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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. He obviously only want's to GM good teams. Smart man imho.
  2. I can retire and go to Bern now. Going on recent events, look for %#*&@ !)®ö¾ to be created soon.
  3. Don't be like these guys, show some humility!
  4. Yeah....I'll be calling him Wesley. Just Wesley.
  5. Exactly 25mb....good job!
  6. Born in South Africa and left for Germany around 14yo. Do I get a choice?
  7. Congrats Toast...and the rest of you. Good luck.
  8. Team effort.
  9. Because we good, sucker. Alex, are you ready to answer my question from last week? Who are some of your favorite authors? Which playoff sig has been your favorite so far?
  10. BOOM


  11. Pick the winner, all three correct will earn 1 TPE (N/A is an answer here) Game 5: - Game 6: - Game 7: N/A Predict the score, Correctly predict the score and winner for 3 TPE Game 5: @ - 4-2 Predict the leading point earner of the series for 1 TPE Bismarck Koenig Predict the leading penalty minutes earner for 1 TPE James Faraday Predict the leading special teams goals earner for 1 TPE Thomas O'Malley
  12. He could sim while in a coma(if he wanted to).
  13. Thanks for the update.
  14. I'm hopeless at detecting sarcasm
  15. Kill that liver!
  16. Bitcoins?
  17. Thanks Chris(and Stockholm). Great effort this season by you guys. Now, go enjoy Valhalla. Bear season is now open.
  18. Ha, get that North Star shit outta here.
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