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Daniel Janser

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Posts posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Swiss Central Gazzette


    Against the top team of the VHLM, the Hounds had nothing to lose, except the game itself.

    Unfortunately, the Ottawa team was wide awake and won the first period 4-1, from 18 shots fired at the Mississaugan net. The Hounds showed improved powerplay (1/4, which is acceptable) and box play (4/6, which is not stellar but definitely better than the teams average so far). Also the Hounds' netminder recovered from the desastrous first period and gave Red Menace a run for his money (.902 vs .905 saving rate). The latter is nota bene the best goalkeeper in the league. The caveat in this match was that the Hounds fired a total of 21 shots whereas the Lynxes logged 51 attempts. If the shot count is as lopsided as in this game, it is a statistical inevitability to lose such encounter.

    All is not lost, though. As already mentioned, the first period broke the Hounds' neck. It is moot to ponder whether Ottawa just reduced their efforts or Mississauga improved theirs (or a combination of both). Fact remains that the team never gave up and was on par in any aspect except attempts on goal, and fought the 'Battle of Ontario' valiantly. 

    Daniel had an assist when he battled Box in the corner of their defensive zone for the possession of the puck. The Swiss native came out victorious and lost no time to send a pass to Hall who was lurking at the blue line. Red Menace was covering the post on Dan's side and could not change sides quick enough. He was not helped by the traffic (mostly his own players) in front of the net, which obscured his view. At that point, the game was 2-1 and the Hounds smelled blood (pun intended). Unfortunately, this was against Towbaker's own agenda and he corrected the score to 4-1 with two consecutive goal before the intermission. It seems the Janser brothers' inside knowledge (they played together with Towbaker in the Brigade) was of no use in this match.



    A common sight in the first period: The Lynxes score once again...


    The three stars were Towbaker (2g/1a), Mama (2g/0a) and Slaney (1g/0)


    Marcel logged no points, -2 rating, 12 shots blocked (first by a country mile) and 24:37 minutes on ice (on par with Bedard)

    Daniel had 0g/1a, -2 rating and served 2 minutes for roughing (no goal scored in the ensuing power play)


    The Jansers' stats for this season as of yet are as follows:


    Marcel: 9gp, 2g, 5a, 7pts, +1, 4 PIM, 5 hits, 29sb (top of the league)

    Daniel: 9gp, 5g, 7a, 12pts, +1, 4 PIM, 20 hits, 7sb, 1gwg, 2ppg

    It is safe to say, that during this season the Hounds would have suffered more goals against them, if Marcel and Dan would not put their relatively small frame where it counts and either absorb shots (Marcel) or taking numbers of the opposing players (Daniel) as each of the brothers is leading the team in the respective category.


    We will of course report from our modern day Winkelrieds in our next issue. 


    For further articles covering the Jansers' adventure across the pond, please follow the below links (in chronological order):














    @Greg_Di here is the subscription service for you ;) thanks for reading...

  2. 5 hours ago, Greg_Di said:


    I love following this series and I think more users should be doing something like this. It's great following a career like this and having updates when normally I probably would not have known about the Janser Brothers. Each article gets better every week and you have been taking some review suggestions which I think is great. The link to the previous article is a great addition as it lets new users catch up to what has been happening. The only thing I would add to the article is a picture to help round things out. Well done on this article and the series so far, can't wait for the next one! 9.5/10


    Thanks Greg_Di, your feedback is much appreciated. I have not forgotten about the pictures, and I plan to add some in the future, once my photoediting skills got a bit more developed. I am glad you like the series and so far it has been fun for me to write them.

  3. Swiss Central Gazzette


    There is no rest for the wicked and that is double the truth if you play icehockey in North America.


    The Janser brothers had now two matches against allegedly weaker teams, which unfortunately were lost.


    The first match up was against the Reapers. The Hounds started well, scoring the first goal after only 32 seconds after they won the face-off. They installed themselves in their offensive zone and passed the puck along until Bedard found an opening. Daniel and Lospenov delivered the 1st and 2nd assist. Unfortunately that was all of the good news for this and the following period, as the Mississaugans allowed 4 consecutive goals, granting Mikael Mursu a hattrick while doing so. However, they came back on fire for the third period and equalized the game. We do not know what the coach has said during the intermission, but it seemed to have worked. One of the highlights was when Daniel rushed along the boards, pulled towards the goal and faked a shot. The D-man fell for it and dropped to block the shot, when Daniel made a pass to Marcel at the blueline who already had wound up in expectation of his brother's deception. He hammered it home via the crossbar. The Hounds took the game into overtime where neither team was able to score.

    As only Lospenov was able to beat the opposing goalkeeper, the shootout was lost.

    The three stars were Mursu (3g/0a plus the decisive penalty shot), Bedard (1g/2a) and Daniel Janser (0g/3a)


    Marcel had 1g/0a, +1 rating and 27:54 minutes on ice (on par with Hall)

    Daniel had 0g/3a, +1 rating and 4 hits (tied first of the team with two others)


    Both Swiss natives stayed away from the sin bin.


    On the risk of sounding like a broken record, the special teams sucked this night. No goals in three power play attempts and three goals scored against in five penalty kill situations will just not cut it on the long run. If not for the team's weakness in that department, this game would have been absolutely winnable, with a 5vs5 score of 5-2.


    The second game, this time against an ailing Wild was also lost with a score of 6-3


    Since the Wild scored the 2-1 at 10:27 minutes into the game, they were in the lead for the remainder of the game. Daniel scored the 3-2 with a deflection of Bedard's shot at 16:32 minutes in the first period.

    No Hounds player made it into the three stars, which were occupied by Jankowski (2g/1a), Vladovechsenkchushkin (2g/0) and Eklund (0g/3a).


    Hounds' power play was inexistent (0/2), while their penalty killing unit was the best in a long time (6/7).


    Marcel had 0g/0a, +0, 4 shots blocked (first of his team) and 24:45 minutes played (shared first with Bedard and his brother)

    Daniel had 1g/0a, +0 and of course 24:45 minutes TOI.


    Again, the brothers did what they could to help the team, by not taking penalties. Unfortunately, this was not enough tonight.


    Here the stats so far for our hockey exports:


    Marcel: 8gp, 2g, 5a, 7pts, +3, 4 PIM, 5 hits, 17sb

    Daniel:  8gp, 5g, 6a, 11pts, +3, 2 PIM, 17 hits, 5sb, 1gwg, 2ppg


    We will keep our readers in the loop of the Janser brother's North American adventure. In the interim, please do not miss the below related articles:













    Swiss Central Gazzette


    Since last we reported from our No. 1 hockey exports, they were facing the Marauders for the first time since last seasons epic final series, which went to Miami.

    Both teams are in a rebuild now and it is anything but certain that they will be competing for the crown this season. However, matches between these two arch-rivals promise to be epic battles in any case.

    The Hounds came out on top, winning the match 4-2. It was a close game with Daniel scoring the game winner 19 seconds into the third period, assisted by Lospenov and Bedard. Mississauga's netminder showed a very good performance with .929 of the shots stopped. All three stars went to players of the Ontario-based franchise with Joe and Jeremy Doe (0g/2a each) and Ty Slaney (1g/0).

    The special teams seem to be a source of constant sorrow for the Hounds' coaching staff, as no goal was scored in five attempts and one goal was allowed in two penalty killing situations. Luckily, this bore no relevance to the outcome of this game, but we cannot help but feel, that sooner rather than later such inefficiency will bite the Mississaugans in their ass (pardon our French).

    As mentioned Daniel was 1g/0a, had a +1 rating and was tied first in time on ice (24:31 min, shared with Bedard, Marcel and Hall).

    Marcel was not on the score board tonight, and has also a +1 to his name. The siblings did a good job to stay away from the sin-bin.


    The next game was a clear defeat against the Lynxes with a 7-0 final score.

    While the outcome was to be expected against a star-studded (amongst others Buzzer, Towbaker, Red Menace, Davis and Box) Ottawa contender outfit, the score certainly was not. The Hounds' netminder had to face 52 shots and was able to save .865, which is not abysmal but not stellar either. Throw enough shit at the wall...

    To absolutely no-one's surprise, the three stars consisted solely of Lynx players with Red Menace taking the first for his shutout, Towbaker second with 2g/1a and Vomacka third with 2g/0a.

    Daniel had a -1 rating and was 26:41 minutes on the ice (top of his team)

    Marcel was noted with a -1 as well, blocked 4 shots (first of his team) and served 2 minutes for holding, which unfortunately resulted in a goal against the Mississauga team.

    Speaking of special teams: The Hounds allowed 4 goals in 8 attempts in the penalty killing and obviously scored 0 goals in 6 attempts while playing with one man advantage. While we believe that the Lynxes would have won this game anyway, we have a feeling that the game could have been closer, if the special situation were not the achilles heel of this young team. There is certainly room for improvement in that department.


    Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux was able to talk to the Swiss natives after the clear loss, and received the following statements:


    Marcel: 'If we want to beat Ottawa, one of the best teams in the league, we need to be on top of our game and this was simply not the case tonight.'

    Daniel: 'The special situations are a sore spot since the beginning of the season and somehow, we do not manage to bring the things we train every day into the matches. We are a young team though and it takes time to get accustomed to the setup. This shall not be an excuse. We know we need to work harder. We just ask our loyal fans for some patience. They are not happy with us in these situations yet and correctly so.'

    Marcel: 'The puck does not go our way at the moment in power play and it does not help if we take unnecessary penalties, once we have a one man advantage, like we did tonight. This is something we need to work on: To find the balance between being gritty and being a burden to the team by taking stupid penalties.' 


    Here the stats for our intrepid heroes:


    Marcel: 6gp, 1g, 5a, +2, 4pim, 4hits, 13sb

    Daniel: 6gp, 4g, 3a, +2, 2pim, 10hits, 3sb, 1gwg, 2ppg


    We will follow up on the matter in our next edition. Stay tuned, folks...


    Please find related articles below:











  5. Swiss Central Gazzette


    Our Canadian correspondent Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux accompanied our local icehockey exports for the last week to document how Marcel and Daniel fit into their new team.

    On the evening of the first day of training camp, the Hounds organized a team building dinner, where the Canadian national dish was served: Poutine.

    The brothers were asked after dinner what they thought of Poutine.

    Daniel replied: ‘We were taught by our Dad to not waste food. That includes but is not limited to gravy. We were smiled at often by our class mates due to our habit to mop up the gravy with bread or fries’.

    ‘And if you take into consideration that as Swiss we have no hesitation whatsoever to put melted cheese on almost everything, you would understand why we like Poutine’, Marcel added.

    Needless to say that this statement bought bonus points for the Rotkreuz natives, especially with their Canadian team mates Bedard and Slaney.

    Time in the training camp flew by and it was before long, the brothers had the first opportunity to prove to their GM, that to draft them was no mistake.

    The first game went 8-5 to Halifax though. Bad as it looks, the Hounds never gave up and even closed the gap when they countered three unanswered Halifax goals in the second period with three consecutive goals of their own. However, luck was not on their side this night and Halifax’ PPG at 14:26 into the third period sealed the deal. Daniel was involved in a textbook transition when he dug out the puck along the boards in his own defensive end and quickly released the pass to Bedard who then was on a two-on-one rush together with Lospenov. Bedard delayed his delivery to the last moment until all was left to do for the Russian is to tap the puck in. Four minutes later, Daniel scored himself after a highlight reel tape-to-tape pass relay and buried the puck in the five hole of 21st’s goalkeeper.

    The three stars that night were claimed by Halifax players only. Bryn Yrwy (4g/2a), Jacob Richard (1g/4a) and Jorgen Von Strangle (1g/3a) stood deservedly in the lime light.

    Mississsauge showed room for improvement on the special teams (1/6 PP and 3/4 PK), and we are confident that the Hounds number one is better than the .778 saving rate would lead you to believe.

    Daniel made an appearance on the scoreboard before his younger sibling, with 1g/1a to his name. He had also a -2 rating

    Marcel did not score this night but also had a -2 rating. He was shared top in minutes played (tied with his brother and Japanese defenseman Hall)

    Neither brother spent any time in the sin bin.


    In the second match, the Hounds lost to the same team again, but put up even more of a fight than in the previous game, as they only had to admit defeat after shoot out.

    Marcel was on the scoreboard after 27 seconds into the game, when his shot from the blueline was deflected by his older brother in the first power play attempt. Unfortunately, 4 minutes later, they were scored against, while Halifax was on penalty kill duty.

    Mississauga’s goalkeeper was very busy with 51 shots fired against him. He did better this time and outperformed his opposite number with .882 vs .806 of the shots saved

    The game was tight for its entire run and neither team gave up. No goals were scored in OT and so it was for the shootout to decide this clash.

    Daniel was the only Hound to score in the one-on-one, with a remarkably well executed in-between-the-leg-shot to dangle the puck top shelf.

    Again, the brothers kept their noses clean and stayed away from the sin-bin.

    Marcel had 0g/1a and neutral rating with 4 shots blocked (top of the team), Daniel had 1g/0a and also a ‘zero’ rating. He stayed on the ice the longest with 28:23 minutes played.

    The Hounds power play was below average again (1/6, one short hander scored against them) while the penalty kill was acceptable, but with room for improvement (3/4).

    The three stars of the night were Richard (2g/3a), Ywry (2g/2a) and Von Strangle (1/2) (yes, them again).

    Former team mate at the Brigade Harry Hagel also was credited with 3 assists.


    The third pairing was against the Philadelphia Reapers, which was won in OT 7-6.

    It was a hard fought game which could have fallen either way, but with the better end for the Hounds this time.

    Marcel scored two assists (one to his brother in PP) and served a minor for roughing (no goals were scored in the ensuing power play).

    Daniel scored the aforementioned goal after a rebound. It was a so called ‘dirty’ goal, scored out of determination and persistence more than skill and finesse. Contrary to his younger sibling, he gave the sin-bin a wide berth.

    Mikhail Lospenov was the top star of the night with two goals (one of which the game winning goal) and one assist. 2nd star was Hounds’ Defender with the number 2 (1g/1a) and third star Reapers’ Connor Wilson (2g/1a).

    Again, the team from Mississauga had the better netminder between the posts (.0860 saving percentage) than the Pennsylvanian team (only .767).

    Marcel had a +1 rating and 4 blocked shots (top of the team) while playing 25:52 minutes (second only to Bedard’s and Daniel’s 26:45 minutes).

    Daniel was also noted with a +1 rating and has still a clean sheet in PIM.

    The Hounds’ powerplay was better (1/4) while the penalty kill dropped a bit (4/6).


    In the fourth match the Hounds faced Halifax 21st for a rematch, which they won by a landslide 6-1.

    Halifax never had a glimpse of a chance to win this game, as the Hounds lead 4-0 after the first period. From there on in it was smooth sailing, at least on the score board. On the ice the team from Nova Scotia never gave up and it was hard work for the Mississaugans to keep the opposing team from scoring. This was demonstrated with Daniel taking the first penalty this season for hooking.

    After 5:16 minutes the Swiss Hitmen displayed their passing skills on a tic-tac-toe play, which left Bedard with no other choice but to score on a wide open net. In the same period the brothers scored one assist each, Daniel had the 2nd assist on his ‘frère cadet’s 4-0.

    This time the Hounds were hogging the lime light with Bedard (2g/2a), Lospenov (1g/2a) and Marcel Janser (1g/2a).

    Marcel went 1g/2a, +3 and 24:48 minutes plaid (shared first with Bedard and Hall)

    Daniel had 0g/2a, +3 and 4 hits (tied first with 3 others) and of course the 2 minutes in the sin-bin.

    In this match, the lack luster power play (1/6) remained without consequences, but the coaching staff is well advised to address this in the coming weeks. Penalty kill on the other hand was impeccable with 100% of the penalties killed (1/1).

    The Hounds’ goalkeeper showed his best performance so far and was noted with a .955 save percentage.

    Here below the Janser’s stats so far:


    Daniel:  4 games, 3g, 3a, 6pts, +2, 2pim, 9 hits, 1 shot blocked, 2 ppg

    Marcel  4 games, 1g, 5a, 6pts, +2, 2pim, 3 hits, 9 shots blocked, 0 ppg


    Daniel is one of the league’s top snipers with 27.27% of his attempts finding the back of the net.


    Please find related articles under the below links:










  6. Hi Bobo,


    The 3rd Jersey looks neat and is not overembroidered, which I like. And while black and orange are not necessarily my favourite colours (and I am aware that this is a matter of taste), I think they complement each other fairly well and go well together. I probably would have added a smaller version of the reaper on the shoulder, but then again this might have been too much. All in all a very solid alternate Jersey and well done.


    I'd say 8/10.

  7. Hi Alexandre,


    I like that you chose a not so stereotype careerpath for a hockey player and have Leduc come in from swimming/water polo.


    I just think, if he was too afraid of concussions, ice hockey might not be the wisest choice. If he was just afraid of losing his conscience and then potentially drown, this makes sense (I was not sure which motivation for his change to hockey you wanted to convey).


    I'd say a 7.5/10

  8. 1) WE DID IT. Prime Minister's is ours. How do you feel about this victory?

    2) What round are we exiting, and who will knock us out? If we win, who do we play in the finals?

    3) VHLM Players: are you excited to complete another year down here under a new GM? VHL/E Players: how does moving up to the biggies feel?

    4) What are your thoughts on Minion setting the Hounds all time points record?

    5) How was our leadership this season? Were our captains inspirational?

    6) One word to describe our season. Go.


    1. Unfortunately I was not able to contribute to this success, but will do my darnest to repeat the experience.

    2. I think the final will be Miami against us, this time with the better end for us

    3. I am excited to prove that my pick was not wasted and that I am player you can count on to rebuild this franchise

    4. Good for him, this is a record I am probably not going to contest. But never say never...

    5. As I just joined the team and since the more experienced players left, I cannot tell.

    6. Exciting

  9. Swiss Central Gazzette


    The past season as well as post season was a mixed bag for the Janser brothers. While their team was not very successful, the Janser's were amongst the league's best in their respective positions and took on responsibility on and off the ice. They also developed into better players during their stay in the Brigade College and honed their skillsets accordingly. One could argue that being part of a team which despite epic battles is more often on the losing side than winning, that such an experience, if it does not break you, makes you stronger. The latter appears to be the case with our local heroes.


    We are proud to announce, that Marcel as well as Daniel attracted the attention of the Mississauga Hounds, a Canada-based VHLM-Franchise and were drafted by the Ontario team as 36th (Daniel) and 40th (Marcel) overall.


    Our Canadian correspondent, Jean-Luc Lieuperroux, got in touch with the brothers and received the following statements:


    Daniel: 'We are very excited to be picked that early, when clearly more talented players were still available. We did not expect to be drafted after only one season of College icehockey, let alone to be drafted in the same team.'

    Marcel: 'I think we were able to convince Mississauga's scouts by our work ethics, determination and that we put our body on the line to help the team'


    Marcel and Dan are both very excited for their move to Ontario and started packing as soon as they were drafted.


    Dan: 'I booked tickets to the Lester B. Pearson Airport the same night and Marcel was busy getting rooms in a hotel in the area. We could not help but notice that the closest airport to our new team is called after the trophy for the best player in the league, elected by their peers (now the Ted Lindsay award). We are grateful for the opportunity and the trust put in us by the Hounds and will do our best to justify same.'


    Marcel: 'We will say our farewells to our Brigade mates and coaching staff, from which we learned a lot in the past season. We would be sorely amiss not to extend our thanks to all members of the Brigade family for their warm welcome. We profited immensely from the professionalism and knowledge in that organization.'


    The Swiss Hitmen will report for training camp on Monday and are looking forward to meet their new (and old) team mates. 


    Marcel and Daniel will re-unite with Nayt Berard, with whom they played for the Brigade.


    The brothers said, that they wish all the best to Towbaker (5th overall) and Karjalainen (7th overall) who were drafted in the first round by Ottawa and Yukon respectively.

    'They are very talented players and sure will be an asset to their teams. But there will be no favours, once they play against us. We know most of their tricks and will do what it takes to stop them from scoring against us '. Marcel's defense partner Harry Hagel was drafted 32nd by Halifax. The brothers agreed that they were very surprised that Brendan Marner (one of the most talented draft-eligible players) was only picked at 44th by Ottawa and that his was a steal. 


    Last but not least, Mike Hroch was chosen by Houston on 25th. 'He will like it there', said Dan. 'He never liked the cold that much and Houston has a climate which is much more agreeable to him. We wondered how a guy who chose to play icehockey can feel so bad about cold weather.'


    The brothers ended the interview with a remark that it was late and that they have a plane to catch in the morning. 


    To be continued...


    See all related articles here:









  10. Swiss Central Gazzette


    As many of our loyal readers know, the playoffs in the Junior Showcase Tournament has begun.


    The Brigade qualified in the third place and faced the Royals in four games at time this article is written.


    When the Brigade recovered from their losing streak in the last few games, coaching staff and players alike were confident to stand a chance against their aristocratic rivals.


    We summarized the games for you:


    Game 1: Brigade-Royals 4-6


    The start in the series for the Brigade was nothing short of a desaster. After 11:22 played the Brigade was down 0-4. They pulled one back before the end of the period, but the damage was done and the Royals managed to husband the comfortable lead. 


    Our hopeful Swiss talents contributed one assist each, and Marcel (once again) led his team in hits (4), shots blocked (4) and time on ice (35:35). The Brigade's powerplay was 1/5 while the Royals had 1/2.


    Towbaker had an astonishing 15 shot attempts, but only scored once.


    Matt Avens (3g/1a) scored a hat-trick and was first star of the night, while Biggie Cheese (1g/3a) and Karjalainen (1g/1a) were 2nd and third star. The goalies both showed a better than average performance with Hroch showing a .889 und Des Aves a whopping .934 save percentage.


    Game 2: Brigade-Royals 3-7


    As in the first match, the Brigade fell behind (this time 0-3) before they started to get on the board as well. And again the Royals could just nurse this advantage home, to win the game. 


    For the second time in a row a hat-trick was scored against the Brigade (this time by CDS Leb).


    The Brigade had 0/4 powerplay to the Royals' 1/9. At least the penalty killing seemed to have worked in this game.


    Marcel scored no points but for the upteenth time was first of his team in shots blocked (5) and time on ice (33:12). Daniel scored a goal and an assist. To absulotely no-one's surprise, the Royals claimed all three stars for them. CDS Leb (3g/1a), Biggie Cheese (2g/1a) and Glove Dropper (1/2) were on the podium.


    Hroch was not in his best form with .857 of the shots saved where Des Aves recorded a .909 save percentage.


    Game 3: Brigade-Royals 5-3


    Trailing 2-0 in the series, the Brigade made the first period their own leading 4-1 at the first intermission. Berard, Karjalainen, D. Janser and the Number 26 scored the goals. In the second period the Royals had to unanswered goals, but at 52:18 Towbraker put the nail in the coffin and brought the game home.


    Both goalies had a very good night with .907 (des Aves) and .932 save percentage respectively.


    Marcel had 0g/1a, 5 shots blocked and 33:15 minutes played (first of the team each)

    Daniel had 1g/1a.


    Game 4: Brigade-Royals 4-6


    Unfortunately the momentum shifted again in Royals' favour in the fourth game of the series. It was a hard fought battle with the bitter end for the Brigade.


    Towbaker (2g/2a) and Marner (1g/3a) claimed 1st and 2nd Star, complemented by Godlander (2g/1a).


    Hroch had .893 but Des Aves topped him with .918. 


    The powerplay was adequate (1/2) and none of the Janser Brothers contributed to the score. Marcel once again led his team in hits (4), shots blocked (4) and minutes played (34:17)


    Having lost the best of five series against Royals, the Brigade will have to face the Warriors in a best of five series for the third place.


    Marcel (clearly a Lobo fan), has been quoted after the loss: 'Ah, fragg it. With a knife at my throat and cut off hands, I fight the hardest'. We will follow up on that statement and see whether it was only pep talk, or whether the real fight has only began for the younger Janser Brother... 



  11. Swiss Central Gazette


    When we last wrote about our local heroes abroad, we unfortunately had to report three consecutive defeats of their team the Brigade.


    It seems now that the coach as well as the team's captain Daniel Janser have found a way to get the spectre of a losing mentality out of the Bridage's heads.


    As we hinted in our previous articles, it only took some fine tuning from the coaching staff for the Brigade to find a way back to winning games again.


    The first match against Steel was won 5-4 and it is comforting that now Fortuna has shown her pretty face to the Brigade as a tight game could be swung into the right direction.


    Marcel demonstrated again his passing skills and scored two assists, one of them for Nayt Bedard's game winning goal at the end of the third period. Do we really need to mention at this point that he was a tied first in shots blocked (3)? He was also the busiest player of the team with 32:06 minutes played. Where does he take the energy to clock so many minutes every night and getting hit by pucks as often as he does? He must have a spare lung and he reminds us of the former Swiss national football player Ludovic 'the lung' Magnin, who showed similar endurance during his career.


    Daniel focused on the defensive side of his game and did not make an appearance on the scoreboard.  The brothers shared a 'Hanson moment' when they 'Sandwich-checked' Harkat Mulds, just as he was about to wind up for a slapshot from the dangerzone, potentially scoring the lead. Needless to say, that he not only lost his breath as well as his balance but also the puck. Same was sucked up by Marcel, who delivered it to without any further ado to Nayt Berard, which lead to the aforementioned game winner.


    The 'Swiss Hitmen' did not take any penalties in this game and had a +2 (Marcel) and a +1 (Daniel) rating respectively.


    The three stars that evening were entirely in the Brigade's hands with 1st Nikolai Kopeloi (2g/1a), 2nd Nayt Berard (2g/1a) and 3rd Marcel Janser (0g/2a).


    Mike Hroch had a very good game with a .911 saving percentage. We wish to mention at this point that hte Brigade's netminder is the second-best in the league, only bested by The Red Menace, who is much more experienced. if this newspaper sounds at times critical of Hroch's performances, then this is owed to the yet untapped potential and talent of this young player has displayed occasionally which let us sometimes forget that especially goalkeepers need time to spread their wings.


    In the rematch, the Brigade was in full control of the game from the start. The team had a field day with the not enviable Thomas Price, who was replaced by his backup Wiley Blanchette, after the former allowed 4 goals on only 9 shots after 17:11 minutes played.


    Austin Towbaker had the best match sofar with 4 goals to his name. Marcel and Daniel had two assists each and no penalties.


    Marcel once again had the most time on ice with 31:51 but had a rather lazy day when it comes to blocked shots (2). He also sported a +4 ratint (top of the team) and beat his older brother by one in that category.


    Mike Hroch was not able to repeat his stellar performance of the previous match and reported a .875 saving rate, which this evening was enough to beat the opponent.


    The three stars were 1st Austin Towbaker (4g/0a), 2nd Wattson Power (1g/2a) and Brendan Marner (0g/3a).


    At this stage of the season, the Brigade has the second best goalkeeper of the league with an .889 save percentage and the two best goalscorer Karjalainen (14) and Towbaker (13). With M. Janser and Marner they have two of the best passers (16 and 15 assists) respectively while Towbaker and Bedard are two of the deadliest snipers around (with 16.25% and 15.79% shot efficiency).


    D. Janser and Marner are amongst the best defensive forward in the league with a +9/+8 rating respectively.


    Karjalainen wins the most face-offs in the league.  D. Janser is one of the highest scoring right wings (4g/8a) in the league despite playing on the 'wrong' side.  


    Towbaker is top of the bunch for having scored at least one goal for the last 5 matches and having scored at least one point for the last 9 matches.


    All the above leads us to believe that there is a lot of talent and potential in the ragtag team and we hope they can win even more games with the newly found confidence in their abilities.


    Stay tuned for further updates...



    1. What is something you couldn't live without?
    2. What is one thing ritual you do before every game?
    3. What is your favourite pre-game meal?
    4. If you had to play another sport what would you play?
    5. What is your go to shoe when you're relaxing?
    6. If you could put a team anywhere in the world where would it be?

    1. Icehockey

    2. I have none

    3. Birchermüesli

    4. Rugby

    5. to relax I go barefoot

    6, Qatar

  12. Amazing selection of teams/team names. I hate to be the guy, but Sidney, Wellington, Brisbane and Perth while close are not in Asia but are considered/are part of Australia a continent in its own right. And Congo, Nigeria, Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar and Zimbabwe are in Africa.


    One thing which is a little bit odd in my opinion is that you take City names for the Asian/Australian teams but the country names for the African ones. No issue as such, just something which caught my attention. Great Suggestions as I said.


    take care...

  13. Swiss Central Gazette


    Since our last article our dauntless overseas journeymen played another four matches. 


    Brigade-Warriors 3-3


    In a very exciting games, the Brigade managed to draw against the top team of the league. As good as this sounds, we cannot help but feel that the team missed an opportunity for an even better result. The Brigade was never behind and at one point led by two goals and only allowed the tying goal 47 seconds before the final horn, when the Warriors in an act of desperation pulled their netminder.


    It was also a game where the Brigade's netminder Mike Hroch showed an outstanding performance with save percentage of .935, and we think he was short changed for not even getting nominated for the 3 Stars of the match.  


    The Janser brothers performed well, this time Daniel dishing the puck via the board behind the net for Marcel to score a highlight reel slapshot top shelf above the goalkeepers shoulder on the blocker side. 6 minutes earlier he scored himself with a wrap around. The older brother also was penalised with a minor for highsticking, but no powerplay evolved, as he took the Warriors' Ernie King Jr with him in the sin bin for interference. 


    Marcel finished the game with one goal, no penalties, a -1 rating, 4 shots blocked (1st of the team) and 35:30 minutes on ice (also 1st of the team)

    Daniel has one goal, one assist for two points (1st of the team), +1 rating (tied first), 2 shots blocked (2nd of the team) and the two aforementioned penalty minutes to his name


    Royals-Brigade 6-3


    The Brigade lost their match against the Royal unambiguous with 6-3. The match was given away in the second period, when the Royals managed to score four unanswered goals (one of which a power play following an alleged High Sticking from Daniel Janser).  The final period was won 2-1 but it was too little, too late to turn the match around.


    Unfortunately, Mike Hroch was not able to repeat his last match's  incredible performance and only had a saving rate of .846. Consistency has been a problem for the young goaltender and maybe it is too early for him to shoulder the burden of the netminder position on his own. Many Goalies had a bounce back, once they could rely ona a decent backup goalkeeper to take over once they are exhausted.


    The clear star of the match was Royals' Nils Godlander who scored a hattrick and was deservedly named first Star.


    Marcel was credited with one goal, zero penalties, 2 shots blocked (tied first of the team), 30:19 minutes played (2nd of the team), 5 hits (1st of the team) and a +1 rating

    Daniel contributed one assist, 2 penalty minutes, 21:32 minutes played (2nd amongst forwards) and a +1 rating (tied first)


    Brigade-Steel 6-8


    As the score would suggest, this was a rollercoaster of a game, with both goalkeepers apparently taking a day off (Hroch .863, Price .0860). Both teams were very disciplined and took almost no penalties. The Brigade pulled the goalkeeper at 59:12 when the game was 7-6, but unfortunately the risk did not pay out and they were scored against 59:49 after they had two big chances to score themselves, but were robbed by Thomas Price, who blocked both shots without a rebound.


    Brigade's Nayt Berard scored a hattrick and was named first star of the night.


    Marcel Janser was recorded with one assist, no penalties, a balance +/- rating, 4 hits (tied 2nd of the team), 4 shots blocked  (first of the team) and 32:49 minutes played (2nd of the team)

    Daniel Janser has one goal, 3 hits (tied third of the team) and also a 0 rating to his name.


    Steel-Brigade 7-3


    On this rematch the Brigade had a bad start and were trailing for the majority of the game. Steel was never in any danger whatsoever to lose this match. Despite Daniel's best efforts to bring some grit to the match by 'Kronwalling' Juice Box and levelling Bradley Buzzer shortly after (both checks were clean hits and the players could play on) it was not enough to turn the match around.


    They gave away too many penalties and according were scored twice against when being one man short.


    And while Mike Hroch performed similar like the match before (.887), Thomas Price decided to show up today and had a .927 saving percentage. Having said that Price had to only face 38 shots, while Hroch had 62 shots against him.


    Marcel had one assist, a balanced rating, a minor for roughing, 3 shots blocked (tied third) and 32:13 minutes played (1st)

    Daniel had no points, a balanced rating, a minor for hooking, 4 hits (tied first) and 6 shots on goal (tied third)


    Karjalainen is still the top goal scorer of the league (12 goals in 10 games), while Marcel Janser is 3rd in average time on ice (almost 30min per game) and second in shots blocked (44).


    Looking at the last four matches, Brigade is 0 for 6 powerplay, which certainly has a lot of room for improvement. In fact their PP is the worst in the league and the penalty killing is the second worst.


    Not all is bad news for the Jansers though, as Daniel has been contacted by a further franchise from the VHLM. He has stubbornly refused to name the organization in question and pointed out that nothing is cast in stone.


    We hope that the tide will turn for the Brigade and that they will find a way to win close games again. 



  14. Swiss Central Gazette


    We understand from our overseas correspondent that Daniel Janser was called into the coaches office after the two losses against the Warriors. Dan did not look happy and dreaded a dressing down, as he felt that he failed to inspire the team to do better than they did. He was wondering whether the captaincy would be taken from him.


    The opposite was the case. The coach was happy with Dan's consistency and just wanted to break the good news that he made the first line up. Apparently. Karjalainen could do with a winger with a defensive conscience.


    The Swiss native was on cloud seven, he did not expect to make such an impression in such a short period of time.


    To the games played:


    The first game was won 6-3. Marcel and Daniel contributed 3 and 1 assist respectively and Marcel led the team in shots blocked (5). Daniel's pass to Karjalainen was especially remarkable as it was a pin-point Hail Mary pass which enabled the latter to go one-on-one against the netminder and left him no chance with a brilliantly executed deke, that made Forsberg famous.


    Karjalainen scored a hattrick and was named 1st Star of the night. Austin Towbreaker with 4 assists and Brendan Marner with 2 goal to his name were named 2nd and 3rd Star.


    We also wish to appreciate Mike Hroch's solid performance with a .919 save percentage.


    Unfortunately, the thrill did not last for long as the following game was lost 3-4


    Dan made it finally to the sin bin, when he was for once out of position and had to deploy unfair means to stop an opposing attacker on a rush. Later on Marcel also was left with no alternative than to trip his opposite number. Luckily, the Royals could not score on either powerplay.


    Again Hroch showed a respectable performance (.902) but his opposite number The Red Menace did one better (.929).


    Karjalainen is leading the league in goals (10) as well as points (15, tied with Royals' Biggie Cheese), Marcel is tied 3rd in assists and is leader in shots blocked (31, his body must be bruised from head to toe). He is also third in TOI with over 28 minutes per match.


    We are confident that this young team will learn from the 3 very close defeats and do better in the future.


    Shortly before cut off time, rumours reached us that Daniel's consistent play so far attracted the attention of not only one but two Franchises in the VHLM. As this is still a unfolding stories, the respective franchises need to be unnamed for the time being.





  15. Swiss Central Gazette


    Last time we reported about our intrepid heroes Marcel and Daniel Janser, their team had a 1-1 record against the Royals.


    We heard from a reliable and well informed source that the two brothers had a one-on-one talk in the locker room immediately after the final whistle of the second game. According to such unnamed insider, the talk, despite being held behind locked doors, was neither secretive nor composed.


    The team, who could not understand was being said on account of the brothers arguing in their native Swiss-German, feared that it would come to blows.


    However, ten minutes later Marcel and Daniel came back to the team with a smile on their faces.


    We approached Daniel and asked him what was being said and he stated that this will stay between Marcel and him. He assured us that the matter is settled and that Marcel promised to curb his enthusiasm for pursuing the fine art of pugilism.


    In the interim the team has played another two games and the Jansers seem to settle into the team the longer, the better.


    Marcel kept his promise and only served 3 minor penalties in the sin bin and was not involved in any further brawls.


    As if a further proof was needed, that the relationship between Marcel and Daniel is golden, Daniel scored his first goal for his new team in a powerplay on a pass from his younger sibling. Marcel circled the net and made a blind backhand pass from 'Wayne's office' on Daniel's stick, who only had to tap in after his rush to the slot. Such uncanny understanding of each others mind reminds us of the Sedin twins.


    But Dan had had not enough yet. Ten minutes later he scored in PP again, by deflecting Patrick Jansen's shot from the blueline to make the game 3-2. Unfortunately, the Warriors came back in the third period with two unanswered goals and won the game 3-4. The Brigade coach took his time out and pulled the goaltender, but to no avail. Daniel was named 3rd Star of the game.


    The Warriors had the better PP this night plus a goalkeeper who thwarted many of Brigade's attempts.


    In the second game of the series the Brigade lost again with only one goal difference, this time 4-5.


    This time it was Marcel's time to shine. He scored his first goal for the team in the PP to equalize the game 4-4. He took a slapshot from the blueline which Daniel skilfully screened, so Ali Des Aves had no chance to see the shot coming, let alone parry it.


    Kyosti Karjalainen was on fire and deservedly made the first star this night.


    Again Ali Des Aves had the better of Mike Hroch, but the latter's performance was by no means bad.


    Marcel is leading his team in penalties, shots blocked and assists. He is also second in time on ice (after fellow defenseman Harry Hagel) as well as scoring (1g/7a) behind Karjalainen (6g/4a). Unfortunately, he is on the tail end with the +/- rating with -9.


    His brother has a +2, and has still no penalty minutes to his name.


    Marcel appears the more flashy and entertaining player so far, whereas Dan is more consistent and shutting the opposition down with allowed means.


    The Brigade is unfortunately at the bottom of the league, but we are confident that with the positive development of our exports, they will rebound and improve their standings.


    We will return with more news in due course, stay tuned...




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