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    nurx got a reaction from Shindigs in Meta-Build: An Experiment on What Makes a Great Player Pt. 1/ idk probably will be like 5-15.   
    Hey VHL, I have absolutely love spreadsheet sports and I imagine a lot of you do too. We are all members of a league that is dictated by spreadsheet hockey and many of us have fallen into what I believe is likely a trap of creating good, but could be better players. I wanted to dig up some of the better players at every position (besides goaltenders sorry don't know enough about goalie builds) and see if they have a massive underlying flaw that could be hindering their team. I am doing this by looking at of course the big stats, but also that stats that are often hidden from view of from those who do not go into the trenches and dig for the treasure. In this little article series I will be just sending the results of my digging through 1 season (S79) of the VHL. I choose this season because the top players in this season had similar, yet very different builds. I will be looking at the best forwards (this will not be including true centers) and see who is performing better than what their G/A/P is showing.

    The first player I will be taking a deep dive is @Renomitsu's Aloe Dear. S77 Aloe Dear was the best winger by the traditional counting measures by a small but comfortable margin. As I begin to deep dive into more players we may find that Aloe truly was a fantastic player, but currently we are putting them as a the starting point for all of the stats.

    G - 43; A - 69 (nice); P - 112; +/- - 34; Hits - 194; Hits Received - 293; Shots - 521; SB - 20; PIM - 100; Giveaway = 742; Takeaway - 644; Giveaway/Game - 10.31;  Takeaway/Game - 8.94
    Really solid season overall and we will see as the stats develop whether or not those Giveaways will helping their team or really harming their team. We will see in the near future. 

    If you want your player analyzed more shoot me a PM on here or on discord. I will only be deep diving players who have a completed season with their build completed. This means if you are a rookie in the VHL you will not be analyzed. I do however want some players who do not have a meta build.

    Words: I dont care how many words this took me 1 hour to get the takeaway/giveaway stats give 2 TPE....
  2. Like
    nurx got a reaction from bigAL in Post Jardy Podcast VHLE Opinion   
    I thought I would try and explain some things here. After the trade deadline you see many recreates so that would be some of the "teachers" from the older members. Also the job of a VHLM GM/AGM is to help the new members figure out the league. By that logic the AGM/GM should be there to help them figure out the league. You would see recreates in the league. Just not recreates at capped 200 TPE or near it. You would see a more balanced league. I see you're thought on the frat like idea, but you have to see it from another point of view. These players will play with recreates it just gives the new players time to figure out the league before the overwhelming horde of recreates show up after the trade deadline. It also will give new members more time on ice to see their stats go up. I do want to hear more of this argument because I am fascinated by your argument.
  3. Like
    nurx reacted to Daniel Janser in Post Jardy Podcast VHLE Opinion   
    See, I am not a fan of absolute rules like the one you suggest. But that is a matter of preference. I have a more practical reason why this would be challenging (leaving out all the potential scenarios where a franchise could be severely crippled, if they cannot focus their best (or only players) in one formation):
    If you make rules, you need to enforce them. If you want to enforce them, you need a control organ of some sort, i.e. some poor soul whose job it will be to check every line of every team before every sim. Frankly, I cannot see that happening as it is just too time consuming and not at all interesting (somewhere between watching paint dry and listening to a comment of a golf match), nor rewarding.
  4. Like
    nurx reacted to Gustav in Post Jardy Podcast VHLE Opinion   
    I missed the recreate part, admittedly. I thought you were saying that ALL recreates immediately go into the VHLE. So I can't disagree as strongly as I did, but I still disagree with it for many of the same reasons. From the start of the season up to the deadline, the VHLM would be almost entirely new people, correct? I'd say that I can apply my earlier opinion up to that point.
    By the time recreates make it into the minors, most of the season has passed. And for most people, things have either gone very well or very poorly. Again, I know Philly is constantly brought up as an example of a place where this has gone well (and I'd guess that from your own experience and opinion that Miami was that for you too). Yes, the GM should be immensely helpful to the players--but the GM is only one connection with the rest of the league, when many exist and there are many positive experiences with more established people, and a much greater sense of belonging, that can be had with a little bit of integration. I know you're saying that this happens eventually, but the truth is that it isn't eventual belonging that keeps people around. It's immediate belonging. I was a VHLM GM myself (and generally recognized as a pretty solid one) for a bit, and I can tell you that there are a lot of impatient new people. If you don't get them in the community, feeling like they have a valuable place in it, right away, they're never going anywhere. Expecting someone to feel accepted based on one or two connections with people who have been around any longer simply isn't realistic, even if more can be made after a month or so. And yes, these things can happen with solid forum activity or joining the league server (which isn't for everyone), but that makes the mistake of assuming new people will just find a place in the community on their own. As an experienced member, you have to bring the community to them. It isn't a "build it and they will come" situation.
    To address concerns about ice time, which I understand I haven't yet...remember last season when some teams were packed and others barely had any players? There's plenty of ice time to be had; it just isn't being used correctly. This means that recreates aren't even the problem--the system is! To fix that, take a look at the last section of this article if you've never read it or you've forgotten about it since I wrote it. Give players the chance to decide what they want from every team, right away! With no waiver signing in a situation they didn't want to be in, everyone is happy.
    I'm almost convinced that the league is trained to hyperfixate on non-issues like "new members versus experienced members" so we don't try to do anything actually meaningful. We're all people!
  5. Like
    nurx got a reaction from Shindigs in Post Jardy Podcast VHLE Opinion   
    Hey guys I have just listened to @JardyB10 new podcast and have a massive change in my opinions. I have more of a thought that the VHLM is more of a new member guide. I think that we should be giving the newer members as much ice time as possible, so a change to the VHLM may be needed. I think that changing the VHLM to nearly a completely new member league may help. My idea comes from the fact that new members care a lot about VHLM stat. This means that if you are recreate player/ non-first-gen player you will play in the VHLM after you recreate but when the first draft occurs you will be ineligible to be drafted into the VHLM and play your season in the VHLE. This could mean that there will be more players in the VHLE and less in the VHLM, but the new members will likely be the stars in their teams. This rule would not apply to players who would be eligible for first gen things. 
  6. Like
    nurx got a reaction from a_Ferk in Post Jardy Podcast VHLE Opinion   
    Hey guys I have just listened to @JardyB10 new podcast and have a massive change in my opinions. I have more of a thought that the VHLM is more of a new member guide. I think that we should be giving the newer members as much ice time as possible, so a change to the VHLM may be needed. I think that changing the VHLM to nearly a completely new member league may help. My idea comes from the fact that new members care a lot about VHLM stat. This means that if you are recreate player/ non-first-gen player you will play in the VHLM after you recreate but when the first draft occurs you will be ineligible to be drafted into the VHLM and play your season in the VHLE. This could mean that there will be more players in the VHLE and less in the VHLM, but the new members will likely be the stars in their teams. This rule would not apply to players who would be eligible for first gen things. 
  7. Like
    nurx reacted to Gustav in Post Jardy Podcast VHLE Opinion   
    First off, I want to say that I think it's cool that you're bringing up an opinion that hasn't really been heard much--don't ever be afraid to do that!
    Second, I dislike everything about this, and here's why (no offense). I've written up (and plan to write) walls of text elsewhere on how much I hate the VHLE in general, and how it's already being treated completely differently from what it was intended to be, but I'll keep that opinion out of this as much as possible because it's not super relevant.
    We strive to be an inclusive community, right? In most senses of the word, in that context, you'd agree with me when I say that what that generally means is that we stand against racism, sexism, homophobia, all that bullshit that targets people who don't deserve it. Let's extend the definition a bit farther. No, I'm not saying that your idea is racist, sexist, homophobic, or even discriminatory--that would be ridiculous. It's not. But what happens to someone completely new who joins the community and gets herded off into a place that's entirely made up of other completely new people? 
    You can argue that the new people band together, figure things out on their own, and help each other grow. That's happened many times before in the VHLM, some very recently. Keep in mind, though, that that's the ideal situation, and that the argument for it depends on the assumption that every situation will be an ideal one. Often, things fall apart--with everyone being new, everyone is also clueless (and believe me, I've been in enough classes where I, and everyone I knew, was clueless to know that that isn't fun). You can imagine how things go at that point.
    Completely separate from that, and going back to the point I made about inclusivity: why is it ever a good idea to divide the member base over experience, especially when the people most affected by that division are new? We say we want to include everyone in our community, so why would we stick new people in a place where they're cut off from the rest of the community until they can prove they're good enough? That's some frat-house-ritual-type stuff right there. It's a valid point that the new people would see more ice time, but at some point someone is going to ask themselves, "why can't I play in the VHLE and learn from people who know what they're doing? I'm active (and probably have more TPE than many recreates if I'm active enough)!" There's no real answer to that, no real way to say that the VHLM is working to this type of person's benefit--and, even worse, it's a major turnoff for the most active first-gens in particular, who are really into the league and want to make it up as fast as they can. Of course, you as a first-gen yourself don't make this suggestion to say that you want first-gens to feel isolated from the rest of the community--but that's going to happen here, and I'm sure we'll see many new solid earners just like you suggesting that we just mix everyone together because they feel isolated. Point being: we cannot in good conscience claim to be inclusive if our system does not include in the community as a whole those who need it most.
    I hope that makes sense, and I still appreciate that you brought this up! Just my own opinion on the topic.
  8. Like
    nurx got a reaction from Acydburn in Post Jardy Podcast VHLE Opinion   
    Hey guys I have just listened to @JardyB10 new podcast and have a massive change in my opinions. I have more of a thought that the VHLM is more of a new member guide. I think that we should be giving the newer members as much ice time as possible, so a change to the VHLM may be needed. I think that changing the VHLM to nearly a completely new member league may help. My idea comes from the fact that new members care a lot about VHLM stat. This means that if you are recreate player/ non-first-gen player you will play in the VHLM after you recreate but when the first draft occurs you will be ineligible to be drafted into the VHLM and play your season in the VHLE. This could mean that there will be more players in the VHLE and less in the VHLM, but the new members will likely be the stars in their teams. This rule would not apply to players who would be eligible for first gen things. 
  9. Like
    nurx got a reaction from Moon in Post Jardy Podcast VHLE Opinion   
    Hey guys I have just listened to @JardyB10 new podcast and have a massive change in my opinions. I have more of a thought that the VHLM is more of a new member guide. I think that we should be giving the newer members as much ice time as possible, so a change to the VHLM may be needed. I think that changing the VHLM to nearly a completely new member league may help. My idea comes from the fact that new members care a lot about VHLM stat. This means that if you are recreate player/ non-first-gen player you will play in the VHLM after you recreate but when the first draft occurs you will be ineligible to be drafted into the VHLM and play your season in the VHLE. This could mean that there will be more players in the VHLE and less in the VHLM, but the new members will likely be the stars in their teams. This rule would not apply to players who would be eligible for first gen things. 
  10. Like
    nurx got a reaction from Ledge in nurx's Fantastic Podcast Ep. 2   

    Good morning, afternoon, or evening, here is the 2nd edition of my long boy podcast. Talk about a bunch of random junk but here is a general idea of what I spew about.

    1. What's happening in my life.
    2. Breaking down why I think D-men don't exist as a response to @BladeMaidenand @rjfryman
    3. Miami Marauders Blues
    4. Stockholm and Yun Chiang
    5. My problem with the VHLE

    Mentions: @BladeMaiden @rjfryman @Shindigs @Nothing but goals @Alexandre @a_Fork

    Claiming 12/12, 12/19
  11. Like
    nurx got a reaction from Ben in nurx's Fantastic Podcast Ep. 2   

    Good morning, afternoon, or evening, here is the 2nd edition of my long boy podcast. Talk about a bunch of random junk but here is a general idea of what I spew about.

    1. What's happening in my life.
    2. Breaking down why I think D-men don't exist as a response to @BladeMaidenand @rjfryman
    3. Miami Marauders Blues
    4. Stockholm and Yun Chiang
    5. My problem with the VHLE

    Mentions: @BladeMaiden @rjfryman @Shindigs @Nothing but goals @Alexandre @a_Fork

    Claiming 12/12, 12/19
  12. Like
    nurx got a reaction from Lemorse7 in nurx's Fantastic Podcast Ep. 2   

    Good morning, afternoon, or evening, here is the 2nd edition of my long boy podcast. Talk about a bunch of random junk but here is a general idea of what I spew about.

    1. What's happening in my life.
    2. Breaking down why I think D-men don't exist as a response to @BladeMaidenand @rjfryman
    3. Miami Marauders Blues
    4. Stockholm and Yun Chiang
    5. My problem with the VHLE

    Mentions: @BladeMaiden @rjfryman @Shindigs @Nothing but goals @Alexandre @a_Fork

    Claiming 12/12, 12/19
  13. Like
    nurx got a reaction from Shindigs in My thoughts on the E as Recruitment, M GM and a Semi New Player   
    I thought I would insert my little point of view. The VHLE absolutely is killing us. Any player that max earns will not spend more than 1 year in the VHLM which is an important thing to note because that is what causes teams to only compete for 1 or 2 seasons. If maybe you raised the TPE max in the VHLM to 300? You could make it so players have more time to spend in the VHLM. You would need to increase the teams in the VHLM, but in reality the best way to fix the issues wiht theV VHLM is to just make it so teams can rely on players for more then one season. @Shindigs joined us at the start of this season through waivers and he likely will not be drafted into the VHLM and I also was not drafted into the VHLM. I think it is super important to improve the VHLM since that is where new players see the league and the first step to improving the league is giving the VHLM GMs players that they can rely on for more than one season. 
  14. Like
    nurx got a reaction from Shindigs in nurx's Late Night Talks Ep.2   
  15. Like
    nurx reacted to Spartan in nurx's Late Night Talks Ep.2   
    Good luck with finals! Your podcast is some nice asmr lol
  16. Like
    nurx reacted to JardyB10 in nurx's Late Night Talks Ep.2   
    I concur, he has a very soft and sweet voice!
    - Finals are a brutal time of year for all you kids! Good luck with them, and enjoy the holiday season after
    - I'm glad you enjoyed the podcast! I've been doing a lot of them lately it seems 😅
    - @Moderator plz ban the man, he's making other people's feet cold  
    Very nice listen, I need to get on board with these legitimately short podcasts, haha
  17. Like
    nurx got a reaction from JardyB10 in nurx's Late Night Talks Ep.2   
  18. Like
    nurx got a reaction from JardyB10 in nurx's Late Night Talks Ep.2   
    also i guess i mention @JardyB10
  19. Like
    nurx got a reaction from Lemorse7 in nurx's Late Night Talks Ep.2   
  20. Cheers
    nurx got a reaction from Spartan in nurx's Late Night Talks Ep.2   
    that is the goal haha
  21. Like
    nurx reacted to Ben in Ben Dahl talks about what he did in the off-season   
    With the off-season over and the new season underway players are beginning to go back to their main routine and training to get better on the ice. Every hockey player spend their off-season different though weather it’s skiing in the mountains  or going deep sea diving or just practicing on their game everyone one is unique. We are thankful that we were able to get to talk VHLM goalie Ben Dahl.
        “You know I do pretty normal Normal things that I think any other regular person do, I watch Netflix stay up way too late and just overall try to have a good time in the off-season. Off course I practice on my game I’m paid to do this I have to put effort year around in order to be successful I mean it’s my job I’m good at it so I’m paid to do it. Which means I have to work even harder to get better and better everyday. If you don’t try hard if you just let yourself go it may feel good I’m the beginning that you have no responsibility’s. Then when you come back and you’re so far behind it’s frustrating and depressing and you end up back where you started just trying to take your mind off things all you want to feel is success. I mean also love hitting the club and getting with some hot girls there is nothing like getting some Instagram models number. Then going and bragging your friends about how you meet this ten out of ten and you got here number and she’s coming over to your place later. I don’t think theirs a better feeling in the world just partying having a fun time with some hot girls, yeah that’s my type of might for sure sad thing is I can really only do it in the off-season. I also loving trying new food while I can somewhat do this while we are Traveling to different city’s it always has to be something healthy I can never be normal and eat a ton of food I mean a ton of food. One time I want to a all you can eat buffet and I got kicked out after almost eating all of the food they had. Man I love crab legs they are for sure the best food you can get at a buffet it’s just so good and cheap I just can’t get enough I’m willing to shove people out of the way for crab legs. I mean I’m not the crazy though wel I guess I am. At the end of the day though if you put in the work and make sure you try hard when you practice you are gonna find a lot of success at whatever you do especially working during the off season is a huge thing. You can come back as a totally different player and feel a new way when you step on the rink it’s a good feeling. Putting the work in during the off season is a great feeling.”
  22. Like
    nurx got a reaction from Shindigs in nurx's Late Night Talks EP. 1   
  23. Like
    nurx got a reaction from JardyB10 in Bite Size Berocka #4   
    forget anyone there? i am surprised you didn't accidentally mention someone who didn't make a podcast
  24. Like
    nurx got a reaction from JardyB10 in nurx's Late Night Talks EP. 1   
  25. Like
    nurx got a reaction from Berocka in MegaBite Sized Berocka #2   
    Little late with this review because I have been busy but great podcast.
    - Completely agree with you that a ask 3 answer 3 system would be much better. I know I struggle asking those 6 questions every week. 
    - Podcasts are the greatest point tasks for sure. I for sure want to see more podcasts getting reviews because I know I appreciate the podcast reviewing. I honestly think that reviewing podcasts might even be worth 3 points because of how much people like jardy are putting them into these comments.
    - Graphics and podcast tournaments could be fun, but I mean unlike graphics and media spots you can tell who is podcasting based on voices. I mean podcasts are for sure the best but the competition will likely end up just being a popularity contest.
    Review: For sure a bunch of good information here, but for sure driving probably didn't help. I know I listen to the podcasts while driving, but let's be honest recording a podcast while driving is likely not the move to have very strong points prepared. In all though very solid podcast! 9/10
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