. However, Bratislava answered with a brace, before Sprout @Liberty_Cabbage(Upton) equalized the game for the first intermission. In the second period Bratislava scored two against Sprout's (Nezuko, Upton) only goal of this period. In the third period, both teams neutralized each other and hence the Watchmen nursed their one goal advantage home for close win. The three stars were Upton @OscarTheSwagDude (0g/3a), Sprout (2g/0a) and Towbaker @Domino (1g/2a). The dual of the tendies ended in an extremely rare draw as Fletcher @DragonFire420 as well as Parise @Joker_TM boasted a saving rate of .900 each. Oslo lost the game with the special teams as neither power play (0/1) nor penalty kill (3/5) were good enough to prevent the loss. Daniel was recorded with 0g, 0a, -1, 2 hits and 30:42 TOI (most of either team) The second encounter was against acting Champion Vasteras and ended in a 4-2 win for Oslo. Vasteras' opening goal was answered by the Storm with three consecutive goals. Sprout scored a hattrick assisted by Upton (1st goal), Knale, Nezuko (2nd goal, in power play) and Upton, Knale (3rd goal) respectively. The Iron Eagles pulled one back before the end of the second period. However, only 44 seconds into the third, Puhovs (Janser, 3rd) scored in power play for the final score. Sprout (3g/0a), Cobberson @Hendrix Cobberson (1g/1a) and Hunter @dshervill (1g/0a) were awarded the three stars of the night. Both netminders showed a solid performance, with Fletcher (.935) outshining Byrne @teknonym(.905). Oslo's special teams saved the day with a perfect show of the penalty killing unit (5/5) and a decent performance of the power play formation (2/8). Daniel had 0g, 1a, -1 and 3 hits to his name. The Swiss Hitmen's stats so far: Marcel: 30gp, 2g, 16a, 18pts, -21, 12 PIM, 23 hits, 47sb, 1gwg, 2ppg Daniel: 30gp, 9g, 19a, 28pts, -20, 44 PIM, 104 hits, 15sb, 2gwg, 2ppg Stay tuned for further updates on Marcel 'Hammer' and Daniel 'Anvil' Janser's careers. https://vhlforum.com/topic/112905-a-tale-of-two-brothers-1st-quarter-conclusions/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/112961-a-tale-of-two-brothers-defeats/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113033-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-mixed-bag/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113125-a-tale-of-two-brothers-marching-on/ GM 142: Halifax 21st vs. Houston Bulls (vhlportal.com) GM 149: Houston Bulls vs. Halifax 21st (vhlportal.com) GM 116: Bratislava Watchmen vs. Oslo Storm (vhlportal.com) GM 120: Vasteras Iron Eagles vs. Oslo Storm (vhlportal.com)
  18. Hello @Joshua Nickel Welcome to the VHL. I’m Daniel Janser, the AGM of the Mississauga Hounds and @N0HBDYis our GM, and we are very excited to have you join the league and would like to invite you to join the Mississauga Hounds. We have many veterans apart of our team that would be glad to help you learn the ropes of the VHL. If you have not already joined the VHL discord or the official locker room for your new team, I implore you to please join them. By joining any discord affiliated with the VHL it makes it much easier for us GM’s to reach out to you and talk to you about job openings, tpe opportunities, and reminders to update. We have an exciting season ahead of us and we are certainly looking forward to it! Reply to this message with #ReleasetheHounds if you accept our invitation to join the Mississauga Hounds!
  19. @Jack Feriancek I have sent you a contract offer. here is our discord server https://discord.gg/9UW35DkT Welcome to the Hounds.
  20. Remind me to not buy Clue Glue™ then if it makes things slipper rather than sticky. Thanks for the Consumer Advice it is much appreciated.
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